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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Abolition of slavery

Abolition of slavery

Why was the slave trade finally abolished in Britain and her Empire and why did it take so long to achieve? Why were arguments in the eighteenth century challenged so rigorously and overturned in the nineteenth? Which people inspired its abolition and who was against this? Students decide which arguments were being put forward to the plantation owners, racists, people who were ignorant and law makers to end the slave trade. They then prioritise the most important arguments in challenging these peoples’ staunch perceptions. The second part of the lesson is a case study of William Wilberforce. Through video, audio and source work, students build up a history of the great man and decide how and why he is significant (this is a differentiated task dependent upon ability). The final part of the lesson uses an interactive spinning wheel with key words used throughout the course, which the students have to define and explain their links to slavery. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Cavaliers and Roundheads

Cavaliers and Roundheads

The English Civil War The aim of this lesson is to be able to distinguish between the two sides in the English Civil War. Students will be researching how they differed from their dress, their mannerisms, what they believed in and their goals. They will also be analysing some real life examples from people today who discuss which side they would prefer to be on and why. Students will be using various written sources and video evidence to find out which side they would support. Ultimately they will have to produce a propaganda leaflet encouraging people to join their campaign as a Royalist or Cavalier using persuasive literacy techniques and song lyrics. Exemplars and scaffolding is included if required. This is a fun lesson with a number of activities designed to get all students involved actively and to enjoy their learning. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Elizabeth I introduction

Elizabeth I introduction

**AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 ** The overarching aim of this and the subsequent lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. This first lesson is an introduction to the reign of Queen Elizabeth and starts by finding out what the students know already using a true or false quiz, source material, video evidence and portraits of Elizabeth. The emphasis is also on the precarious nature of her early life which has a major impact on how she rules when she becomes Queen. The second part of the lesson uses differentiated resources and requires the students to plot, explain and prioritise her early problems on a tree (using the trunk, branches and leaves). The third part focuses on a typical GCSE question on the usefulness of a source giving tips and notes on how to answer this question. The lesson also gives a brief introduction to the course and includes a tracking sheet which the students stick in their books detailing the assessment objectives of the course and the four main question types. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Essex Rebellion

Essex Rebellion

AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 The overarching aim of this and the subsequent bundle of lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. The aim of this lesson is to determine why the Essex rebellion was different to the previous threats Elizabeth faced in her reign. Students learn about Essex’s life and the reasons for him turning on Elizabeth in his failed attempt to ‘protect’ her from Robert Cecil. Using differentiated materials and video evidence, they can either create a factfile on Essex or colour code information on his life focusing on different themes of importance. They then plan and write a significance GCSE question, using the suggested skills and tricks of answering a significance question as opposed to writing a narrative account of his life. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Elizabeth I and marriage

Elizabeth I and marriage

AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 The overarching aim of this and the subsequent bundle of lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. This fourth lesson looks at the significance of marriage for Elizabeth and the subsequent problems it caused her throughout her reign. There are retrieval practice activities to start the lesson including an odd one out task and ‘splatting’ the board to choose the correct answers. Students are introduced to the criteria for why Elizabeth should marry and then check the criteria against the possible suitors, thus coming to a conclusion about the best candidate. There is also a GCSE practice question to answer. There are sentence starters provided for differentiation and the lesson comes complete with fun activities and video footage. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
John Hunter

John Hunter

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The aim of this lesson is to assess the significance of John Hunter in his lifetime and beyond and decide if and why he deserves a place in a Medical Hall of Fame. An analysis of his life, his surgical brilliance and his specimen collection (complete with a brilliant video link to Professor Robert Winston’s short documentary on his life) gives the students the tools necessary to be able to tackle and write a longer analytical essay question with substantiated judgements. Students ultimately have to judge how far he deserves a place in the Medical Hall of Fame, with help and sentence starters given if required. The plenary is in the form of a literacy challenge, using key words from the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Edward Jenner and smallpox

Edward Jenner and smallpox

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The lesson aims to distinguish between inoculation and vaccination, before analysing Jenner’s discovery of the vaccination for smallpox using documentary and video evidence. Students then have to answer questions, explain the significance of his discovery over time and link factors to his story. They also have to analyse source information, complete an 8 mark GCSE practice question and understand why, despite his brilliance he received criticism and opposition to his discovery. The lesson finishes with a true or false quiz and a ‘Have I got news for you?’ plenary. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Medieval Towns

