These are slide which include activities- mainly pair work to practise work covered. There are also some past Cambridge IGCSE conversation questions but which you can skip.
Thank you to all the MFL teachers that have shared games and ideas as I have adapted a number here
Slides which I used with my year 9s to practise talking about health and fitness. Used to suppleement unit 3A of Zoom 2 but questions are generic so can go with any unit on health and fitness. Eg Was trinkst du? Wi oft? Bist du gesund? Was sollte man machen…?
There is a trapdoor game and running dictation included as well as sentence starters
An excel document with key verbs mainly in the ‘ich’ and wir forms in infinitive, English, present tense, perfect, future and conditional. Click on the topic tabs to see the verbs.
Feel free to suggest more to add.
A recap of the endings, intro to irregular verb vowel change and activities to practise eg battleships, TIC TAC TOE and a whiteboard race to form the verb with the correct ending.
Ich trage eine gepunktete Krawatte und meine glitzernden Stiefel.
PPT and note to say clothes with correct adjective endings. Fits in with Wir gehen aus Echo 2 Kleidung
Thanks to all who have shared their PEE resources for Goodbye Lenin. Here is a gris to help with planning of the essay:\n•\tWie entwickelt sich einer der Charaktere (Christiane) im Verlauf des Filmes, den Sie studiert haben. Wie wichtig ist die Entwicklung dieses Charakteres im Film?
A short introduction to / recap of relative pronouns\nwith link to a website to practice\neg\nRelative pronouns have to be used in German\nDer Apfel, den ich gegessen habe, war rot.
I gave the students the communication descriptors cut up and range/ accuracy to highlight they did the activities on the slides to help them understand and we discussed as we went through. they then did a spiderdigramm to write up. I felt it helped. I have done similar for speaking if interested.
I showed students basic verbs and they paired meaings then a short passage in the imperfect to translate- I got the idea from the Sootie imperfect presentation - thank you :)then students worked through teh handout in between explanations- most found it s