An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
An essential ally for school leaders at all levels. Comprehensively planned CPD, reliable resource packs and extensive guidance created with you in mind.
Looking to explore the subject of PE in-depth or hoping to feel more confident about an upcoming PE Deep Dive? Tailored for PE subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions that are specific to Physical Education, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
PE Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about physical education (PE) to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As PE subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of PE in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many PE subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a PE Ofsted deep dive.
PE Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 PE deep dive questions for secondary leaders and PE and sports department heads to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource focuses on secondary PE and includes questions about secondary-focused areas, such as the routes available for pupils who wish to take their knowledge of PE into further education, employment or training.
PE Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for PE covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ PE, sport and swimming subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in PE, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing PE lessons, asking pupils about their learning in PE and looking through recordings.
Whether you have an Ofsted inspection due or not, conducting an internal deep dive can help you to identify your subject’s strengths and weaknesses. Use it as a collaborative process that can support other staff members to develop and use your findings to report back to SLT, governors or trustees as part of your curriculum quality assurance.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website Honeyguide SLS.
Looking to explore RE in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming RE or RS Deep Dive? Tailored for RE and humanities subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Religious Education, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
Religious Education (RE) Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about RE to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As religious education subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of RE in your school and explore specific areas, such as the different faiths in your chosen curriculum. Many RE subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Religious Education Ofsted deep dive.
Religious Education (RE) and Religious Studies (RS) Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 RS deep dive questions for secondary leaders and RE, RS or humanities department heads to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource focuses on secondary RS and RE and includes questions about secondary-focused areas, such as the routes available for pupils who wish to take their enjoyment of RS into further education, employment or training.
RE Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for RE covering primary and secondary content, plus religion- and faith-specific subject knowledge questions in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Bahá’í Faith, Humanism and Atheism. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ knowledge in the general principles of RE teaching, as well as the subject knowledge needed to teach different religions, faiths and beliefs.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in RE, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing RE lessons, asking pupils about their learning in RE and looking through workbooks and other evidence.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore PSHE, RSE and/or RSHE in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming PSHE Deep Dive? Tailored for PSHE, relationships and health education, or pastoral and welfare subject leaders, including those with responsibility for personal development, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of PSHE and RSE plus health education, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
PSHE and Relationships Education and Health Education (RHE) Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions covering PSHE, relationships education and health education at a primary level to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As PSHE subject leader or staff member with responsibility for personal development, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of PSHE and/or RHE in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. These can be useful to practise with other leaders to build confidence in preparation for a PSHE or RSE Ofsted deep dive or when Ofsted carry out ‘shallow paddles’.
PSHE, and Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education (RSHE) Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 PSHE and RSE deep dive questions for secondary leaders to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource has a deeper focus on relationships and sex education (RSE), such as healthy relationships and consent, sexual relationships and other areas of personal and social development that teenagers may encounter.
PSHE, Relationships, RSE and Health Education Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for PSHE, RSE and health education. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ subject knowledge in this area.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive or shallow dive in PSHE, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing RSE/RSHE sessions and asking pupils about their learning in PSHE.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website.
Looking to explore the primary writing, SPAG and spoken language in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming English Deep Dive? Tailored for primary English subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions when exploring writing and its components, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
Writing, SPAG and Spoken Language Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about all aspects of primary writing and spoken language to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As a subject leader of English, writing or oracy, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of writing and spoken language in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many literacy subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a English Ofsted deep dive.
Writing, SPAG and Spoken Language Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for spoken language, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPAG) covering EYFS, KS1 and KS2 . They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ English writing subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in writing, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing writing or GPS sessons and looking through work or folders.
Whether you have an Ofsted inspection due or not, conducting an internal deep dive can help you to identify your subject’s strengths and weaknesses. Use it as a collaborative process that can support other staff members to develop and use your findings to report back to SLT, governors or trustees as part of your curriculum quality assurance.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore the primary Reading and Phonics in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Reading Deep Dive? Tailored for primary English subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions when exploring reading and phonics, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
Reading and Phonics Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about both reading and phonics to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As a subject leader of English, reading or phonics, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of reading and phonics in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many literacy subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Reading Ofsted deep dive.
