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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Weimar Germany and the struggle for power in 1918 | A Level

Weimar Germany and the struggle for power in 1918 | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the problems for Ebert in the very early stages if the Weimar Republic. Students begin at first by assessing the value of a speech given by Philip Scheidemann. This is an introduction to the source based question and using a COP technique, with help given if required. They are then introduced to Friedrich Ebert and have to prioritise the biggest problems he faced as leader. Students are also introduced to the Ebert-Groener Pact. They are then given numerous scenarios of which they have to decide why he needed the help of the army and justify their choices. Finally students have to decide which events posed a threat from the left or right wing. This culminates in the Spartacist rising from which they answer questions and predict the consequences for the Republic. The plenary is a true or false task on the elections to the constituent Assembly. There is a enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work. The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit. The lesson is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Weimar Constitution | A Level

Weimar Constitution | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution. Students are introduced to the reasons why a constitution was introduced and a new Republic set up. They then have to analyse the details of the constitution, assessing its strengths and weaknesses. This also includes deciding the winners and losers and the issues still facing Germany as a consequence. There is a focus on some key details such as Article 48 and the rule by Presidental decree as well as the survival of some undemocratic institutions. There is some exam practice to complete if required, complete with hints and tips and a generic markscheme included. The plenary concludes with a find and fix activity, There is a enquiry question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning throughout the lesson and subsequent unit of work. The lesson comes in PowerPoint format and can be changed and adapted to suit. The lesson is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Holocaust resistance

Holocaust resistance

The Holocaust The aims of this lesson are to explain how Jewish people rose in rebellion or resisted against Nazi atrocities during the holocaust. The first part of the lesson examines the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, using a thinking quilt to challenge ideas and ask key questions about the motivation and determination to succeed against overwhelming odds. The second part of the lesson analyses resistance in the extermination camps in particular events in Sobibor, Treblinka and Auschwitz. Students are then asked to justify the best and most effective ways to resist from passive to active resistance. Finally a find and fix activity checks understanding and the 3 R’s. The central enquiry of this and subsequent lessons in the bundle is to ask who was to blame for the holocaust? Students will map out their ideas each lesson (which can be plotted in different colours or dates to show the progress of their learning and centred around a lightbulb) and build up a picture of how difficult it is to blame a single individual or event for this catastrophe. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

The Industrial Revolution The aim for writing this lesson is to challenge the traditional view that Jack the Ripper targeted prostitutes or sex workers in Victorian London. Whilst much has been written about the Jack the Ripper and how clever he was to avoid detection, very little has been written about the lives of his victims. Therefore with this in mind, students will learn how difficult it was for Victorian women to lead comfortable lives as marriage, children, work, alcoholism, the workhouse and poverty took its toll on them. Students begin the lesson with an overview by learning what is known about Jack the Ripper, who he killed and how the police had little evidence or clues to go on. There is a video link and a true or false activity to complete this. They will then have to use a number of images to decide how hard life was for Victorian women and the pressures they were under. A differentiated missing word activity can be completed to piece together many of these problems, based on the lives of the five women murdered. A case study of Annie Chapman, the Ripper’s second victim, will centre around her privileged life before alcoholism took over, forcing her to separate from her husband and children as she moved from a village near Windsor Castle to the doss houses of Whitechapel. Here, students have to colour code the main factors and problems which affected her life. An extended writing task can then be completed, with a writing structure and key words given to help if required. The plenary poses some differentiated questions from the learning completed in the lesson. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included. A big thank you goes to Hallie Rubenhold, whose fabulous book ‘The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women killed by Jack the Ripper’ inspired me to write this lesson.
Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Who was Genghis Khan and how did he rule the largest land area in history? Students learn about his early life and background and how he became such a powerful ruler. They are required to judge two things about him; how good a leader was he and was he was unifier who brought peace and stability or did he bring chaos and destruction to his Empire? They are required to debate and complete an extended piece of writing with argument words and a scaffolding structure to help them decide. The plenary consolidates their learning about Genghis Khan with key words used in the lesson, from which examples must be given for each. This lesson includes: Fun, engaging and challenging tasks Links to video footage Printable worksheets Differentiated tasks Suggested teaching strategies PowerPoint format, which can be changed to suit
Pearl Harbour

