My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
Unit 1: Family members
Lesson 1-2: Parents and siblings
Vocabulary: 妈妈 (mum),爸爸 (dad),你好 (hello),弟弟(younger brother),哥哥 (older brother),姐姐 (older sister),妹妹 (younger sister),他 (he),她 (she),我 (I/me),是 (to be),吗 (question particle),很 (very) (total: 13 words) (total number of characters: 14)
Differentiation: 儿子 (son),女儿 (daughter) (total: 18 words) (total number of characters: 23)
Grammar point: 吗 (question particle to indicate a question), 很 (used to replace the verb 'to be')
Objective 1: Recall at least 5 family members (7 for more capable learners)
Objective 2: Understand the use of '吗' when asking a question
Objective 3: Recall to say 'I am well' in Chinese
Unit 1: Family Members
Activity 1-1: Mum and Dad
This activity is designed for children in their first year studying Mandarin Chinese at a higher level.
Vocabulary: 妈妈,爸爸,你好, 老师,同学,晚上好
Listening: Listen and circle six items as they are called out: 妈妈,爸爸,你好, 老师,同学,晚上好
Writing: Write and repeat several times the following vocabulary: 妈妈,爸爸,你好, 老师,同学,晚上好
Writing extension: Write the vocabulary associated with the pictures unaided
This activity is geared towards students who are Cantonese speaking, native Mandarin speakers or gifted and talented.
Unit 1: Family Members
Activity 1-1: Mum and Dad
This activity is designed for children in their first year studying Mandarin Chinese
Listening: Listen and circle three items as they are called out: 妈妈,爸爸,你好
Writing: Write and repeat several times the following vocabulary: 妈妈,爸爸,你好
Writing extension: Write the vocabulary associated with the pictures unaided
If there are any students (i.e. Cantonese speaking students, mother-tongue students, gifted and talented) who you deem capable of going beyond this range of vocabulary, there is a differentiated work book available.
Unit 1: Family members
Lesson 1-1: Mum and Dad
This lesson is designed for children who are in their first year of studying Mandarin Chinese.
Objectives: Vocabulary and characters: 妈妈 (mum),爸爸 (dad), 你好 (hello),你早 (good morning)
Differentation: 老师 (teacher),同学 (classmate),晚上好 (good evening)
Answers to the test of 'Stage 2-9: The perfect tense'.
My advice is as follows:
34-40 correct answers: Very well done! There is a more advanced test available titled as 'Stage 2-9a: Higher level test of the perfect tense'. Try this before attempting the 'Stage 3: Imperfect tense' activity.
0-33 correct answers: I am sorry but you have failed the test. Please re-try this test before attempting the more advanced test.
Test on the perfect tense, based on random verbs studied in Stage 2 and also further examines the present tense. There are thirty questions based on the perfect tense and also ten supplementary questions on the present tense. (This is a very good way not to forget tenses previously studied!) In the case where 'etre' must be used as an auxiliary verb, I have no objections if students show agreement for subjects 'je' and 'tu'. Answers are available for this test at a cost of £2. There are also certificates that you can award your students depending on what score they get. I would recommend that students obtain the following scores which determines what grade they will get:
22-27 marks: Pass
28-33 marks: Merit
34-40 marks: Distinction
Whatever time limit you set your students to complete this test is totally up to you, but I would recommend 15-20 minutes. There is also a different version of this test if you decide to re-test your students with different questions.
Answers to the test of 'Stage 1-9: The present tense'.
My advice is as follows:
25-30 correct answers: Very well done! There is a more advanced test available titled as 'Stage 1-9a: Higher level test of the present tense'. Try this before attempting the 'Stage 2: Perfect tense' activity.
0-24 correct answers: I am sorry but you have failed the test. Please re-try this test before attempting the more advanced test.
Test on the present tense, based on random verbs studied in Stage 1. There are thirty questions. Answers are available for this test at a cost of £2.
Whatever time limit you set your students to complete this test is totally up to you, but I would recommend 15-20 minutes. I would consider students obtaining the following scores in order to be awarded the appropriate certificate:
18-22 marks: Pass
23-26 marks: Merit
27-30 marks: Distinction
Drill practice using the perfect subjunctive in French for those who find the formation difficult. This is the final stage as tenses beyond this level are incredibly rare. This stage is the toughest level, however this activity primarily focuses on the perfect tense in subjunctive format in all possible formation of regular and irregular verbs, which also include number and gender. This activity also revises Stage 8: The present subjunctive, Stage 7: The past conditional, Stage 6: The conditional, Stage 5: The future, Stage 4: The pluperfect tense, Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense, Stage 1: The present tense. This activity is carried out in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Envoyer
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Comprendre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available which are titled as 'Partie 9-9: Test au subjonctif au passe' and 'Partie 9-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. Upon successfully passing these tests, your level of mastering the tenses in French would closely demonstrate characteristics of A2 level/Pre-University level.
