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GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

GCSE American West L7 – The Gold Rush and the 49’ers

This lesson contains: A starter task to recap previous learning from the course. A YouTube video introducing the gold rush and how it began, followed by some basic comprehension and thinking questions. An activity to study the information provided to complete questions on why people went for gold and how mining towns grew. A larger activity on the consequences of the growth of mining, from effects on Indians, violence, the economy etc. Students use the information provided to complete the mind map worksheet. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L13 & L14 - The Munich Putsch

GCSE Germany L13 & L14 - The Munich Putsch

LESSON 1: An overview of the short, medium and long term reasons for the Munich Putsch. A discussion of the plans for the Putsch and a YouTube video to give a good overview of the Putsch. An activity to write reasons why it failed. A colour-coding activity to discover the consequences for Hitler and the Nazis. A plenary quiz. LESSON TWO: An overview of the events of the Putsch. A chance to study two differing interpretations on the success or failure of the Putsch. An activity to go over with students how to correctly answer the interpretations question and a guide to answer it in full. A handout with the two interpretations and space to write.
GCSE Cold War L16 - Detente

GCSE Cold War L16 - Detente

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous course knowledge. An overview of Detente as an idea eminating from the fear of nuclear war and the expense of building up weapons. An activity for students to summarise the reasons why the USA and USSR wanted Detente. A detailed look at SALT 1 using the YouTube video and the information provided to complete the first part of the worksheet. A look at other events with similar consolidation activities for the Helsinki Accords and SALT 2. A plenary activity to do an exam question for two consequences of the Detente period with an additional plenary to consider who came out the best from Detente. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Powerpoint 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

This lesson contains: A starter which gives the background of the Chernobyl disaster to lead onto this lesson about change in policy. A task to note down information from the slides about the problems facing the USSR in the 1980s including social issues, lack of freedom, living standards and economic problems. An introduction into Gorbachev and his new thinking ideas. Students use the information provided to complete the info on glasnost and perestroika. An overview of the summits with Reagan and the INF Treaty. Students complete a table to store the info all together. An introduction into the impact on relations from Gorbachev’s actions, including his impact with the people of the USSR and with the U.S. Students complete the worksheet. A plenary quiz at the end to consolidate their knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L4 - Atomic Bombs and Declining Relations

GCSE Cold War L4 - Atomic Bombs and Declining Relations

This lesson contains: A starter to recap some of the knowledge so far in the course. A discussion about the success or failure of the three conferences going forward into the rest of the 1940’s. Students judge how well the USSR came out of these negotiations and what they gained. An overview of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan after Postdam with images of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Students consider how Stalin might react. An opportunity to analyse a historian’s opinion of Stalin’s next steps, then use the guided reading on the worksheet to complete the questions down the side about the impact of the use of the atomic bombs. An overview of the Long Telegram and Novikov Telegram and their consequences. A discussion of what Stalin would do next after the telegrams. A plenary to write to Truman recommending how to contain communism without starting a war. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

This lesson contains: A starter to put events in the correct order to practice knowledge recall and narrative skills. An overview of the satellite states and where they were, as well as the intention of Stalin to create a buffer zone. This is added to by a short YouTube video and consolidation questions on the worksheet and a map colouring exercise. An activity to use the information provided about the spread of communism throughout Europe to complete a table to show the trends of the Soviet strategy of take over. Information and a YouTube video on the Iron Curtain. Students complete questions on this. A plenary to either complete a source analysis on the worksheet provided or attempt an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

This lesson contains: An introduction to the ‘open range’ and why the cowboys moved from working on the range rather than performing cattle drives. A task to study the reasons why the cattle drives ended and the role of cowboys declined. Students read the information provided and put the reasons into order of importance. A discussion of the winter of 1886-87 and the consequences of the great ‘die-up’. An opportunity to study the role barbed wire played in the decline of cowboys by studying an exam exemplar and picking out facts and importance words in the answer, then having a go at their own exam question using similar criteria. A plenary crossword with the keys words from the cattle ranging and cowboys lessons. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Germany L19 & L20 - Hitler from Chancellor to Dictator

GCSE Germany L19 & L20 - Hitler from Chancellor to Dictator

LESSON 1: A starter to recap previous knowledge from the course. An overview of the difficult situation Hitler was still in, surrounded and controlled as chancellor with little power. An activity to take notes about the Reichstag Fire and Enabling Act. A Cornell Notes activity to make notes as the slides move on and give an overview of the Night of the Long Knives. The causes, events and consequences are covered by a YouTube video and the students make notes on their worksheet. ** LESSON 2:** A starter to recap the Night of the Long Knives events. An opportunity to complete the consequences of the event using on-board guidance. A video to summarise the relationship between Hitler and Von Hindenberg, and then his death and the effect it had on Hitler’s proclamation of Fuhrer.  An activity to complete a timeline graph of the events which led to Hitler becoming dictator. Students assess the importance of each on the graph. A choice of plenaries: the first is a discussion about how Hitler overcame certain obstacles and the second is a source analysis. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 5 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L16 - The Impact of the Depression on Germany

