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IGCSE Business Marketing Mix Place Topic Resources

IGCSE Business Marketing Mix Place Topic Resources

The resources are designed for the Edexcel or Cambridge IGCSE Business Specifications to teach the topic of Marketing Mix: Place. Included is; Lesson Power Points (110 minutes of class contact time) Starter activity and plenary tasks A homework task Extension task for lesson 2 Worksheet tasks
Dragons Den Project Resources

Dragons Den Project Resources

The included resources are designed to teach across 5 lessons the following; Lesson 1 - What are your entrepreneurial qualities? Lesson 2 - Market research and initial ideas Lesson 3 - Designing a brand and slogan Lesson 4 - Financial predictions Lesson 5 - Pitch preparation and presentation structure. Each lesson has a number of activities and youtube clips included to allow students to access and understand how to complete their pitches. The booklet contains activities that run parallel with the included power points. The booklet is then handed in as part of the overall pitch of each group.
IGCSE Business People in Business 2.1 - 2.5 Homework Booklet

IGCSE Business People in Business 2.1 - 2.5 Homework Booklet

The homework booklet includes 14 activities of which 12 of those are past paper exam questions from the units of work 2.1 - 2.5 Each exam question has built in assessment opportunities allowing learners to be given effective feedback. The booklet is designed to provide homework to students across a 12 week term. Please see the topics include below; Task 1: Importance of Communication (2.1.1) Task 2: Importance of Communication (2.1.1) Task 3: Barriers to communication (2.1.2) Task 4: Recruitment and Selection (2.2) Task 5: Recruitment and Selection (2.2.2) Task 6: Study for knowledge test 1 Task 7: Training Task 8: Training Task 9: Motivation (2.4.2) Task 10: Study for Knowledge test 2 Task 11: Motivation (2.4.1) Task 12: Organisational Structure (2.5.1) Task 13: Organisational Structure (2.5.1) Task 14: Departmental functions (2.5.3)
A Level Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.4.3 - Stock Control

A Level Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.4.3 - Stock Control

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 2 topic of 2.4.3 Stock Control Included is: A keyterms glossary Key theory about Buffer Stocks, JIT, Waste Minimisation and Stock Control Diagrams Youtube videos using Zara and Toyota to explain the concept of Just in Time production Past paper exam questions (4 mark and 10 mark questions) and mark schemes Scaffolding to help students write an effective answer for the 10 mark past paper exam question
GCSE Business Studies - Theme 2 - 2.3.2 - Working with Suppliers (Complete topic resources)

GCSE Business Studies - Theme 2 - 2.3.2 - Working with Suppliers (Complete topic resources)

The resources are designed to teach the GCSE Businesss Studies Theme 2 topic of 2.3.2 - Working with suppliers from the Pearson Edexcel syllabus over at least two lessons (120 minutes) of teaching. Included is; Multiple self assessment opportunities Youtube video clips to bring the topics to life A range of activities to break up the learning and allow for less didactic teaching Worksheets designed to be completed in pairs Homework tasks - Past paper exam questions with scaffolding included. An 9 graded exemplar 12 mark question answer for use as a peer assessment resource In built power point timers to promote lesson pace
EAL GCSE Business Studies Introduction Booklet

EAL GCSE Business Studies Introduction Booklet

These resources are designed to give students an introduction to GCSE or IGCSE Business Studies. Activities include; Connectives that can be used in written answers Essential keyterms Case studies A summer holiday homework task The included booklet follows the order and structure of the power point to allow effective delivery. The booklet can be given to students independently or delivered during lesson time over at least 6 hours of contact time.
GCSE Business - 2.1.4  - Ethics, the Environment and Business (Complete topic resources)

GCSE Business - 2.1.4 - Ethics, the Environment and Business (Complete topic resources)

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Theme 2 topic of 2.1.4 - Ethics, the environment and business. Included in the power points are; A recap activity to the previous topic (2.1.3 Business and Globalisation) Youtube clips to bring contextual examples to life Activities with built in self assessment opportunities A past paper exam question with mark scheme and example answers Multiple choice questions The resources are designed for at least 60 minutes of class contact time.
GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.3.1 - Business Operations

GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.3.1 - Business Operations

The resources available for purchase are designed to effectively teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Theme 2 topic of 2.3.1 - Business Operations over two hours (120 minutes) of contact time. Included is; Power points with activities, a 6 mark past paper exam and related Youtube clips to expand student contextual understanding. Worksheets with provided correct answers The key features of flow, job and batch production Plenary multiple choice questions A 6 mark exam based homework question
GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.1.1 - The Dynamic Nature of Business

GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.1.1 - The Dynamic Nature of Business

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Theme 1 topic of 1.1.1 - The Dynamic Nature of Business over at least 120 minutes (Two lessons) of class contact time. Included is; Key syllabus theory Activities designed to chunk, consolidate and extend student learning Flipped learning homework task - leading into 1.1.2 Risks and Rewards Numerous self assessment opportunities Related contextual Youtube videos A multiple choice plenary quiz
A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.2 - Mergers and Takeovers

