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LittlePeopleLove's Shop

Welcome to LittlePeopleLove! We create a variety of visual resources for classrooms and homes. Our resources are especially supportive of children who are visual learners, those on the Autism Spectrum and with other special needs, as they are engaging, easy to understand, inclusive and fun to look at! Our resources encourage independence, achievement, growth, success and healthy self-esteem in learning and life! We hope you find resources to support the special little people in your life!




Welcome to LittlePeopleLove! We create a variety of visual resources for classrooms and homes. Our resources are especially supportive of children who are visual learners, those on the Autism Spectrum and with other special needs, as they are engaging, easy to understand, inclusive and fun to look at! Our resources encourage independence, achievement, growth, success and healthy self-esteem in learning and life! We hope you find resources to support the special little people in your life!
Reward Chart - Jungle

Reward Chart - Jungle

This listing is for a Jungle themed reward chart, with a matching set of behaviour suggestion cards. This reward chart comes with a row for each week day and space along the top to either stick a behaviour suggestion card, or to write the child’s task. Reward charts can be used in both the home, and in schools, pre schools, day care centres etc and are suitable for a large range of ages. They are an effective way of teaching children how to modify undesirable behaviour, develop independence of specific tasks and follow through on instructions and when combined with a reward that is meaningful to the child, are a great incentive! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Reward Chart - Australian Animals

Reward Chart - Australian Animals

This listing is for an Australian Animal themed reward chart, with a matching set of behaviour suggestion cards. This reward chart comes with a row for each week day and space along the top to either stick a behaviour suggestion card, or to write the child’s task. Reward charts can be used in both the home, and in schools, pre schools, day care centres etc and are suitable for a large range of ages. They are an effective way of teaching children how to modify undesirable behaviour, develop independence of specific tasks and follow through on instructions and when combined with a reward that is meaningful to the child, are a great incentive! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable-Flip Book

My School Timetable-Flip Book

This listing is for a school timetable flip book and matching set of school activity cards. It has a page for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order, onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up at the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and binding it or placing it into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in junior to middle primary (elementary) school. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Purple/Yellow)

My School Timetable (Purple/Yellow)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Green/Yellow)

My School Timetable (Green/Yellow)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Green/Red)

My School Timetable (Green/Red)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Blue/Yellow)

My School Timetable (Blue/Yellow)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Blue/Teal)

My School Timetable (Blue/Teal)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Blue/Red)

My School Timetable (Blue/Red)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
My School Timetable (Blue/Lt Blue)

My School Timetable (Blue/Lt Blue)

This listing is for a school timetable and matching set of school activity cards. It has a row for each day of the school week and boxes that represent a part of the school day. Teachers can stick the day’s row of activities in order onto the timetable. This timetable was designed with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind, as they often like to know what their day is going to look like and find a visual reference point very helpful. Rather than having to look up to the board all the time to find out what is happening during the day, laminating this timetable and sticking it flat onto the student’s desk, or into a folder that that can see from their seat, will enable them to find the reassurance they need, without disrupting their work by leaving their desk. It’s designed for children in middle to upper primary (elementary) school and I would recommend that teachers or aides only fasten one day’s worth of activities to the timetable at any one time, to avoid the child feeling overwhelmed by a whole week at once. There are a range of colors to choose from! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Free Time Classroom Poster

Free Time Classroom Poster

This listing is for a classroom poster that will provide students with some structure around free time. The poster comes with matching sets of cards that display the number of minutes free time will be for and the activity options for that particular time. Children with Autism in particular, find the concept of free time to be overwhelming and confusing. A poster like this one can provide a clear, visual reminder for them of both the time limit (giving them time to prepare for transition to the next task), as well as the activities they can choose from if they have forgotten or become confused. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Free Choice Visual Timetable

Free Choice Visual Timetable

This cute visual timetable is designed to be used in a pre school/kindergarten/day care setting, where the classroom is set up with lots of different activities and the children are allowed to play with whatever they like for a period of time. That kind of free play experience can be very daunting for children with Autism as they are overwhelmed with choice and the various sensory challenges of such open-ness. This listing comes with a timetable that has lots of colored squares and two pages of activity cards. Teachers can fasten the appropriate cards to the timetable when they’ve set up the days activities, and as the children arrive, teachers can take a moment to show them the timetable, explain what is available for that day and assist them in making decisions about what they’d like to participate in. Clearly outlining the activities using visuals, can assist in relieving anxiety and work towards preventing stress-induced meltdowns in your precious little people. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
A Letter to My Teacher

A Letter to My Teacher

If you are the parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, or a teacher/educator with a child on the Autism Spectrum in your class, or coming into your class, this document is an essential tool for you! It is a 12 page document written in a child’s voice. It is designed to be filled in by the child’s parents, for the child’s teacher. Each page addresses a different area of need for the child with Autism, what will be difficult for them and what might make school/pre school easier for them to participate in. There are also pages that outline the child’s areas of strength and interests and the types of encouragement they most appreciate. There is space on the front cover to list any other diagnosis, if relevant. This document allows parents to express all of the invaluable knowledge they have about their child and enables teachers to support the child with Autism well, to understand how they think and to help them to achieve their personal best, just like all the other kids! The topics the booklet covers are: Primary Learning Style Sensory Awareness Anxiety Behaviours Self Soothing and Repetitive Behaviours Social Skills Emotions Encouragement Interest Areas Abilities The Pre School and School version are the same in content, they just have the words ‘pre school’ and ‘school’ exchanged in the appropriate document. PLEASE NOTE: The pictures seen in the preview windows are only SOME of the pages included in this purchase. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
A Letter To My Pre School Teacher