GCSE Germany L16 - The Impact of the Depression on Germany

This lesson contains: A discussion of a starter image of America sneezing. Students interpret the quote about America sneezing and everyone else getting a cold. A background into the situation by 1928 after the failure at the elections and the Nazis struggling. This is consolidated by an interpretations question. An introduction to the Great Depression using info and a YouTube video to discuss the impact it might have on Germany. A worksheet task to complete a gap fill diagram to show how the Depression in the USA affected German businesses, the economy and then the people, resulting in increased popularity for the Nazis. Excellent to keep in their books. A task to study reasons why people now started voting for the Nazis from different social groups. There is a consolidation task on this at the end. A plenary to argue for or against the views of two women sat at a cafe table. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Germany L24 - Opposition to the Nazis

GCSE Germany L24 - Opposition to the Nazis

This lesson contains: A starter on the board to recap some previous knowledge. An introduction to opposition to the Nazis using a YouTube video and some discussion questions on the side of the PPT to answer. A Cornell Notes worksheet which the students use to complete info on the different resistance groups including the Edelweiss Pirates, Swing Youth, the army itself and members of the clergy. An opportunity to write 5-8 questions on the worksheet and complete a summary of what they have learned to consolidate. A chance to study a source and practice source analysis on it using the on-screen guidance. A plenary to complete a tick sheet to show the effectiveness of the opposition and how much of a threat each group was. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File 2 x Word Files
GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

GCSE Cold War L18 - Reagan & the Second Cold War

This lesson contains: A starter to recall previous knowledge. A background of the end of Carter’s presidency and the rise of Ronald Reagan, including his feelings about Communism and using a short YouTube video to show some of the jokes he made about Communism. Another YouTube video giving a background of Reagan and his views about the USSR with a consolidation exercise using the information sheet provided. An opportunity to study Reagan’s defensive policies, studying the information and completing the given questions. A brief overview of SDI and then a longer study of the consequences using the information provided. Its impact on the USSR is covered. A guided narrative question with PPT support for it. And a plenary with recap questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L12 - The Development of the Berlin Wall

GCSE Cold War L12 - The Development of the Berlin Wall

This lesson contains: A starter to put events from the course in chronological order. A background of the refugee crisis and the Berlin tensions. This also includes the request by Walter Ulbricht to build a barrier. A study of why the Wall was built. Students complete the sentences to summarise why. An on-board explanation of how the Wall was built from the first wire fence to the concrete structures. Students consolidate this by complete the diagram on the worksheet to show the features of the Wall. A YouTube video which brings to life the building of the Berlin Wall and those who tried to explain. The consequences of the Berlin Wall and a YouTube video of Kennedy’s speech and its effects. Students complete the consequences using the information provided. A choice of plenaries: an exam question or a revision quiz. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

This lesson contains: A starter gap fill which recaps prior knowledge from the course. An introduction to the arms race using a source image to elicit responses. An embedded video of my own making which summarises the arms race and the creation of different weapons from the A bombs, H bombs and ICBMs. A consolidation activity using the information provided to complete extension questions and a timeline activity for the arms race. A discussion of MAD and what it means using a source to elicit the information then go over it using the on-board info. A task to read the guided reading on the new leaders in 1953 (Eisenhower and Khrushchev) and what impact they had on relations at the time. A plenary set of questions in a fun ‘tell your advisors’ format, and a plenary to watch a bit of ‘Duck and Cover’ and discuss it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

GCSE American West L5 – Why People Migrated West

This lesson contains: A task to introduce the reasons why people went West using a map of my own creation (editable on the PPT) and annotating the Mormon trail, California Trail and Oregon Trail with info from the PPTs. The slides will give info on the importance of the Oregon Trail also, and why it was traversed. A introduction to the belief of Manifest Destiny. A worksheet task to study the reasons people went West and to sort them by importance as pushes and pulls, but also overall. A task to study what problems the migrants faced along the way. This can be extended by looking at the Donner Party using the information provided and answering some comprehension questions on this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L12 - Early Nazi Party