Drill practice using the present subjunctive in French for those who find the formation difficult. This activity also focuses on the irregular stems of the verbs and the associated endings, which bears similarities with the present tense. This activity also revises Stage 7: The past conditional, Stage 6: The conditional, Stage 5: The future, Stage 4: The pluperfect tense, Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense, Stage 1: The present tense. This activity is carried out in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Envoyer
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Comprendre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available which are titled as 'Partie 8-9: Test au conditionnel anterieur' and 'Partie 8-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing the yellow book 'Partie 9: Le subjonctif au passe'
Drill practice using the conditional tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of irregular verbs and the endings in the conditional tense according to the subjects. This stage also revises Stage 5: The future, Stage 4: The pluperfect tense, Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Envoyer
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Comprendre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 6-9: Test au conditionnel' and 'Partie 6-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 7: Le temps au conditionnel anterieur'
Drill practice using the future tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of irregular verbs and the endings in the future tense according to the subjects. This stage also revises Stage 4: The pluperfect tense, Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Envoyer
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Comprendre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 5-9: Test au futur' and 'Partie 5-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 6: Le temps au conditionnel'
Drill practice using the pluperfect tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of auxiliary verbs in the imperfect tense form, distinguish whether to use 'avoir' or 'etre' as the auxiliary verb and verb agreements according to gender and number. This stage also revises Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Arriver
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Connaitre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 4-9: Test au plus-que-parfait' and 'Partie 4-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 5: Le temps au futur'
Drill practice using the imperfect tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of irregular verbs and the endings according to the subjects. This stage also revises Stage 2: The perfect tense and Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Arriver
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir, Refroidir, Rougir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Connaitre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se laver, S'attendre, Se souvenir, Se servir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 3-9: Test a l'imparfait' and 'Partie 3-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 4: Le temps au plus-que-parfait'
Drill practice using the perfect tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This stage will greatly focus on the use of auxiliary verbs, distinguishing whether to use 'avoir' or 'etre' as the auxiliary verb, verb past participles and also gender and number agreement. This stage also revises Stage 1: The present tense.
This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Arriver
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Connaitre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available for the perfect tense which are titled as 'Partie 2-9: Test au passe compose' and 'Partie 2-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing 'Partie 3: Le temps a l'imparfait'
Drill practice using the past conditional tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This activity also focuses on the formation of auxiliary verbs using either 'avoir' or 'etre', agreements and the past participle of verbs. This activity also revises Stage 6: The conditional, Stage 5: The future, Stage 4: The pluperfect tense, Stage 3: The imperfect tense, Stage 2: The perfect tense, Stage 1: The present tense. This activity is carried out in eight stages:
Stage 1: Common basic irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Boire, Ouvrir, Prendre, Croire
Stage 2: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Envoyer
Stage 3: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Fournir, Batir
Stage 4: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Descendre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Craindre, Comprendre, Inclure
Stage 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Voir, Vouloir, Pouvoir, Savoir, Devoir Recevoir
Stage 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs (verbs that take 'etre'): Tenir, Venir, Partir, Sortir, Revenir, Mourir
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S'agir, Se reposer, S'attendre, Se souvenir
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available which are titled as 'Partie 7-9: Test au conditionnel anterieur' and 'Partie 7-9a: Test au niveau superieur'. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing black book 'Partie 8: Le subjonctif'
Drill practice using the present tense in French for those who find tense formation difficult. This activity is carried in eight stages:
Stage 1: Regular -er verbs: Parler, Manger, Regarder, Partager, Entrer, Porter, Essayer, Trouver
Stage 2: Regular -ir verbs: Finir, Ralentir, Choisir, Grandir, Refroidir, Batir, Noircir, Rougir
Stage 3: Regular -re verbs: Vendre, Rendre, Attendre, Perdre, Repondre, Fondre, Entendre, Tendre
Stage 4: Common primary irregular verbs: Aller, Faire, Avoir, Etre, Pouvoir, Vouloir, Savoir, Devoir
Stage 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Lire, Mettre, Ecrire, Suivre, Prendre, Connaitre, Boire
Stage 6: Intransitive and irregular verbs: Monter, Descendre, Entrer, Sortir, Partir Rentrer, Arriver , Venir
Stage 7: More intransitive and irregular verbs : Valoir, Tomber, Naitre, Devenir, Revenir, Mourir, Ouvrir, Rester, Retourner
Stage 8: Impersonal verbs and sample reflexive verbs: Pleuvoir, Falloir, Valoir, S’agir, Se laver, Se faire, Se souvenir , Se servir
This workbook also explores important grammar points and differentiated activities, encountered in the present tense.
It is difficult at times to remember the conjugation of the tenses which is why I have designed these activities as means of becoming deeply acquainted with the conjugation. Repetition is the key! There are two tests available which are titled as ‘Partie 1-9: Test au present’ and ‘Partie 1-9a: Test au niveau superieur’. I would recommend taking these tests before commencing ‘Partie 2: Le temps au passe compose’