Medieval Towns

The Norman Conquest This lesson has two aims; to discover if medieval towns were dangerous places to live and to question how dirty and unhygienic they actually were. Students learn how Medieval towns grew up through Charters and Guilds and how shops and their names and surnames became intertwined. An exercise tests their ability to interpret shop signs. They analyse a number of statements about the dangers facing townsfolk and evidence this on a road map (or dirt track) using danger symbols and accompanying road signs. The second part of the lesson focuses on the filth and dirt of Medieval towns and questions how much the local authorities did. Students evaluate how hygienic towns were, colour coding thermometers and rating each step taken by the local authorities (or not as the case may be). This lesson is therefore designed to be interactive, fun, challenging and engaging and could be used over two lessons. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end using a rate ‘o’ meter to show the progress of learning. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. It comes in PowerPoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Hitler Youth

Hitler Youth

Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship The aim of this lesson is to evaluate how effectively the Nazis controlled its Youth. The lesson is split into two parts and can be delivered over two lessons. The first part looks at the Hitler Youth, the activities organised for boys and girls and the purpose behind them. Students then have to analyse four pieces of evidence and evaluate how much they are being controlled. Some differentiated questioning and higher order thinking allows you to see how much they are making progress in the lesson. The second part focuses on education and what the young people are taught at school. Again the students are challenged and questioned on how effective this diet of propaganda was, with an emphasis that not all lessons were anti-Semitic. Various and excellent video footage is used to consolidate understanding. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The aim of this lesson is to assess the contributions made by Pasteur and Koch to the improvements in medicine in the late 19th Century. By the late 1800’s, the focus had moved away from antiseptic to aseptic surgery. Students will learn how Pasteur made his monumental breakthrough in 1861 with his Germ Theory, aided through the factors of chance, government and scientific experimentation. However as he was only a chemist it was the German doctor Robert Koch who applied Pasteur’s theory to human disease to convince doubters that microscopic germs could kill something as advanced as a human. Students will rate their progress in these discoveries and make substantiated judgements on their effectiveness and performance in the development of vaccines. There are also links to Bastion and Tyndall and their similar rivalry in Britain. The lesson includes GCSE practice questions on factors and significance with source analysis and video links throughout. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Black Tudors

Black Tudors

The Tudors The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the role the Black Tudors played in Tudor society. Students are given the context of the Tudor times, where they use some source scholarship and questioning to decide how and why Black Tudors came to Britain. Students then have to ascertain which roles and forms of employment they had using a dual coding activity to decipher them. There are video links included as well as a thinking quilt, which is designed to challenge concepts and judge the value and importance of their impact upon Tudor England. The main task is some research which requires students to analyse five Black Tudors in some differentiated Case Studies. The plenary concludes by checking what they have learnt in the lesson using an odd one out activity or by linking symbols and images used throughout the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Night of the Long Knives

Night of the Long Knives

Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship This lesson analyses the reasons why Hitler executed the leaders of the SA. After a recap of the previous lesson, students start unpicking the events leading to the Night of the Long Knives. Students are put into Hitler’s shoes; who should he choose to lead him forward in his new Third Reich - the Brownshirts or the Army? The conclusions are never totally clear in favour of one or the other, making sure the students are challenged and have to think things through and justify their choices. The events are also explained through a text mapping grid which the students also have to decipher as well as video evidence. There is also a choice of two plenaries from Connect 4 to a talk like an historian quiz and some GCSE exam question practice to complete if required. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Bitesize Revision cards

Germany Democracy and Dictatorship Bitesize Revision cards

I have produced these Bitesize Cards to help my GCSE History groups revise. They summarise the content for the Germany 1890-1945, Democracy and Dictatorship course, which can be overwhelming for some students. They contain the main events, people and key words needed for the exam Students can use these 14 cards in lessons or for homelearning to help them with recall, retrieval and retention. I also use them as starters in the lessons or for interleaving to help with the course content. I have broken down the revision cards down into the following themes: Kaiser Wilhelm The Treaty of Versailles Problems in Germany Super Stresemann The Rise of Hitler Hitler’s consolidation of Power The Nazi Police State The Nazi economy Propaganda Youth groups and women Churches Opposition Persecution to Genocide The German Homefront They have proved a great success as a revision tool. I have also posted them on our google classroom (digital platform) so students can access them, when GCSE practise questions are set or they are required to revise for an assessment test. They simply need cutting, hole punching and tying with treasury tags, or simply stapling together. I have included both PDF and PowerPoint versions if you wish to amend or adapt. If you like this resource, please check out my full Revision Guide for Germany: Democracy and Dictatorship 1890-1945 which can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/germany-democracy-and-dictatorship-revision-guide-aqa-gcse-9-1-11764985
Americas and Drake's Circumnavigation Revision Guide