GCSE Germany L12 - Early Nazi Party

This lesson contains: An overview of Adolf Hitler’s frustrations after WW1. An activity to describe the goals of the early DAP and Anton Drexler. A mind mapping activity to use the information on the sheet and the PPT to make notes on Hitler’s personal appeal, the 25 Points, the SA, the new leaders in the Party and the organisation of the new NSDAP under Hitler, including the salute and the swastika. A plenary review task to discuss whether the changes to the early party paid off and brought in members. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

GCSE Germany L21 - Nazi Terror and Control

This lesson contains: An introduction to the methods used by the Nazis to control people. A YouTube video which summarises the main methods of fear and terror used to control the masses, including the SS, SD, Gestapo, Concentration Camps and the Courts. Students use Cornell Notes to make notes as it plays. A longer, indepth look at concentration camps, including the spread of them, the way people were treated and the badges. An indepth literacy task to write an exam-style question as the students research using the information sheets provided. This is advanced, as the students not only read the info, they have to process the info and then convert it into an exam response all at the same time. A choice of plenaries: either a comprehension quiz, or a source skills exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE Germany L22 - Nazi Propaganda

GCSE Germany L22 - Nazi Propaganda

This lesson contains: A starter quiz based on previous course material. An introduction to the role of Goebbels as propaganda minister. A Youtube Video to emphasis the role of propaganda and its aims. An activity on the worksheet provided, with students making notes on rallies, newspapers, radio, film, lierature, art architecture, sports and censorship as forms of propaganda. A review activity to consider the most effective methods. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentations 1 x Publisher File
Civil War L1 & L2 - What Were the Causes of the Civil War

Civil War L1 & L2 - What Were the Causes of the Civil War

This lesson contains: A starter task to check students’ chronological knowledge of the common monarchs studied at KS3. Feel free to change or alter (or add) as needed. An overview of what a civil war is. Students have an opportunity to discuss this and then write down a definition. Students then find out it is between Charles and parliament. There is a chance here to discuss what parliament is, if the students don’t already know it. The students can then be shown an overview slide that shows the death toll and impact the war will go on to have. An activity to note down, from teacher-led slides, the beliefs which Charles held. This will help to build a picture of the reasons why a potential conflict might arise. This includes his power beliefs (divine right of kings), his religious beliefs and his financial beliefs. This helps later when the students categorise the reasons for the war into these groups. There is a video giving an overview of the causes of the Civil War that students may find interesting. It is made by English Heritage. A main activity which might span over the two lessons. This is to follow the narrative of events (a 3 page information booklet provided) and complete their timeline on the worksheet provided. This maps out the major events in the road to war. For each event, students summarise what caused the disagreement and then judge, using the scale, how much guilt Charles had for each event. The students will then colour-code the timeline to show whether the cause is to do with power, money or religion. There Is then a chance to do a write up using the evidence they have gained. This is to decide whether Charles was to blame. The students could be asked to also do a ‘one hand, other hand’ piece of work if you prefer. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
KS3 Normans - Why Did William Win the Battle of Hastings?

KS3 Normans - Why Did William Win the Battle of Hastings?

Lesson One: A starter confirming Harold’s resistance to William’s attacks and using a source to anticipate what kind of man Harold was. An overview of the different soldiers each side had and students use the information provided to note down the advantages of each side. A discussion of the battlefield at Hastings on Senlac Hill. Students label a picture of the layout with the troops on each side and the advantages of Harold’s position. They discuss what strategies both sides could use to win. A video is used (10 mins) that explains the events that took place with some consolidation questions. A final activity to do a true and false plenary. Lesson Two: An introduction with a quote from Marc Morris about William’s victory being due to incredible luck - students will debate this at the end. An on-board animated recap of the battle with some actions and discussion questions along the way. Sources at the end to discuss the final moments of the battle. A task to colour-code the reasons why William won as luck, strategy or William himself. Students then use this to write up why William won using the on-board guidence to argue with Marc morris (that it was luck) or against (pick another factor). Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Word Files 1 x Publisher File
GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

GCSE American West L2 & L3 – The Plains Indians

This double lesson contains: A starter to consider some images of Plains Indians doing a buffalo dance and what we can learn. An introduction into the lives of the Plains Indians. Students can have a copy of the worksheet. This has always been most effective as an A3 organiser. For the tribe structure, this is done on the PPT, teacher led. The importance of horses and buffalo uses the information sheet provided. The Plains Indians beliefs is done by a YouTube video and student take notes in the relevant boxes. Then for attitudes to war, this is a YouTube video and the information sheet in combination. This will spill over from lesson 1 into lesson 2 on this topic. A final activity in which students connect the problems Indians faced on the Plains with the solution they found. A plenary quiz drawing on both lessons of this topic. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word Files 2 x Publisher Files