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Mr Lukasz Shop

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I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).




I have been working at the EAL Department for over 10 years developing resources in various subjects. If you are keen on Flipped Classroom concept of teaching, you can use all my presentations as pre-teaching resources for students (to study before a lesson).
GCSE History of American West in 1800s. The  Civil War of the development of the West.

GCSE History of American West in 1800s. The Civil War of the development of the West.

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The topic of the lesson is converted in a very visual presentation, full of pictures, photographs, maps and a video link so all ability pupils are able to understand the content. This lesson is about the influence of the Civil War on development of the West, starting with brief social and economical consequences of the Civil War,the differences between the North and the South socially and economically, and how the confederacy of the South influanced the Homestead Act and Pacific Rairoad Act.
GCSE History of American West in 1800s. Attempts to tackle lawlessness in the West

GCSE History of American West in 1800s. Attempts to tackle lawlessness in the West

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The main aim is to make the content more visual (video, photos, maps, diagrams) hence easier to understand for all ability pupils. This unit is about attempts to tackle the lawlessness in the American West: federal law enforcement (US Marshals, Sheriffs, posse, setting claim disputed in gold rush settlements, vigilance committees, and racist crimes.
GCSE History of Medicine. 20th Century. Medical Care. Impact of the NHS.

GCSE History of Medicine. 20th Century. Medical Care. Impact of the NHS.

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine book. The content of the course has been enriched by adding many pictures, diagrams and video links to make it more comprehensible to all ability pupils. This unit overviews the Medical Care in 20th Century, impact of the NHS, improved access to medical care, the role and function of NHS hospitals and surgeries as well as modern high tech treatments.
GCSE History The Battles of Gate Fulford and Stamford Bridge 1066

GCSE History The Battles of Gate Fulford and Stamford Bridge 1066

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England (9-1). This recourse is made to enrich the content of the lesson by adding up the visual clues to improve the understanding of the topic. In this presentation: Tostig and Harold Hardrada attack, Battle of Gate Fulford, King Harold March North, Battle old Stamford Bridge, Harold's victory and The Norman Invasion.
GCSE History Hareward the Wake and rebellion at Ely 1070-71

GCSE History Hareward the Wake and rebellion at Ely 1070-71

This resource was based on Edexcel GCSE history Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. Its aim is to visualise the content of the course to pupils to improve comprehension. This lesson containd information on Danish invasion of 1070, Hereward the Wake, guerilla war against Normans, Threats to William's throne, ttack on Peterborough and the end of Anglo Saxon rebellion.
GCSE History Changes in how land was held between Anglo Saxons and Normans

GCSE History Changes in how land was held between Anglo Saxons and Normans

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. It is made to improve understanding of the topic by adding visual clues, diagrams and labelling. This unit covers the differences between Anglo Saxon and Norman landownership, bookland, leases, landholder duties, thegns, tenants-in-chief, creols and changes for the peasants.
GCSE History King William I - Maintaining royal power

GCSE History King William I - Maintaining royal power

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England book. The purpose of this material is to enhance learning process by adding visual clues for students. This lesson contains information about Maintaining Royal Power by William the Conqueror: military leadership, claims to the throne, royal ceremonies, coinage and writs, owning and handling the land as well as oath taking.
GCSE History King William I and his son Robert

GCSE History King William I and his son Robert

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England. It has been converted into a series of slides with many pictures and diagrams to make a lesson more accessible to all ability pupils. This lesson is about the relationship between William the Conqueror and his son Robert Curthose.
GCSE History Bishop Odo

GCSE History Bishop Odo

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England Book. The presentation aim is to visualise the concepts of the lesson by adding pictures and diagrams. This lesson is about Bishop Odo and his role in England and relations with William I.
GCSE History The extend of change in society between Anglo Saxon and Norman England

GCSE History The extend of change in society between Anglo Saxon and Norman England

This lesson is based on Edexcel GCSE History book Anglo Saxon and Norman England. Its purpose is to present the content of the course in visual way, by adding pictures and diagrams. This lesson covers the change and continuity of English society between Anglo Saxon and Norman rule: villages, royal household, geld tax, trading rights, castle building, Danelaw, Tenants-in-Chief, Thegns and Knights.
GCSe History of Medicine. Renaissance. William Harvey

GCSe History of Medicine. Renaissance. William Harvey

This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book (Edexcel). There are many pictures and couple of video links added to the this presentation to enhance the learning experience for all ability pupils. This unit is about William Harvey, his life, research, discovering the blood circulation, and the impact of his work on Medicine.
GCSE History of Medicine. Renaissance. The Great Plague 1665.

GCSE History of Medicine. Renaissance. The Great Plague 1665.

This presentation is based on GCSE History of Medicine book. It contains the information from the book with addition of many pictures to enhance the understanding of the topic. This one has a link to 50 min YouTube video about the Great Plague in London. This lessons is an overview of ideas about the causes, approaches to treatment and prevention of spreading of the disease, and the effects of the plague.
Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine. Middle Ages. Causes of diseases

Edexcel GCSE History of Medicine. Middle Ages. Causes of diseases

This is a presentation based on the Edexcel GCSE History book. It has many pictures and diagrams, as well as couple of YouTube links to improve the comprehension of the topic. This lesson covers supernatural and religious causes of disease in the Medieval England, story of Job and suffering, religious society, the Church's role in medical care, leprosy and astrology.
GCSE History American West 1800s. Changes in the way of life of Plains Indians

GCSE History American West 1800s. Changes in the way of life of Plains Indians

This resource is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The addition of many pictures, maps, diagrams and photos makes this resource more accessible to all ability pupils, as well as it can be used in Flipped Classroom style of teaching as pre teaching self-study resource. This unit is about the changes of lifestyle of Plains Indians, with the impact of railroads, the cattle industry and gold prospecting.
GCSE History American West 1800s. The Sand Creek Massacre 1864

GCSE History American West 1800s. The Sand Creek Massacre 1864

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of American West in 1800s book. The main aim of this presentation is to make it visual by adding many pictures, maps and diagrams so the content will be more accessible to all ability pupils. It can be used in Flipped Classroom teaching as pre-lesson homework, or self study resource. This unit is about the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864: the situation of Cheyenne and Arapaho after the Fort Laramie Treaty 1851, Treaty of Fort Wise (1861), Chief Black Kettle, causes and consequences of the Massacre.
GCSE History American West 1800s. The Pacific Railroad Act 1862.

GCSE History American West 1800s. The Pacific Railroad Act 1862.

This presentation is based on Edexcel GCSE History of the West in 1800s book. By adding many pictures, photos, maps and diagrams and a video link, the course becomes more accessible to all ability pupils. This lesson covers the influence of The Pacific Railroad Act and Railways on development of the West, starting with the different views onto development of the Plains between the North and the South, building of the Transcontinental Railroad, its significance on settlement of the West.