A KS3 lesson looking at rivers - the long profile of a river and the water cycle. The lesson starts by getting pupils to define a river, look at keywords (literacy) such as source and mouth before some pictures. Pupils then describe the long profile of a river adn how depth and other characteristics change. The second part of the lesson goes through the water cycle and the process (pupils can draw and explain this) before thinking about how human and physical factors can alter the water cycle e.g. deforestation.
A lesson looking at how different countries celebrate the festive season of Halloween in different countries. Pupils can plot on a map the country, a brief description, draw the flag and rank the traditions. Loads of room for pupils to choose what to do - poster, fact-file etc. Good for tutorial time too!
Topic 9 (Geography GCSE Edexcel B) Energy resources - lesson 1 (looking at the 3 different classifications of energy) as well as lesson 2 (environmental issues of obtaining renewable and non-renewable energy)
Lesson 3 and 4 for Topic 9 (consuming energy resources) looking at factors affecting access to energy (9.2a) and the second part looking at patterns of energy consumption (9.2b)
Lessons 7 for Topic 9 (Energy resources) looks at conventional drilling and the associated benefits. Lesson 8 looks at the two methods of unconventional drilling (hydraulic fracking and tar sands)
Lesson 5 (oil production and consumption) and lesson 6 (factors affecting the supply and price of oil) are included for Topic 9 (Energy Resources) for the Geog Edexcel B GCSE specification.
Lesson 9 looks at methods of making homes and transport more energy efficient. It also looks at methods of conserving energy. Lesson 10 is a summary of energy types (pros and cons) including solar, wind, HEP, biomass, nuclear and hydrogen fuel.
Lesson 11 looks at carbon footprint, energy mix and energy security. Lesson 12 looks at the views on future use of energy between different players (TNCs, governments etc) whether to switch to renewables or carry on with business as usual (fossil fuels). Links to Edexcel GCSE B specification
A KS3 lesson looking at globalisation of Mcdonalds! Pupils look at what links there are geographically before moving on to glocalisation - the idea of a brand being suited to local needs. Pupils could look at mcdonalds examples around the world e.g. India, Spain etc and then have ideas to promote globalisation through games and activities.
Lesson 8 looks at methods to conserve the taiga biome. 3 are considered - national parks, wilderness areas and selective forestry. Pupils then consider reasons to conserve or exploit the taiga biome
Lesson 2 for Topic 8 - Looking at the nutrient cycle within the Tropical Rainforest. Pupils begin with re-cap from last lesson before understanding what the nutrient cycle is. Pupils draw the cycle and understand the process with keywords as to why it is ‘the good one’. Pupils then apply to food webs, chains and biodiversity.
Lesson 4 for Topic 8 which looks at the final part for the TRF. Conservation is explored through global groups (REDD and CITES) before looking at local methods of conservation through afforestation etc. Pupils decide which one is more effective for saving the rainforest.
A lesson looking at Halloween. The lesson has a crossword activity, quiz, spellings, catchphrase and bingo! There is a cross-curricular link towards the History of Halloween and an activity for pupils to guess Trick (false) or Treat (true) statements about traditions in other countries.
Pupils can then be creative for safety poster designs, pumpkin ideas and stories! Pupils can plot the traditions on a world map e.g. Mexico - day of the dead.
Lesson suited for Year 10/11 linked to the Edexcel B Geography GCSE Specification (4.1a). Geology is defined before looking at upland and lowland areas within the UK and their characteristics. Reasons for these landscapes (glaciation) tectonics and rock type) are also included.
Lesson 4 linked to Topic 4 (UK Physical Landscape) of the GCSE Edexcel B specification. This lesson looks at how human activities such as agriculture, deforestation (forestry) and settlements have influenced the shape and use of land within the UK. this links to 4.2b of the specification.
An observed lesson (outstanding) related to the causes, impacts and solutions of Drought. Example case study with fact sheet about drought in South Africa over the last couple of years.
Introduction lesson looking at Geography and Disease. The lesson asks pupils to focus on new geographical words related to disease (literacy) and a world map of diseases. Pupils can look at patterns and suggest reasons.
Pupils also compare top 10 diseases from developed, emerging and developing countries. Diamond 9 activity for reasons related to diseases included too.