Reading and Phonics Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for both reading and phonics covering EYFS, KS1 and KS2 . They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ reading and phonics subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in early reading and phonics, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing reading or phonics sessons, listening to pupils read and looking through work or folders.
Whether you have an Ofsted inspection due or not, conducting an internal deep dive can help you to identify your subject’s strengths and weaknesses. Use it as a collaborative process that can support other staff members to develop and use your findings to report back to SLT, governors or trustees as part of your curriculum quality assurance.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website.
Looking to explore Maths in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Maths Deep Dive? Tailored for Maths subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Mathematics, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Maths Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about Maths to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As mathematics subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Maths in your school and explore specific areas, such as fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Many maths subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Maths Ofsted deep dive.
Maths Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 Maths deep dive questions for secondary leaders and maths department heads to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource focuses on secondary Maths and includes questions about secondary-focused areas, such as the routes available for pupils who wish to take their knowledge of Maths into further education, employment or training.
Maths Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Maths covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ maths fluency and calculation subject knowledge as well as the understanding of the reasoning and problem solving skills that pupils need to acquire.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in maths, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Maths lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Maths and looking through workbooks and other maths evidence.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide-SLS
Looking to explore secondary English or drama in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming English Deep Dive? Tailored for English department heads and/or Drama leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of both English and Drama, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
Secondary English and Drama Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about English and Drama to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject/department leaders, teachers and pupils. As Drama or English department lead, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of English and Drama in your school and explore specific areas, such as reading, writing, spoken language, grammar, linguistics and performance. Many English / Drama leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a English Ofsted deep dive.
Secondary English and Drama Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for English and Drama covering KS3 and KS4. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ English or Drama subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive or shallow dive in secondary English and Drama, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing English lessons or Drama sessions, asking pupils about their learning in English and Drama, and looking through any English work, drama performance recording or other evidence.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore Maths in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Maths Deep Dive? Tailored for Maths subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Mathematics, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in the pack:
Maths Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about Maths to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As mathematics subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Maths in your school and explore specific areas, such as fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Many maths subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Maths Ofsted deep dive.
Maths Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 Maths deep dive questions for secondary leaders and maths department heads to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource focuses on secondary Maths and includes questions about secondary-focused areas, such as the routes available for pupils who wish to take their knowledge of Maths into further education, employment or training.
Maths Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Maths covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ maths fluency and calculation subject knowledge as well as the understanding of the reasoning and problem solving skills that pupils need to acquire.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in maths, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Maths lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Maths and looking through workbooks and other maths evidence.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore the subject of Science in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Science Deep Dive? Tailored for Science subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Science, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Science Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Primary) - over 100 deep dive questions about Science to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Science subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Science in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Science and STEM subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Science Ofsted deep dive.
Science Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit (Secondary) - KS3, KS4 and KS5 Science deep dive questions for secondary leaders and Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics department heads to consider. While there is crossover with the primary set of deep dive questions, this resource focuses on secondary Science and includes questions about secondary-focused areas, such as the routes available for pupils who wish to take their knowledge of Science into further education, employment or training.
Science Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Science covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics subject knowledge as well as the understanding of the Working Scientifically skills that pupils need to acquire.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in Science, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Science lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Science and looking through work and or evidence from practicals and experiments.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore the subject of Geography in-depth or hoping to feel more confident about an upcoming Geography Deep Dive? Tailored for Geography subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions that are specific to Geography, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Geography Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about Geography to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Geography subject leader, you can use these to reflect on the current picture of Geography in your setting and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Geography subject leads find it helpful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Geography Ofsted deep dive.
Geography Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Geography covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore staff Geography subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in Geography, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Geography lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Geography and looking through work.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website Honeyguide SLS.
Want to explore the subject of Art and Design in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Art Deep Dive? Tailored for Art and Design subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Art and Design, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Art and Design Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about Art and Design to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Art subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Art and Design in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Art and Design subject leads find it helpful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for an Art Ofsted deep dive.
Art and Design Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Art and Design covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ Art subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in Art and Design, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Art lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Art and Design and looking through portfolios of artwork.
This pack is available for £12.50 on our website.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS.
Looking to explore the subject of Computing in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Computing Deep Dive? Tailored for Computing subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Computing and ICT, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Computing Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about Computing and ICT to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Computing subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Computing in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Computing subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Computing Ofsted deep dive.
