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Compelling Comprehensible Resources!




Compelling Comprehensible Resources!
Suffix and Prefix Investigation / Sorting

Suffix and Prefix Investigation / Sorting

Most common suffix (-ful, -est, -ing, -less, -ly, -er) and prefix (re-, un-, dis-, mis-, pre-) investigation worksheets. Each suffix and prefix meaning is given, plus an example. Can be differentiated in numerous ways: 1) Students think of their own example of words with common prefixes and suffixes. [page 1 & page 2] 2) Students can sort the provided examples. [page 3] and add some of their own 3) Students can decide which prefix or suffix works with the given base words and then add them to the table in the appropriate place. [page 4] (answers will vary) You may choose to do just suffixes or prefixes in one lesson or print back to back and do it all at once. I always like to get students to work in pairs and help each other complete worksheets and also add other examples. Uploaded a PDF in a Sasson Font & an editable word doc. in comic sans. Hope students around the world enjoy them. Please rate and comment, all my resources are shared freely.
oa and ow (oa) digraph worksheets

oa and ow (oa) digraph worksheets

oa labelling worksheet and ow (making the oa sound) labelling worksheet. Plus an 'oa&' and &';ow' cloze activity.\noa = goat, boat, oak, soap, toad, road, etc.\now = slow, snow, blow, yellow, pillow etc.
Conjunctions (Connectives) PowerPoint

Conjunctions (Connectives) PowerPoint

next, so, because, but, until, before, if, then, until, also, instead of, meanwhile. Use conjunctions two join to short sentences together. 6 examples with multiple choices of conjunctions. Followed by a clear example of using the chosen conjunction to make one longer sentence. After this students are asked if the sentence makes sense, finally the Power Point rewrites the new, longer sentence to reinforce the change from 2 short sentences into 1 longer sentence. Shared freely: please rate and comment politely.
er digraph worksheet

er digraph worksheet

er, it's a worksheet with, er, &'er&'; pictures on it to label using the 'er&' words in the box.\nand, um, er, a &';er' cloze sentence worksheets using &'er&'; words\nand read/cover/write/check and also quite a clever read/draw worksheet.
Little oo and Long oo Digraph Worksheets

Little oo and Long oo Digraph Worksheets

digraph oo. \nRead and label the clip art pictures.\nwood. foot. book. hook. food. moon. zoo. spoon etc.\n16 clear B&W clipart pictures of oo words.\n+Sentence cloze oo digraph worksheet.\n+colouring sheet + read/cover/write/check + read and/or draw
Features of a Recount Display

Features of a Recount Display

Four A4 pages to use on a display alongside student's own recount examples. *Title *Explanation *Features of a recount (title, past tense, introductory paragraph [who, what, when, where & why], main body in order, time connectives, concluding sentence) *Sequential words brainstorm, Includes an editable Microsoft Publisher file and a PDF file.
oi digraph worksheets

oi digraph worksheets

1)Simple labeling worksheet. oil, foil, boil, soil, coin, point, poison, toilet. Read the words in the box, then write it under the matching pictures.2)'oi&' and &';oy' cloze sentences.3)&'oi&'; and 'oy&' read/cover/write/check.4)&';oi' and &'oy&'; label with boy and toy5&6) Cut phonemes and spell next to the matching picture.
Goals & Steps to Achieve Posters

Goals & Steps to Achieve Posters

Posters for students to set class/school goals, with a space below each for them to list the steps they will need to take to achieve their goals. 4 versions: 3 pdf files with sassoon font: one with lines, one with numbers, and one with numbers and only 2 callout bubbles. 1 word doc with comic sans. I will edit the documents and replace 'my' with the name of the student and print one off for each child in my class. Plus one for myself, so that I can set some personal (teaching) goals for myself. I will also print out a large 'to achieve by xx/xx/xxxx' so that the goals are time sensitive and display this alongside the student's posters. Also included some display headings, quotes, and stars to make a classroom display. (star clipart is 'for reuse from clipartpanda.com)
Abbreviations PowerPoint & Worksheet

