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National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS3 Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 NLT KS3 Education Resource

Using a classic poem from Paul Laurence Dunbar (influential for poets such as Maya Angelou), this guide explores how to write a poem about freedom (or its opposite). Group activities designed for KS3, and featuring links and prompts for further exploration of Dunbar’s legacy and other poetry writing techniques.
National Poetry Day 2020 Scottish Poetry Library Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 Scottish Poetry Library Education Resource

A guide to exploring limits through poetry, featuring the poem ‘Eye Chart’ by partially sighted poet Nuala Watt. Designed for KS3/4, this resource encourages students to examine their own strengths and weaknesses, and how these abilities make them feel, using this to create their own ‘Eye Chart’.
National Poetry Day 2020 First Story Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 First Story Education Resource

A guide to using poetry – based on your name – to create a deeper, more poetic expression of who you truly are. Designed for KS3/4, this guide explores how to use etymology to inspire your student’s writing. Featuring Lucy Webb’s poem ‘Etymology’ from 20:20 Vision: An Anthology by the First Story Group at Saint Gabriel’s College, London.
National Poetry Day 2020 CLPE Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 CLPE Education Resource

A guide to outlining your poetic vision for our planet and the environment by Sue Hardy-Dawson. Designed for KS2, this guide includes a poem from Where the Zebra’s Go (Otter-Barry Books) as well as links to more helpful videos from Sue on writing poetry and free teaching resources from CLPE.
National Poetry Day 2020 John Hegley Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 John Hegley Education Resource

A short exercise for KS2 exploring poetry and visual art, from poet John Hegley. Featuring a poem from John and text by Clare Elstow, this guide suggests simple ways to use art to engage poetic responses from students. These activities form part of a larger resource pack produced by Tom MacAndrew, access details are included in this resource.
National Poetry Day 2020 Poetry Book Society Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 Poetry Book Society Education Resource

What does it mean to be a visionary poet? This guide, featuring a poem from American poet Terrance Hayes (with video link), encourages students to try for themselves. Designed for KS4/5, this guide explores a variety of language techniques and includes nods to Greek mythology and Black American literary history.
National Poetry Day 2020 The Poetry Archive Education Resource

National Poetry Day 2020 The Poetry Archive Education Resource

A guide to exploring how using metaphors in poems can help to build pictures and images in our minds. Designed for KS1/2/3 and featuring an extract from ‘Granny Is’ by Valerie Bloom, use this resource structure to discuss how poems form images in our heads and how metaphors can be used to describe characters.