Computing Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Computing covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ ICT subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in Computing, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Computing lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Computing and looking through digital work and outcomes.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website Honeyguide SLS.
Wanting to explore the subject of History in-depth or looking to feel more confident about an upcoming History Deep Dive? This pack, ideal for History subject leaders, helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions that are specific to History, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
History Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - your source of over 100 deep dive questions about History that can be asked of senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As History subject leader, you can use these to reflect on the current picture of History in your setting and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many History subject leads also choose to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a History Ofsted deep dive.
History Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for History covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore staff History subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in History, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing History lessons, asking pupils about their learning in History and looking through work.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS.
Looking to explore the subject of Music in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Music Deep Dive? Tailored for Music subject leaders, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Music, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Music Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about Music to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Music subject leader, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Music in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Music subject leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Music Ofsted deep dive.
Music Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Music covering KS1, KS2 and KS3. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ Music subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive in Music, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Music lessons, asking pupils about their learning in Music and looking through work and performance recordings.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting our website Honeyguide SLS
Looking to explore the subject of Citizenship in-depth and build confidence about an upcoming Citizenship Deep Dive? Tailored for Citizenship subject leaders or those with responsibility for personal development, this bundle helps you to consider intent, implementation and impact questions across the breadth of Citizenship, allowing you to consider areas of strength and weakness so you can plan for improvement and (if you feel you need to) prepare for Ofsted.
Included in this pack:
Citizenship Deep Dive and Subject Evaluation Audit - over 100 deep dive questions about Citizenship to ask stakeholders, including senior leaders, subject leaders, teachers and pupils. As Citizenship subject leader or staff member with responsibility for personal development, you can utilise these to reflect on the current picture of Citizenship in your school and explore specific areas further when listening to staff and pupil voice. Many Citizenship leads find it useful to practise them with other leaders to build their own confidence in preparation for a Citizenship Ofsted deep dive or when Ofsted carry out ‘shallow paddles’.
Citizenship Subject Knowledge Question Bank - content-specific questions for Citizenship covering KS3 and KS4. They’re ideal if you’re wanting to explore the finer details of staff members’ Citizenship subject knowledge.
Deep Dive Process Overview - use this to structure your internal deep dive or shallow dive in Citizenship, working through the process of identifying your perceived strengths and weaknesses, observation and questioning, and creating a plan of action.
Deep Dive Evidence Exploration - a handy place to collate all your observation notes when conducting a deep dive, including observing Citizenship lessons or sessions, asking pupils about their learning in Citizenship and looking through any work or evidence.
Whether you have an Ofsted inspection due or not, conducting an internal deep dive can help you to identify your subject’s strengths and weaknesses. Use it as a collaborative process that can support other staff members to develop and use your findings to report back to SLT, governors or trustees as part of your curriculum quality assurance.
This pack is available on our website for £12.50.
You can find more curriculum resources by visiting Honeyguide SLS
This supportive bundle, designed for headteachers, principals and school business managers, gives you four cost saving toolkits that you can utilise to explore how to maximise income coming into your school as well as reduce unnecessary costs. Each toolkit covers a key pain point in school budget management:
low pupils numbers
high staffing costs
managing SEND and linked budgetary costs
planning an effective and efficient school budget.
These provide ideas and reflective questions to work through in order to identify cost-saving measures, supporting your thought process when managing and balancing your entire school budget. Headteachers, principals, academy heads, executive heads or anyone with responsibility and oversight of a school budget will find this pack extremely useful, particularly if cost savings need to be made to create a sustainable budget. All documents are fully editable and in Word .docx format.
Struggling to get release time to monitor Geography or having to complete subject monitoring in your PPA? This Ten-Minute Subject Monitoring in Geography Pack provides a solution to the challenges of having a high level of accountability as a primary subject leader but not having the time to complete the monitoring activities necessary - often because of factors beyond your control, such as the school budget, booking supply or getting cover.
Ten-minute subject monitoring works by identifying different time slots where you can be away from your teaching commitments in order to conduct a precise and focused subject monitoring activity on one element, such as a book look focusing on one strand of the Geography curriculum or a single 10-minute lesson drop-in. So rather than trying to find a full afternoon’s cover to conduct a term or half-term’s worth of monitoring, you can spread monitoring across a term by choosing slots where teaching and learning in your own classroom won’t be impacted.
