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The Woman who Shopped - Feminine Gospels

The Woman who Shopped - Feminine Gospels

A 17 slide PowerPoint that includes debate questions, detailed annotations on each stanza, exemplar paragraphs, big ideas in the poem and an extension task. A useful introduction to the poem especially for those teachers who have not taught it before.
Sub - Feminine Gospels

Sub - Feminine Gospels

A 16 slide PowerPoint that includes an engaging starter, comprehension questions, annotations of key lines in the poem, discussion questions, 2 sample paragraphs to compare and contrast, a task to get students to think about comparing Sub to other poems in the collection and a challenging research task to consolidate ideas in the poem.
The Long Queen - Feminine Gospels

The Long Queen - Feminine Gospels

A 28 slide PowerPoint that includes an engaging starter, detailed annotations of each stanza, discussion about the overall message in the poem, comprehension questions, a band 5 sample paragraph and extension tasks involving analytical writing and researching archetypes. Also includes 5 sample essays ranging from low band 5 down to band 2 answering the following question: Examine the view that in Feminine Gospels 'women are presented as victims of society.’ Ideal for moderation or looking at looking at how to build up through the bands. Also contains a revision sheet with analysis of 10 key quotations from the poem on one handy printable sheet.
Feminine Gospels - Annotations

Feminine Gospels - Annotations

Over 75 slides containing detailed annotations for all the poems in the collection. A useful starting point for helping to develop your own interpretations of the poems within the collection.
Macbeth violent character grade 9 response

Macbeth violent character grade 9 response

An exam-style grade 9 response that would comfortable fit into band 6 that explores how Shakespeare presents Macbeth as an evil/violent character. I have not included the 2019 question or extract but it is available on the AQA website under assessment materials. There is perceptive debate with judicious use of quotations and assured analysis of methods and wider ideas. Also contains a differentiated adaptive writing frame to help lower ability students achieve a grade 4.