A Letter To My Pre School Teacher

If you are the parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, or a teacher/educator with a child on the Autism Spectrum in your class, or coming into your class, this document is an essential tool for you! It is a 12 page document written in a child’s voice. It is designed to be filled in by the child’s parents, for the child’s teacher. Each page addresses a different area of need for the child with Autism, what will be difficult for them and what might make school/pre school easier for them to participate in. There are also pages that outline the child’s areas of strength and interests and the types of encouragement they most appreciate. There is space on the front cover to list any other diagnosis, if relevant. This document allows parents to express all of the invaluable knowledge they have about their child and enables teachers to support the child with Autism well, to understand how they think and to help them to achieve their personal best, just like all the other kids! The topics the booklet covers are: Primary Learning Style Sensory Awareness Anxiety Behaviours Self Soothing and Repetitive Behaviours Social Skills Emotions Encouragement Interest Areas Abilities The Pre School and School version are the same in content, they just have the words pre school and school exchanged in the appropriate document. PLEASE NOTE: The pages shown in preview are only SOME of the pages you will receive in this download. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Traffic Light Behaviour Cards (Third Person)

Traffic Light Behaviour Cards (Third Person)

These cards are bright, colorful and clear in showing children what type of behaviour they are engaging in at a specific point in time. The cards are designed to be cut out, bound by a lanyard (or ring) and worn by teachers, parents and carers, so as they’re moving through the day, they can easily access the cards and show individual children where their behaviour lies. When I created these initially, they were to support children with Autism, who require a visual cue to understand whether their behaviour is great, needs to change, or is inappropriate. But they have also been enormously popular with parents and teachers of children who don’t have special needs, but find it helpful to match a visual cue with a behaviour and consequence. This set comes written in the third person to suit the language you use with your child. Check out my listings for Transition Reminder Cards and Time Countdown Cards, as these are all the same size and can be placed on the same lanyard/ring and used to support children in various situations. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Traffic Light Behaviour Cards (First Person)

Traffic Light Behaviour Cards (First Person)

These cards are bright, colorful and clear in showing children what type of behaviour they are engaging in at a specific point in time. The cards are designed to be cut out, bound by a lanyard (or ring) and worn by teachers, parents and carers, so as they’re moving through the day, they can easily access the cards and show individual children where their behaviour lies. When I created these initially, they were to support children with Autism, who require a visual cue to understand whether their behaviour is great, needs to change, or is inappropriate. But they have also been enormously popular with parents and teachers of children who don’t have special needs, but find it helpful to match a visual cue with a behaviour and consequence. This set comes written in the first person to suit the language you use with your child. Check out my listings for Transition Reminder Cards and Time Countdown Cards, as these are all the same size and can be placed on the same lanyard/ring and used to support children in various situations. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Transition Reminder Cards

Transition Reminder Cards

This listing is for a cute and colorful card set, that is designed to help children to successfully transition from one activity to the next. Each card comes with a word and picture that supports any verbal instructions a teacher might be giving. These cards are great for all children, especially pre schoolers, who are reluctant to finish up when they’re enjoying themselves, but are essential for children on the Autism Spectrum, as they provide a visual reference and time to prepare for change. They are designed to be worn by teachers/aides/educators on lanyards or rings, so that they are easily accessible and provide consistent cues for the children. These cards work as a terrific complimentary resource to my Traffic Light Behaviour Cards and Time Countdown Cards - as they are all the same size and can be attached to the same lanyard for a well-equipped, handy resource. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Packing My Bag Routine Chart

Packing My Bag Routine Chart

The Packing My Bag routine chart has been designed to help children independently and successfully pack their bag each morning. The poster comes with a matching set of item cards and two reward star cards. Parents can select up to seven items for the child to place in their bags and children can fasten a star card of their choice when they’ve completed their tasks! Placing the poster on a wall right near children’s bags, will allow children with Autism or those who struggle with organisation, or recalling verbal instructions, to have a constant reminder of what’s expected and have the opportunity to start their day with a personal achievement! Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Washing Hands Instructional Poster

Washing Hands Instructional Poster

This clear, instructional poster is a fantastic way of reminding children of the sequence of events required when they wash their hands. Ideal for using at home, in child care centres, pre schools and schools, these posters can be laminated and fastened to bathroom walls, mirrors and doors as a way of teaching self-care independence. Especially helpful for children with Autism and others who are visual learners, who will benefit from being able to see the process and refer back to it if they’ve forgotten any of the steps. Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx
Emotion TEACHING Card Set

Emotion TEACHING Card Set

The Emotion TEACHING Cards are a set of bright, colorful cards that are designed to help children identify emotions that are positive, in-between and negative. This set comes with two instruction and idea cards for teachers, and then six cards for each of the three emotions. Each emotion set is represented by a different color and comes with:\ an intro card that explains how that emotion makes you feel and a matching ocean reference a card that shows photographs of faces that represent the emotion a card that points out the facial features of the emotion a card that presents a vocabulary for the emotion a card that says what you might do when experiencing that emotion a card that suggests appropriate forms of action for each emotion These cards were designed to support children with Autism, who may have trouble identifying their own feelings, or recognising the feelings of others just by looking at their facial expression. Over time, these cards could assist children to associate the expressions they’ve seen on the cards, with the faces of those they are interacting with. They are meant to be cut out, assembled and fastened with a lanyard or ring, so that they can be either worn by parents or teachers, or be hung up in a place where children are able to access them when they need to. This card set beautifully compliments the How Am I Feeling Right Now? poster and the How Do I Feel? Emotion Cards that I also have listed. (The cards shown in preview are only SOME of the complete set you will receive on download) Thank you for shopping at LittlePeopleLove! I hope you enjoy your products and find them both lovely to look at and supportive of the special little people in your life! Kate xx