Aimed at primary Geography subject leads (or those line managing a Geography subject leader), this pack walks you through the entire process and is full of ideas on how to find and utilise ten-minute time slots for subject monitoring. It also explores what you should be looking for in your monitoring when it comes to the four strands of substantive knowledge in Geography; locational knowledge, place knowledge, environmental, human and physical processes and geographical skills, as well as disciplinary knowledge in Geography.
Further subject leader resources are available on our website.
Struggling to get release time to monitor History or having to complete subject monitoring in your PPA? This Ten-Minute Subject Monitoring in History Pack provides a solution to the challenges of having a high level of accountability as a primary subject leader but not having the time to complete the monitoring activities necessary - often because of factors beyond your control, such as the school budget, booking supply or getting cover.
Ten-minute subject monitoring works by identifying different time slots where you can be away from your teaching commitments in order to conduct a precise and focused subject monitoring activity on one element, such as a book look focusing on one strand of the History curriculum or a single 10-minute lesson drop-in. So rather than trying to find a full afternoon’s cover to conduct a term or half-term’s worth of monitoring, you can spread monitoring across a term by choosing slots where teaching and learning in your own classroom won’t be impacted.
Aimed at primary History subject leads (or those line managing a History subject leader), this pack walks you through the entire process and is full of ideas on how to find and utilise ten-minute time slots for subject monitoring, as well as what you should be looking for in your monitoring when it comes to substantive knowledge and concepts, disciplinary knowledge and concepts, plus the chronological knowledge and historical terms and phenomena pupils need to grasp.
Further subject leader resources can be found on our website.
Are you looking for a thorough and comprehensive safeguarding and child protection training INSET pack to inform school staff about the KCSIE 2024 updates this September? This cost-effective, ready-to-deliver safeguarding refresher PowerPoint, including accompanying scenarios and quizzes, is exactly what you need! In line with Part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, it’s an excellent time-saver for anyone responsible for delivering safeguarding training and updates at the beginning of the academic year, during INSET sessions and beyond.
This 73-slide Annual Safeguarding Refresher Training has been created from the most up-to-date version of the 2024 KCSIE.
Throughout the training, you’ll explore the fundamental aspects of safeguarding children and our role as school staff in helping to keep children and young people safe from harm. Utilising statutory safeguarding documentation, including Working Together to Safeguarding Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, the training covers the signs and indicators of the following safeguarding issues:
The four types of child abuse:
Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Other safeguarding aspects, including:
Domestic Abuse
Online Safety
Child Exploitation, including Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism (The Prevent Duty)
Child-On-Child Abuse
Harmful Practices, including Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Children Missing Education
Staff Roles and Responsibilities
Taking Disclosures, Reporting Concerns and Asking Non-Leading Questions
Throughout the training there are key safeguarding discussion points, relatable scenarios and supportive quizzes to gauge staff knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding issues and approaches to keeping children safe covered.
Further safeguarding training materials can be found on our website.
Thinking about doing a spot check on your safeguarding and child protection procedures or wondering what Ofsted will ask about safeguarding when they visit? This pack, perfect for school leaders and DSLs, has been designed to give you the tools to gather a snapshot view of safeguarding in your setting, allowing you to gain insight into how others could view your safeguarding practice.
Fully up to date with the latest 2024 Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and the September 2024 changes to safeguarding in the Ofsted School Inspection Handbook, this bundle is designed to support DSLs, school and trust leaders. It contains five fully editable templates that allow you to gather information about the effectiveness of your current safeguarding practices over a short period of time, similar to how Ofsted would gather safeguarding information during an inspection. The questions within are designed in a safeguarding deep dive style and you can pick and choose from the huge range available if you’re looking to test out how robust your safeguarding processes are, meaning you can use the pack multiple times where needed. You can gather information about your school’s culture of safeguarding by using the following editable documents in this bundle pack:
Safeguarding Deep Dive Questions
Safeguarding Spot Check Questions
Safeguarding Deep Dive Questions for Pupils
Single Central Record Monitoring Checklist
Safeguarding Document Checklist
This pack is available on our website for £10.