Americas and Drake's Circumnavigation Revision Guide

Historic Environment Question for 2024 This nine page Revision Guide is aimed at students to help study, organise, revise and be prepared for the AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England 1568-1603 Historic Environment question for 2024. I have included 6 possible questions for GCSE exam practice on the themes I believe stand out in the literature provided. Within the guide itself, I have broken down the main details of the Americas and Drake’s circumnavigation into manageable chunks. This guide focuses on the main concepts prescribed by AQA. For example it examines the location of the New World and its growing importance for Drake and his fellow navigators, the function and structure of seafaring as new navigational techniques and ship design allowed more exploration. It will also analyse the people connected to Drake’s circumnavigation including Sir John Hawkins and Diego as well as giving information on Drake and the different interpretations of him at the time. Furthermore the culture, values and fashions connected with Drake’s circumnavigation are examined as untold riches such as feathers, pearls, jewels and gold became essential accessories for the fashionistas of Elizabethan England. Finally important events are linked to Drake’s voyages from his initial slave excursions to his revenge attacks on Spanish shipping and his circumnavigation, as well focusing on the detailed maps and illustrations in his diaries and journals of new lands he discovered. All the information and more included is advised by AQA through their Paper 2: Shaping the nation resource pack guidance. I have also gained a brilliant insight into the Americas and Drake’s circumnavigation from renowned historians such as Ben Johnson, Miranda Kaufman and the superb Professor Jowett, as well as numerous other sources, including the fabulous BBC History Today magazine and podcasts. The resource comes in PDF and Word formats if you wish to adapt and change. Any reviews on this resource which would be much appreciated.
History Baseline Test

History Baseline Test

The aim of this test is to find out how much the students know about history. The results will give you a baseline from which you can build upon. Once they begin to study history, they will begin to show progress in all areas, particularly in the amount of detail required in answers. The test focuses on chronology, cause and consequence, change and continuity, historical enquiry, interpretation and significance. This is a particularly useful assessment for a history department and as a starting point and ideally for Year 7. Most students sadly will not have studied a lot of history at their primary schools (apart from the odd day to study the Victorians or World War 2) as literary, numeracy and SATS still dominate primary school curriculum planning. The resource comes in Word and PowerPoint formats which can be amended and changed to suit.
Holocaust Bundle

Holocaust Bundle

11 Resources
I have created these set of resources for the History Key Stage 3 National Curriculum ‘challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day. These lessons are also useful if you are studying Germany at GCSE, where never enough time can be devoted to the holocaust in depth and which students find so fascinating. The central question throughout these nine lessons is to find out who is to blame for the holocaust. They are closely linked together and students continually plot their ideas around a lightbulb, which can be referred back to each lesson (either dated or colour coded) to show progress throughout. Pupils will learn the significance and impact of the holocaust on the wider world and be able to see the causes and consequences of the systematic attacks on Jewish communities throughout Europe since the Middle Ages. They will learn key historical terms such as discrimination, persecution and genocide and understand the differences between concentration and extermination camps. They will be given sources to analyse such as the evidence from Anne Frank’s diary or an anti-Semitism tax return from Norwich in the Middle Ages and make historical inferences from them. Furthermore they will be able to write structured accounts and narratives of who was to blame from the Camp Guards or the SS, to Josef Mengele and the Einsatszgruppen units. The 10 lessons are broken down into the following: L1 An introduction to the holocaust L2 Anti-Semitism in Britain L3 Anti-Semitism in Europe L4 Extremism to Extermination L5 How was it organised? L6 Who was to blame? L7 Jewish Resistance L8 Liberation of the extermination camps L9 Diary of Anne Frank L10 Nuremberg Trials L11 The hunt for Josef Mengele Each lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations and ideas used by current history teachers. The lessons are fully adaptable in Powerpoint format and can be changed to suit. I have included a couple of free lessons to give an idea of what is being offered. I strongly recommend using GCSE style questions from your chosen exam board and markschemes to assess the pupils at the end of this unit, which are always available on line.
Germany 1890-1945 Democracy and Dictatorship Bundle Part 3

Germany 1890-1945 Democracy and Dictatorship Bundle Part 3

9 Resources
This bundle is the third and final part in a series of lessons I have created for AQA GCSE 9-1 Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship. As well as focusing on GCSE exam practice questions, the lessons apply the skills necessary to enable the students to achieve the highest grades. The lessons will allow students to demonstrate (AO1) knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the period studied from Youth Groups to life in Germany during the war. They will study (AO2) second-order concepts such as change and continuity in the role of women and how their lives were transformed and the causes and consequences of the Final Solution. The analysis and evaluation of sources (AO3) are used in for example the Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht lesson whilst substantiated judgements are made (AO4) on how far the Nazis controlled the Churches in Germany. The lessons are enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lessons and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resources includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. The lessons are as follows: L1 The Nazis and the economy L2 The Hitler Youth L3 The role of women in Nazi Germany L4 The Nazis and the Churches L5 Hitler’s hate list L6 The Nuremberg Laws and Kristallnacht L7 The Final Solution L8 Opposition in Nazi Germany L9 The German Home Front 1939-45 (free resource) Please note that setting a full mock examination in class after completing this unit is strongly recommended. All the examination resources and markschemes are subject to copyright but can easily be found on the AQA website.
Henry VIII A Level Bundle