Pearl Harbour

The aim of the lesson is to question if Japan was justified in attacking Pearl Harbour without a declaration of war against the United States. This question is revisited later in the lesson to see if the students have changed their minds. As this is a new theatre of war and not in Europe, the lesson sets out clearly where the war was fought in the Pacific, the location of Pearl Harbour and its significance to the USA. Students are required to discover what Japan wanted and the reasons behind their surprise attack with a choice of options available to piece the jigsaw together. An excellent activity of Pearl Harbour in numbers, which is an idea from KNNTeach, enables students to clearly recognise the initial damage done to Pearl Harbour by the Japanese attack. There are video links to film footage as well as a plenary activity from which the students have to make up questions to the answers given on post it notes. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The lesson comes in PowerPoint format is there is a wish to change and adapt.
Domesday Book

Domesday Book

Norman Conquest The aim of this lesson is to understand how successful William was controlling England through his survey. Students will learn how he needed to find out as much as he could about the Anglo-Saxon population. They are encouraged at the start to answer a series of questions (a survey) of what they own; this is exactly what William did, but minus the enthusiasm shown in the class to list all their belongings! Through a study of horrible history video footage and source analysis, students realise just how intrusive this new book was and they have to justify, whether in written form or orally, why people in medieval society began to resent it. For homework they have a chance to find out about their own area and what it offered in 1086 with an exemplar given. This is a fun, interactive and challenging lesson in which all the students can take part and make their own conclusions. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end using a rate ‘o’ meter to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
King Edward II

King Edward II

The aim of the lesson is to analyse the power struggles between Edward II and his barons. Students begin by discovering the problems of Edward II, which they will rate in order of seriousness (and will find they were mostly brought on by himself!). They then complete an extended writing task with key literacy words given to help them. Students will learn about the central character of the story, a leading nobleman named Roger Mortimer and complete a missing word activity to find out why and how he escaped his imprisonment in the Tower of London. They then have to rate how much power the King had, in the struggles with this leading nobleman and his own wife, Isabella. Some hinge questions and a literacy task complete the lesson. They continue to plot the power struggle between the king, the church, the barons and the people on a graph. In a sequence of lessons they answer the question – who ruled in medieval England? This lesson includes: Fun, engaging and challenging tasks Printable worksheets Differentiated tasks Suggested teaching strategies PowerPoint format, which can be changed to suit
Josef Mengele

Josef Mengele

The Holocaust The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the reasons why Josef Mengele escaped justice. I have been inspired to write this lesson after reading an article by Gerald Posner who spent three decades trying to track him down. The story makes fascinating reading; but was Mengele a brilliant mastermind at escape and evasion tactics or was it pure incompetence on the part of the West German authorities and a lack of will from the Western governments to track and find him? Students are given the context to Josef Mengele, his background and a very brief description of the war crimes he committed at Auschwitz, without going into specific details. They complete a missing word activity, before analysing the fake passport he used to flee to South America. The main task is to judge how believable his escape story really is, with some red herrings thrown in for good measure to get the students really thinking. Some key differentiated questions, an extended writing piece, with some ‘believable’ words as well as a thinking quilt will give the students an accurate account of his double life. There is also an excellent link to video footage of a documentary by Gerald Posner himself. The resource comes in PDF and PowerPoint formats if there is a wish to adapt and change and is differentiated. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson.
World War 1 Key Words

World War 1 Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: Alliance, armistice, arms, barbaric, bellicose, conscientious objector, cowardice, desertion, escalate, imperialism, inevitable, Jerry, Kaiser, militarism, munitions, nationalism, naval, propaganda, stalemate, trench foot, tommy, shellshock, shrapnel, trenches, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Victoria cross, warfare. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
English Civil War Key Words

English Civil War Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: Cavalier. Commonwealth, confess, controversial, civil war, defence, ducking stool, Divine Right, evidence, interregnum, Matthew Hopkins, negotiate, New Model Army, Oliver Cromwell, Puritan, Republic, resonant, Restoration, Roundhead, Rump Parliament, scaffold, scold, ship money, Stuarts, treason, trial, tyrant, witch. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Cold War Key Words

Cold War Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: Agent Orange, Arms Race, Bay of Pigs, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, Cold War, communism, containment, Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis, East and West Germany, exclusion zone, Fidel Castro, ideology, iron curtain, Marshall Plan, McCarthyism, NATO, Nikita Khrushchev, President Kennedy, red scare, soviet bloc, Soviet Union, Superpower, trade embargo, Truman Doctrine, U2, Warsaw Pact, zones of occupation The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Roman Britain

