Fine motor and scissor skills practice for EYFS and KS1.
Talk about the space items, Have your children cut out the ones they like and stick them onto the picture to create their own space themed scene.
A perfect birthday display for your class. Including cakes for each month and editable candles for the top.
** NOTE: Thumbnail shows name horizontally. These are vertical in line with the candle upon download and can be altered**
Fine motor and scissor skills practice for EYFS and KS1.
Talk about the animals that live in Africa, Have your children cut out the animals and stick them onto the African savannah to create their own safari scene.
Fine motor and scissor skills practice for EYFS and KS1.
Cut out the different items to create your own dinosaur scene. Great for scissor skills practice.
Cut out the 2D shapes and stick them together to make your own teddy bear.
A lovely craft activity or perfect for scissor skills practice as well as 2D shape recognition.
Learn about and explore the date each morning through this powerpoint. Discuss the days of the week, months of the year and changing seasons as you put up the date and weather.
Cut out the 2D shapes and stick them together to make your own bunny rabbit.
A lovely Easter craft or perfect for scissor skills practice as well as 2D shape recognition.
Cut out the 2D shapes and stick them together to make your own buzzy bee.
A lovely craft activity or perfect for scissor skills practice as well as 2D shape recognition.
Cut out the 2D shapes and stick them together to make your own frog.
A lovely craft activity or perfect for scissor skills practice as well as 2D shape recognition.
Cut out the 2D shapes and stick them together to make your own duckling.
A lovely Easter craft or perfect for scissor skills practice as well as 2D shape recognition.
Role play masks for the traditional tale Chicken Licken.
Includes full colour and black and white options to allow children to create their own.
Chicken Licken
Henny Penny
Drakey Lakey
Ducky Lucky
Turkey Lurkey
Foxy Loxy