Complete lesson pack exploring adding lengths in mm and cm. Includes teaching presentation in Smart and Promethean format, and differentiated pupil tasks. Pupil tasks are contained within the presentation so are fully editable to suit the ability of the class.
A complete lesson pack exploring quadrilaterals, right angles and regular and irregular shapes for use on a Smartboard or Promethean board. Contains lesson presentations as well as a variety of pupil tasks.
Whole lesson pack exploring representing fractions using Cuisenaire rods, complete with lesson presentation and a variety of tasks that encourage the children to explore Cuisenaire rods and the relationship between them.
A consolidation lesson to allow children to become fluent with Roman Numerals to 100, while applying it to number sequences. Includes lesson presentation as well as pupil tasks. In Notebook and Flipchart formats. Worksheets are in PDF but also included within the lesson presentation to allow editing to your pupil’s needs or your school requirements.
Complete lesson pack exploring hundreds tens and ones, and making and partitioning numbers to 1000. Includes worksheet, practical task and reasoning task.
Complete lesson pack exploring writing in present perfect tense, for an activity that started in the past and is still continuing. Contains modeled examples and differentiated pupil tasks.
A wide selection of resources (20+ lessons) which are fully resourced with all tasks needed for each lesson. Covers various aspects of Maths, and has brilliant content for revision, with lots of reasoning opportunities. Worth nearly £60.
Complete lesson pack linked to understanding and representing 3 digit numbers using base 10. Lesson comes in 3 formats and with pupil tasks. These are editible within the Smart and Promethean version of the files.
Complete lesson pack exploring 3 digit numbers that can be made using digit cards, including exploring how to word to ensure all the possiblilities are found.