Roman Britain

The aim of this lesson is to assess the impact and legacy of the Roman Empire upon Britain. Students begin by deciphering some key words and then analyse a map of Roman Britain. They are given some context to the Roman in Britain as well as the reasons why they left. The main task is to research what the Romans left behind in Britain when they left, from bathhouses, to villas, language, roads and towns. There are some excellent video links as well as some extended writing to complete if required. The plenary will check understanding with a multiple choice quiz. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great

The aim of this lesson is for the students to assess how ‘great’ King Alfred was. Students are given the context to Alfred’s reign with his attempt to unite the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to fight back against the Vikings and their area known as Danelaw. There are quite a few key words used in this lesson, so students have to complete a heads and tails task. They are also required to complete a missing word activity as well as analysing his statue at Winchester. The main task will be judge and rate out of ten which of the sixteen statements make Alfred ‘great’ or not. An extended writing activity will allow them to make judgements and justify their decisions. There is also chance to complete a verbal boxing debate using some of the key ideas of his rule from the lesson. The plenary will check understanding with a truth or lie activity. This lesson is also excellent as an introduction to studying the Anglo-Saxons and Normans for GCSE. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Norman Conquest Key Words

Norman Conquest Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: A Church, charter, commemorate, compare, crusade, Domesday Book, Doom painting, evidence, feudalism, function, government, Harrying of the North, historical source, infer, interpretation, laws, martyr, medieval, Motte and Bailey Castle, parish, parliament, penitence, pilgrimage, reign, siege, significant, sin, surrender, The Church, tithe. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Slavery Key Words

Slavery Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: abolition, American Civil War, auction, slave, branding, captive, emancipate, flux, Guinea coast, Harriet Tubman, Indentured servants, lynching, manumission, Middle Passage, plantation, profit, repatriation, resistance, shackles, sharecropper, slave colony, tight pack, Triangular trade, Thomas Clarkson, trans-Atlantic, underground railroad, William Wilberforce. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Battle of Hastings Key Words

Battle of Hastings Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: The slides cover the following words and their definitions: Anglo-Saxons, allegiance, authority, cause, chainmail, change, Christianity, conqueror, consequence, continuity, defence, economic, features, feigned retreat, Fyrd, hierarchy, Housecarl, invasion, knights, landscape, medieval, Normans, oath, pagan, political, rebellion, religion, siege, society, victorious. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Suffragette Key Words

Suffragette Key Words

This key word literacy display has been designed to be used on classroom walls (or on display boards outside) when introducing a new History topic to the students. It is an easy resource to print and will hopefully save an incredible amount of time and effort when incorporating literacy into a new or existing scheme of work. The slides can also be laminated and used as mobiles hanging from the ceiling or used as part of an informative display. The slides cover the following words and their definitions: Cat and Mouse Act, conciliation, constitution, discrimination, Emmeline Pankhurst, equality, Emily Davison, enfranchise, Epsom Derby, Force feeding, franchise, hunger strikes, Married Women’s Property Act, Matrimonial Causes Act, legislation, militant, Nancy Astor, patriarchal society, petition, propaganda, subordinate, suffrage, suffragette, suffragist, W.S.P.U., World War 1. The slides come in PowerPoint format so they are easy to change and adapt.
Suffragists and Suffragettes

Suffragists and Suffragettes

The Suffragettes The lesson focuses on the main differences between the Suffragists and Suffragettes, but also looks at their similarities. Students are asked as to why women wanted the vote and how they were going to achieve it? Further into the lesson, students have to analyse the various methods used by both groups and have to question, prioritise and justify their effectiveness. Included is a thinking quilt which tests pupils’ understanding and links the key ideas, dates, people and definitions together. A differentiated plenary questions and checks their understanding of the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

The British Empire The aim of the lesson is to assess the importance of apartheid in South Africa both politically and economically. The lesson begins by giving the context of South Africa being part of the British Empire and it move toward independence and the introduction of apartheid. Students have a quiz to complete as well as source scholarship on its introduction in 1948. They also evaluate the restrictions it imposed on the non white population of South Africa, where they are required to give their opinions on it as well as the significance at the time, overtime and nowadays. The lesson also focuses on the impact of the ANC and Nelson Mandela’s contribution to a modern South Africa and the part he played in ending apartheid. There are some excellent video links to his life and work as well as the Soweto uprising of 1976. The lesson concludes with a diamond nine activity to prioritise the main reasons why apartheid came to an end. The lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The lesson is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.