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The Rhineland : 1936

The Rhineland : 1936

A comprehensive decision making activity. Great review activity and connects with many other causes of World War 2.
The Causes Of WW1

The Causes Of WW1

A PowerPoint with video links that covers 8 causes of the war.Supported with activity timeline / worksheet and neat ranking activity.
Nazi Propaganda Methods

Nazi Propaganda Methods

A look at Goebbels and his role as Minister For Propaganda. 1: have students colour code sources / info into categories 2: Have them make summary notes into template.
The Holocaust PPT

The Holocaust PPT

A PPT that covers : Jewish history Background, Reasons for Persecution, the Nuremberg Laws, Propaganda, Kristallnacht, The Warsaw Ghetto, Einsatzgruppen, The Final Solution.
How did the Nazis deal with opponents?

How did the Nazis deal with opponents?

An effective PowerPoint with simple review worksheet.\nPlan\n\n1:Play the PPT on a loop using the rehearsed timings\n2: Have students record information into the template\n3: decorate ATP frame with drawing etc.\n\nSimple and effective revision.
The Enabling Law

The Enabling Law

A storyboard that breaks down the road to the Enabling Law. Lots of variation of tasks. Very useful for promotion of literacy.
Why did the USA lose the Vietnam war?

Why did the USA lose the Vietnam war?

A diverse collection of sources design to help student understand the factors behind the US 'defeat&'. Focus 1: US military weaknesses 2: Vietnamese strengths 3: The battle for hearts and minds 4: US public opinion.