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.2 - Mergers and Takeovers

The resources available are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 topic - 3.2.2 Mergers and Takeovers. Included is; A recap activity covering 3.2.1 - Growth Activities to expand on the key syllabus theory Real life examples of recent mergers and takeovers Example past paper exam questions with included mark schemes A scaffolded 12 mark past paper exam question homework task
A Level Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.1 - Demand

A Level Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.1 - Demand

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 1 topic of 1.2.1 Demand over at least 60 minutes (1 lesson) of contact time. Included is; A recap activity looking at previous content from 1.1.3 Market Positioning The key factors that influence demand Contextual examples of each example Activities to consolidate and embed learning Two past paper exam questions with mark schemes A Model answer to build student understanding of key exam skills and assessment objectives A multiple choice plenary quiz
A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.1 - Growing Economies

A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.1 - Growing Economies

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 topic of Growing Economies (4.1.1) over at least 60 minutes of lesson time. Included is; A power point with lesson objectives, keyterms, a recap activity, key specification theory, contextual Youtube videos and activities bringing key content to life. A worksheet that could also be used as a research task, retreival activity or recap activity for the next topic (4.1.2 - International Trade and Business Growth). Peer marking activity for a 20 mark past paper question designed to hone and refine pupil exam technique. Another past paper question with included mark scheme that could be used as a homework task.
A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.2 - International Trade and Business Growth

A Level Business - Theme 4 - 4.1.2 - International Trade and Business Growth

The included resources are designed to teach the A Level Pearson Edexcel Business Theme 4 topic of 4.1.2 - International Trade and Growth (4.1.2). Included is: A Powerpoint including the key theory, a recap activity to reinforce the previous topic, past paper exam questions and topic videos. A homework task (past paper question) complete with mark scheme A Peer assessment activity including two completed answers from the exam commentary of the 2020 exam series. Extension task for high attainers or fast finishers Pre Learning task to be given to students before they begin looking at the topic to improve understanding and enhance learning.
GCSE Business Studies - Theme 1 - 1.4.4 - Business Plans

GCSE Business Studies - Theme 1 - 1.4.4 - Business Plans

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Theme 1 topic of 1.4.4 - Business Plans Included in the resources is: A power point including the key theory, activities and interactive content including a Youtube video Two past paper questions, with example model answers, mark schemes allowing for AFL opportunities A group activity - to allow students to apply their learning in a practical and engaging manner
A Level Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Revision Crosswords (Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4)

A Level Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Revision Crosswords (Theme 1, 2, 3 and 4)

The crosswords available for purchase are designed to provide A Level pupils with an engaging way to revise and consolidate key content from the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Studies syllabus. Each crossword includes: Detailed clues The correct answers designed to enable self, peer or teacher led opportunities A larger version of each Crossword that can easily be illuminated on an interactive whiteboard. A variety of syllabus content from across all four Pearson Edexcel themes.
GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 - 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship

GCSE Business Studies - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 - 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the ** Pearson Edexcel GCSE Business Theme 1** unit of work of 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship Included is; Interactive and engaging Power Points with built in activities, examples, AFL opportunities and contextual Youtube Videos Homework tasks Worksheets - These are designed for pair and group work Scaffolding for included past paper exam questions Mark schemes and exemplar answers for use with included past paper exam questions
A Level Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 - 1.2 Market (Unit of work)

A Level Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 1 - 1.2 Market (Unit of work)

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 1 unit of work of 1.2 Market. Included is; Interactive and engaging Power Points with built in activities, examples, AFL opportunities and contextual Youtube Videos Homework tasks Worksheets - These are designed for pair and group work Scaffolding for longer mark questions (8, 10 and 12 mark questions) A Retrieval activity used to consolidate learning at the end of the unit
GCSE Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.1 - Growing the business (Complete Unit of Work)

GCSE Business - Pearson Edexcel - Theme 2 - 2.1 - Growing the business (Complete Unit of Work)

The resources available for purchase are designed to teach the GCSE Business Pearson Edexcel Theme 2 unit of work 2.1 Growing the business Included is; Interactive and engaging Power Points with built in activities, examples, AFL opportunities and contextual Youtube videos Homework tasks with correct answers included to aid the inclusion of peer and self assessment activities Worksheets - These are designed for pair and group work Scaffolding for longer mark questions (6, 9 and 12 mark questions) Past Paper Exam Questions - these can be covered in lessons or set as homework tasks
A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.3 - Organic Growth

A Level Business - Theme 3 - 3.2.3 - Organic Growth

The resources available for purchase are the designed to teach the Pearson Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 topic of 3.2.3 - Organic Growth. Included is; A PowerPoint with a recap activity based on 3.2.2 - Mergers and Takeovers, contextual examples and engaging Youtube videos A group activity asking students to evaluate Gregg’s recent growth in the UK A peer assessment activity to help improve the ability of student’s to write effective conclusions A scaffolded homework task (a 10 mark past paper exam question)