Complete lesson pack, editable in Smart, and also in Power Point, comes with teaching slides and varied tasks that cover fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
An extensive lesson pack that could easily tailored to your class or extended over multiple lessons. Complete with lesson presentation and pupil tasks.
Complete lesson pack exploring adding 100s, 10s and 1s to 3 digit numbers using place value counters to support crossing boundaries. Contains editable worksheets that can be adapted to your class if required. Complete pick up and teach resource.
Complete lesson pack exploring 3 digit numbers that can be made using digit cards, including exploring how to word to ensure all the possiblilities are found.
Complete lesson pack exploring writing in present perfect tense, for an activity that started in the past and is still continuing. Contains modeled examples and differentiated pupil tasks.
Complete lesson pack linked to understanding and representing 3 digit numbers using base 10. Lesson comes in 3 formats and with pupil tasks. These are editible within the Smart and Promethean version of the files.