Abbreviations PowerPoint & Worksheet

A fun introductory presentation activity about abbreviations. Students can use mini-whiteboards (or scrap paper to make it into a quiz game) - they have to work out the common abbreviations of words or phrases (many they will know already, others they may have to work out) Also thrown in a few challenge questions (How many metres in 1km? etc.) Comes with an accompanying worksheet: Full words or phrases at the bottom of the page have to be used to match the abbreviations at the top (and/or vice versa)
th digraph worksheets

th digraph worksheets

Th (voiced and unvoiced) 1st labelling worksheet. (three, thin, thick, thank, thunder, thorn, this, that, tooth) B&W clipart to label and colour.\nPLUS 'th&' cloze sentences worksheet using the same words.\nPLUS read/cover/write/check &';th' words. \nAnd threw in a &'this is a CVC&'; and 'that is a CVC&' writing worksheet to practice some HFW and enforce this/that spelling and use.\nPLEASE RATE AND COMMENT.
Frayer Model

Frayer Model

The Frayer Model is a graphical organizer used for word analysis and vocabulary building. This four-square model prompts students to think about and describe the meaning of a word or concept by: Defining the term, Describing its essential characteristics, Providing examples of the idea, Offering non-examples of the idea. Various versions. Also uploaded a variation ‘Word Star Organsier’
Alternative ch Sorting Images

Alternative ch Sorting Images

Pronunciations of ‘ch’ sorting flashcards, cut, sort & stick images/words, and read, sort and write worksheet. Alternative pronunciations of ‘ch’ ‘ch’ as in ‘c’ sound (e.g. Christmas, echo) [14 images/words] ‘ch’ as in ‘sh’ sound (e.g. chef, machine) [6 images/words] Standard pronunciation of ‘ch’ ‘ch’ as in ‘ch’ sound (chick, chess) [6 images/words] Useful for phonics flashcard games. Supports Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds. Free resource. Please check out my useful 242 page phonics workbook: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-comprehension-skills-book-11872855
Split Digraph a-e

Split Digraph a-e

Two free split digraph a-e worksheets. Find the 12 split digraph a-e words amongst other words and write below. Write a-e and read with the aid of sound buttons. Taken from my huge Phonics Comprehension Skills Book https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-comprehension-skills-book-11872855 Also see my massive split digraph flashcard set https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/split-digraph-flashcards-12311559
First sh Words Worksheet sh

First sh Words Worksheet sh

sh!!!Simple labeling worksheet using /sh/ words. Look at the pictures, read the words in the box, then write the correct word under the corresponding picture. Then colour the black and white clip art. Please see my 242 page Phonics Skills Book Phase 3 - Phase 5 resource. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-skills-book-phase-3-phase-5-11872855
ai digraph labeling  worksheet ai

ai digraph labeling worksheet ai

ai digraph labelling worksheet.\n\n11 clear black and white clip art pictures of easy to read and spell (?) 'ai&' words. \n\ntail. rain. nail. train. snail. paint. afraid. chain. drain. sail. brain.\n\nGood for an introductory lesson on &';ai'
'ow' making the /ou/ sound Worksheets

'ow' making the /ou/ sound Worksheets

ow words making the /ou/ sound worksheets.\n1) introduction labelling worksheet with 12 clear clip art images: cow, owl, down, brown, crown, shower, towel, flower, crowd, tower clown and clown-fish.\n2) cloze sentences using a selection of ow words in easy (?) to read sentences.
ee or Worksheets ee or

ee or Worksheets ee or

ee or labelling worksheet + ee or colouring.\nWITH JOLLY PHOINCS DONKEY & ACTIONS.\nLabelling worksheet: read the ee or words and label the corresponding BéW clip art pictures. 12 simple to read and spell ee or words.
1st Day Activities. Find someone who

1st Day Activities. Find someone who

Panicking? I have been. This resource has 2 simple first day activities. One worksheet is a 'find someone who' double sided questionnaire...students can circulate around the room and try to find a classmate who has or can x,y,z and write the name in the box. (you may need to edit some of the questions for your school and grade) Other worksheet (Getting to know you)I may put on the tables when students arrive and they can fill in the answers about themselves and their interests, strengths and weaknesses. Hope they help new classes.