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Ancient China - Belief system research task

Ancient China - Belief system research task

This is a research table designed to introduce students to the three main religions in ancient China: Taoism Confucianism Buddhism . Students fill out the research table in class using their electronic devices, then they must use the information to complete a Venn diagram. Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 3: The Asian World - Topic 3B. China Roles of key groups in the ancient society in this period (such as kings, emperors, priests, merchants, craftsmen, scholars, peasants, women), including the influence of law and religion (ACDSEH044, ACDSEH041) -outline the main features of the social structures and government of the ancient society, including the role of law and religion Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the expansion of trade, the rise of empires and the spread of philosophies and beliefs (ACDSEH046, ACDSEH043) -explain the consequences of these contacts with other societies, eg developments in trade, the spread of philosophies and religious beliefs and the emergence of empires . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: ancient, China, history, Stage 4, Australian Curriculum, Year 7, Year 8, Asia, Buddhism, religion, beliefs, Taoism, Daoism, Confucianism, Confucious, origins, society, similarities, differences, analysis, philosophy, traditions, research, independent.
Ancient Greece - A Tour of Ancient Greece!

Ancient Greece - A Tour of Ancient Greece!

A worksheet to be filled out alongside a video game, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. . . . Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 2: The Mediterranean World - Topic 2b. Greece Syllabus dot points covered Roles of key groups in the ancient society, including the influence of law and religion (ACDSEH032, ACDSEH035, ACDSEH038)ACDSEH003, ACDSEH004) —>describe the geographical setting and natural features of the ancient society —>explain how the geographical setting and natural features influenced the development of the society Roles of key groups in the ancient society, including the influence of law and religion(ACDSEH032, ACDSEH035, ACDSEH038) —>describe the everyday life of men, women and children in the ancient society Contacts and conflicts within and/or with other societies, resulting in developments such as the conquest of other lands, the expansion of trade and peace treaties (ACDSEH034, ACDSEH037, ACDSEH040) —>identify contacts and conflicts of peoples within the ancient world describe significant contacts with other societies through trade, warfare and conquest . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: Ancient Greece, Sparta, Thebes, Athens, hoplites, Delphi, Artemis, Artemis Orthia, acropolis, Spartans, Poseidon, Hephaistos, agora, Piraeus, port, Aspasia, Herodotus, Adrestia, Thermopylae, sanctuary, Apollo, Delian League, Peloponnesian League, polis, poleis
Industrial Revolution - A Tour Around Industrial England

Industrial Revolution - A Tour Around Industrial England

A worksheet to be filled out alongside a video game, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. You can explore the experiences of men, women and children in the Industrial Revolution, starting the journey in Whitechapel to look a the living conditions of the lower classes during the revolution, and the implications this had on their way of life. Then, pop on over to the Thames where we will see coal, cotton and what being moved across by steam-powered tug boats! There’s a lot to see in Southwark too! Hopefully, you will have enough time to see the Queen! If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Keywords: Industrial Revolution, England, history, Year 9, Year 10, Stage 5, Australian Curriculum, overview, movement of peoples
Ancient Greece - Research Task - Every life in Ancient Sparta & Ancient Athens

Ancient Greece - Research Task - Every life in Ancient Sparta & Ancient Athens

In this lesson of Ancient Greece, students will look at the everyday life of people from ancient Sparta and ancient Athens. Specifically, they will need to identify the similarities and differences of everyday life for people in these cities. This lesson includes three table activities where the students locate, select and synthesise relevant and detailed information to demonstrate an enriched understanding of life in these cities. Once students have completed these tables, there are activity questions to complete based upon the students’ findings. . . Australian Curriculum - Stage 4 - Depth Study 2: The Mediterranean World - Topic 2b. Greece Syllabus dot points covered Roles of key groups in the ancient society, including the influence of law and religion(ACDSEH032, ACDSEH035, ACDSEH038) -describe the roles of appropriate key groups in the ancient society, eg the ruling elite, the nobility, citizens (Greece and Rome), bureaucracy, women and slaves -describe the everyday life of men, women and children in the ancient society . . . If you have any questions about this product or using this product, we are continuously seeking to improve the quality of our materials. Every effort has been made to make this unit error-free. Should you find any errors, please contact us via email at mrmsmohistory@gmail.com and we will ensure that you receive a corrected copy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. . . . Keywords: Ancient Greece, Sparta, Thebes, Athens, acropolis, Spartans, Athenians, society, men, women, polis, poleis, slaves, roles, responsibilities, law, religion, children, freedoms, rights, social structure, jobs, comparison, contrast
Industrial Revolution Bundle

Industrial Revolution Bundle

11 Resources
This is a bundle made for the Australian Curriculum - Stage 5 - Depth Study 1: Making A Better World? - Topic 1a: The Industrial Revolution (1750–1914). Includes 9 self contained lessons An Introduction Lesson The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Britain The British Empire Business in the Industrial Revolution New Inventions Population movements in England Public Health Convict Transportation Children in the Revolution It also includes a few extra activities A tour around Industrial England (Assassin’s Creed) Revision activities North and South (BBC, 2004) Episode 1 Questions