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Medicine in WW1

Medicine in WW1

Support Medicine Through Time and WW1 ... Content: Nature of warfare in WW1 Roles of RAMC and FANY Activity: Fun fill and answer and create ?
The Spanish Armada

The Spanish Armada

A student friendly summary of the attempted invasion via a 'graphic novel' style activity - follow up activity option included
The Gunpowder Plot

The Gunpowder Plot

The series of lessons include ... Key Vocab / literacy Religion sort Reasons for the plot / timeline summary Plot review activity
Medicine Through Time c1250

Medicine Through Time c1250

The series of lessons includes ... Key word starter Background to Medicine prior to c1250 Case / source study and Investigation - What did people think caused the Black Death? Revision and review activity Skills Vocab, literacy and source analysis and investigation.
The Witch Craze

The Witch Craze

A series of lessons that helps introduce any unit on the Witch Craze. Includes: Key vocab starter Timeline of witchcraft Reasons why women were accused of witchcraft
The Stolen Generations: Arrival to Assimilation

The Stolen Generations: Arrival to Assimilation

A series of 6-7 lessons that outlines Australia's early history and introduces the policy of Assimilation. Includes : Key Vocab Australia Timeline Aboriginal Culture Reasons for Assimilation Policy Stolen Generations Testimonies Skills Source analysis, corroboration and evalutains
The Slave Trade: The Underground Railraod

The Slave Trade: The Underground Railraod

The worksheet supports this excellent online 'choose your adventure' type activity. When running this activity I have the class vote on each choice and go with the majority. http://pathways.thinkport.org/following/home.cfm
The English Civil War

The English Civil War

The PowerPoint and Supporting resources currently deal with the causes of the English Civil War. Lots of skills work included too ...