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200 Oxymorons

200 Oxymorons

A list of 200 ambitious oxymorons for students to have fun using to help create interesting sentences.
A to Z of Word Classes

A to Z of Word Classes

To help students consolidate their knowledge of word classes, I ask students to try and compile an A to Z list of different word classes. Here is an example of suggested answers with A to Z for verbs, abstract nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. I have had to be a little creative for the letters X and Z!
Blockbusters Game for Tier 2 Vocabulary

Blockbusters Game for Tier 2 Vocabulary

Question bank for each letter of the alphabet n the style of Blockbusters to help students develop tier 2 vocabulary. Also includes an interactive display of the blockbusters board. For those who didn’t watch the show in the eighties, divide the class into 2 teams and move the hexagon onto the corresponding letter when a question is answered correctly.
Macbeth  Revision Game

Macbeth Revision Game

42 game cards in a similar style to the game Taboo on Macbeth to help students revise characters, themes and vocabulary in an engaging way. Ideal for the start or end of lessons.
Ambition Model Responses

Ambition Model Responses

Two model responses on the theme of ambition in Macbeth to compare and contrast. Both have been written to try and meet the criteria for the top band of the mark scheme.
Hamlet Plot Storyboard

Hamlet Plot Storyboard

Simple plot storyboard for Hamlet which breaks the plot down into 20 plot points to help students gain a basic understanding of the narrative.
Miss Havisham Revision Sheet

Miss Havisham Revision Sheet

A revision sheet looking at 8 key extracts involving Miss Havisham from Great Expectations to trace her character development in the novel Great Expectations. There is a blank version for students to complete along with a suggested answer sheet so students can compare their responses to the models.