A nice Ice Breaker for your KS3 maths classes.
Lots of fun and everyone gets involved.
Task should take between 20 minutes to 30 minutes to complete.
Do not project the PowerPoint on the broad but call up the performers to let them see what the answer is.
PowerPoint with Answers\nPart 1: Investigation\nPart 2: Rally Coach with real world questions with reasoning.\nPart 3: Extension which includes 3D shapes.
Similar shapes
Similar triangles
Mastery approach
Small steps
Variation theory
My turn/Your turn
Knowledge based learning before learning skills
Lesson on translating shapes using vectors.
Starter covers prior knowledge
Lesson should be done in small steps.
Mini Whiteboards is recommended for this lesson to check understanding at key points.
A series of lessons on angles in parallel lines.
Pupils learn types of angles without using “z”, “f”, and “c” but lesson still shows them.
Lessons designed to be done in small steps to improve understanding and to go into the topic in greater depth.
The series of lessons is based on a free session from Craig Burton.