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Art & Design resources
Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky

Artist focus lesson 2 (After Van Gogh) on Wassily Kandinsky with two tasks to complete as well as a work sheet. This has been created for a lower band, however could easily be adapted.
Virtual Art trip to New York City

Virtual Art trip to New York City

During lock down, I created a virtual trip for our students in Art and Design. Students were each given a digital copy via Google classroom and had a period of time to work on this document. It’s interactive and encourages students to research history, select images from different angles and learn about a different country and it’s culture. There are a variety of tasks that were a collaboration from Art, Photography and Music.
Pop Art lesson 1

Pop Art lesson 1

Introduction to Pop Art, looking at six artists in total. This links perfectly with the Pop Art worksheets already available for download. Main task is to create a title page (over one lesson) on acetate using sharpie pens with the vision of creating a collage (example on the last slide)
Van Gogh introduction

Van Gogh introduction

A simple introduction to Van Gogh for KS3. This particular document was used for our lower band but could easily be adapted to suit the needs to HA students. First lesson - students use oil pastel and work on the slightly transparent image. Idea is that they simply experiment with making marks and practicing the direction of the marks. Second lesson - Teacher demonstrates under a visualiser on how to mix the various shades of paint and how to apply the markings using paints over pastels. Teacher works alongside the students, continues to model and check on students work / progress throughout the lesson. This task was also used for three Year 10 student’s (haven’t chosen art as an option) who are being educated in an alternative provision and simply used as therapy.
Art Key Words

Art Key Words

A page full of Art key words for students to have in their sketchbooks or uploaded onto Google classroom to use when writing about or describing their art work.
Pop Art work sheets

Pop Art work sheets

8 lesson work sheets along with one lesson and supporting resources. Artists include Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Romero Britto, Ron Magnes, Roy Lichtenstein and Burton Morris. Each worksheet has a different task and encourages students to combine different artists styles / colour palettes together. I have been using these for a few years now (created by myself) and they are a great addition to a lesson when students finish a task early or as a homework task.