Henry VIII A Level Bundle

18 Resources
AQA A Level 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 I have produced this bundle of resources on Henry VIII to help A level history students access the course and make some of the ideas, themes and concepts of the Tudors more accessible. Henry VIII was a larger than life character who has left a long lasting legacy on our history Therefore the enquiry question throughout this bundle of resources will be to question how strong and successful Henry was during his reign. Students will learn how effectively Henry ruled England and how government evolved and the use of Parliament changed during his reign. They will assess his character and personality and question and evaluate his decision making. They will judge the significance of individuals in his reign such as Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell as well as economic development. Students will look at his aims in foreign policy and question how successful he was in his pursuit of military glory under Wolsey and beyond or whether he just played third fiddle in Europe. Finally they will learn about the political, social, economic and religious upheaval caused by his divorce and the break with Rome. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction L2 Aims of Henry VIII L3 Henry VIII and Government L4 Catherine of Aragon L5 Rise of Wolsey L6 Interpretations of Wolsey L7 Downfall of Wolsey L8 King’s Great Matter L9 Break with Rome L10 Henry VIII & Humanism L11 Rise of Cromwell L12 Pilgrimage of Grace L13 Dissolution of the Monasteries L14 How Protestant was England by 1547? L15 Foreign Policy under Wolsey L16 Henry VIII Foreign Policy 1529-1547 L17 Henry VIII and Society L18 Henry VIII and the Economy The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. This is the second of four bundles I have created for the Tudors A Level history course. If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Health and the People Revision Bundle

Health and the People Revision Bundle

4 Resources
The aim of this revision bundle for AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People c.1000 to present is to help and thoroughly prepare students for the GCSE exam in the summer. It contains the following: A complete Revision Guide with 18 GCSE practice questions, model answers and tips on how to access the exam questions. Flashcards to help improve recall, retrieval and retention skills. Each of the individuals from the course are summarised and explain the significance of each to achieve the higher marks in the GCSE exam. A Summary Revision Guide which summarises all the course on two sides of A4. This is easy to print and great for the student who wants a quick refresh on the course content when revising. A Health and the People work booklet revising the 4 main question types in the exam. All the resources are in Word format so can be easily changed or adapted to suit.
American West Bundle Part 1

American West Bundle Part 1

11 Resources
**The early settlement of the American West c.1835-c.1862 ** This bundle is the first part in a series of lessons I have created for Edexcel GCSE 9-1 The American West, c.1835-c1895 Students will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the early settlement of the west from the customs, traditions and lives of the Plains Indians through to the lawlessness of the towns. They will focus on the settlement of the Great Plains with the coming of the early settlers and the problems they faced farming the land. They will learn about the conflicts and conquest of the Great Plains such as the Gold Rush of 1849 and the use of the Oregon Trail by the Donner Party for example. Questions will target consequence such as the US government policy towards the Plains Indians and the treaties which followed such as the Indian Removal Act, the Indian Appropriations Act and the Fort Laramie Treaty. Furthermore students will be empowered to master the significance of key events such as the Mormon migration west and write analytical narratives such as the perils of the Oregon Trail. I have dispensed with individual learning objectives for each lesson to focus throughout on a specific enquiry based question which addresses the knowledge and skills required for the GCSE questions and shows progression in learning required during this course. Moreover it allows the students to critically think for themselves to decide who was benefitting from this rapid change to America as well as how and why. For assessment purposes each lesson, with the exception of the first two, is accompanied by one of the three key exam questions with help and exam tips if needed. These can be completed in the lesson or for homework tasks if required. The lessons are all differentiated and are tailored to enable the students to achieve the highest grades. The lessons come in PDF and Powerpoint formats if there is a wish to adapt and change. The lessons are as follows: L1 Introduction to the Plains Indians (free resource) L2 Plains Indian society L3 The Great Plains and the Buffalo L4 The Spirit World (free resource) L5 Conflict over land L6 The Oregon Trail L7 The Gold Rush and the Donner Party L8 The Mormon Migration L9 Early Settlement on the Plains L10 The Fort Laramie Treaty L11 Problems of lawlessness