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Perfect tense - Expo 2 rouge module 2
Based on Epo2 rouge Module 2
A recap of the perfect tense using etre and avoir verbs. My students loved the plenary (Gossip Girl).
A la télé - Expo 2 Rouge Module 2
A complete lesson introducing 'qu'est-ce que tu as regardé a la télé'. It includes a listening activity (based on the video) and a reading activity (the PPT presentation). The plenary is a challenging, yet fun pass the parcel.
Le passé composé (-ir, -re and irregular verbs)
Based on Expo2 rouge module 2
A presentation about regular -ir and -re verbs as well as some comon irregular verbs.
Le weekend dernier - Expo 2 rouge module 2
Based on Expo 2 rouge module 2
A presentation to introduce / revise perfect tense of regular -er verbs. It includes a nice interactive dice game.
Ma famille (métiers/jobs) - Expo 2 Rouge Module 1
Based on Expo 2 rouge. A presentation about members of the family and their jobs.
Present tense intoduction - Metro 1 Module 4
Based on Metro1 Module 4
Introduction of the present of regular -er, -ir and -re verbs in the present tense.
Personal identity - Fortune teller
A fortune teller that I used for helping my 6th Grade with their speaking test (on personal description, favourite sport, animals, family, uniform, school subjects, nationalities, birthday, numbers 1-20 and colors). It's a great speaking activity!
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain?
A lesson focused on saying what they are going to do next weekend according to the weather (e.g. si il pleut, je vais regarder la télé).
Que fais-tu? (acitivities using je fais)
A lesson focused on 'je fais' and some activities (e.g. je fais de la guitare électriques...) as well as justifying why you do those activities (e,g, parce que c'est branché).
Que fais-tu le matin? Reading Comprehension
Discover the morning routine of Vicky Pollard and Borat and answer the questions in French.
Les participes passés - Crosswords
Infinitives in French are used as cues. Students have to put the verbs in their past participle forms in the crossword.
Ou es-tu allé(e) ?
Recap of vocab using aller in the perfect tense and the difference between a / en / chez.
On se retrouve ou et quand ?
A presentation about arranging to go out, including where and when. It also includes a reading comprehension activity.
Perfect tense - negative and agreement
An interactive whiteboard presentation on how to form the negative of verbs in the perfect tense as well as raise awareness of the agreement between the subject and the past participle of etre verbs.
Que fais-tu le matin ?
Describing your morning routine using the time.
Ma routine matinale
Que fais-tu le matin. Describing your morning routine
Ma musique préférée (justifying)
Two handouts on justifying why you like/dislike a certain type of music or artist. It could lead to the writing of an account of a concert.
Les matieres scolaire - Crosswords
Crosswords on school subjects
Colour agreement - Crossword
An interesting crossword about colour agreement. Cues are the colours in English and the gender/number the students have to write them into in the crossword.
Le futur simple
An introduction to the futur simple including some irregular ones. It is mostly focused on the first person singular but it can be easily adapted. It also includes a reading comprehension activity.