Year 6 – Autumn – Week 4 – Fractions Differentiated Sheets- White Rose Style
L16 - Divide fractions by integers (2)
L17 - Mix of multiplying and dividing
L18 - Four rules with Fractions
L19 - Fraction of an amount
L20 - Find the whole
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
This resource is for the NEW 20/21 White Rose Schedule
Common multiples
Prime to 100
Squares and cubes
Order of operations
Mental calculations and estimation
NEW 20/21 Week 4 Multiplication & Division Resources and Revision Starters
L16- Divide by 2
L17- Odd and Even Numbers
L18- Divide by 5
L19- Divide by 10
L20 - Assessment
Year 6 - Percentages Week 2 - Differentiated Resources White Rose Aligned
L6- Percentages of an amount (1) (focus on 50, 25, 10 and 1 percent only)
L7- Percentage of an amount (2) (range of percent)
L8 - Percentages - missing values
L9 - Percentages - missing values
L10- Review- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
Order FDP
Percentages of Amounts (1)
Percentages of Amounts (2)
Percentages-missing value
Percentages Assessment
NEW 20/21 Catch up curriculum week - Includes Revision Starters
L16 - The 4-times tables
L17 - Multiply by 8
L18 - Divide by 8
L19 - The 8-times tables
L20 - Assessment
Year 3- Week 1- Length & Height -Differentiated Worksheets
L1- Measure Lengths
L2- Equivalent lengths – cm and m
L3- Equivalent lengths- cm and m
L4 – Equivalent lengths mm & cm
L5 -Equivalent lengths – mm & cm – Part whole models
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L1- Measure Length cm
L2- Measure Length M
L3- Equivalent Lengths
L4- Equivalent Lengths cm and mm
L5- Compare Lengths
Reasoning Tasks Included and Teaching Slides
Week 3
L11- Count Edges
L12- Count Vertices
L13- Sort 3D shapes- Tables
L14- Sort 3D shapes- How are the shapes grouped?
L15- Make patterns with 3D shapes
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L11-Count edges on 3D shapes
L12-Count vertices on 3D shapes
L13-Sort 3D shapes
L14-Make patterns with 3D shapes
L15- Mini-Assessment
Reasoning Tasks Included
Week 3
L11- hundredths as decimals
L12- hundredths on a place value grid
L13- hundredths on a place value grid
L14- divide 1 or 2 digits by 100
L15- divide 1 or 2 digits by 100
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L11 - Divide a 1 or 2 digit number by 100
L12 - Decimals Assessment
Year 3 Spring, Mass and Capacity Week 2 and 3 - Differentiated worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mat.
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 6 - Add and subtract mass
Step 7 - Measure capacity and volume in millilitres
Step 8 - Measure capacity and volume in litres and millilitres
Step 9 - Equivalent capacities and volumes (litres and millilitres)
Step 10 - Compare capacity and volume
Step 11 - Add and subtract capacity and volume
This resources contains PDF planning and differentiated resources for Year 6, Autumn Week 1 Place Value - White Rose V3.0
Step 1 - Numbers to 1,000,000
Step 2 - Numbers to 10,000,000
Step 3 - Read and write numbers to 10,000,000
Step 4 - Powers of 10
Step 5 - Number line to 10,000,000
Building 9 and 10 - Week 3 White Rose Planning and Resources
5 lessons
Full editable planning
Digging deeper tasks
Practical activity tasks
Teaching slides
Enhanced Provision Ideas
L1:3D Shapes
L2: Matching Real Life 3D Shapes
L3:Making 3D Prints
L5:Movement Patterns
Year 2 Mass, Capacity and Temperature teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and editable planning, in the style of WR 3.0.
Includes support mats.
Step 1 - Compare Mass
Step 2 - Measure in grams
Step 3 - Measure in kilograms
Step 4 - Four operations with mass
Step 5 - Compare volume and capacity
Year 6 Spring, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Week 2 - Differentiated worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mats.
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 6 - Order Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Step 7 - Percentage of an amount
Step 8 - Percentage of an amount - multi-step
Step 9 - Percentages - missing values
L16- ordering groups
L17- ordering groups
L18- ordering numbers
L19- ordinal numbers
L20- ordinal numbers
L21- number line
NEW 20/21 Resources Included PLUS revision starters
L16-ordering groups
L17-ordering groups
L18-ordering numbers
L19-ordinal numbers
L20- number line
Year 2 - Summer - Fractions Week 1 WR Style Resources (brand new V3.0!)
Includes: editable planning, differentiated worksheets, teaching slides and support mat.
Step 1 - Introduction to parts and whole
Step 2- Equal and unequal parts
Step 3 - Recognise a half
Step 4 - Find a half
Step 5 - Recognise a quarter