Business and Law Average Rating2.73(based on 15 reviews)Business resources for 14-18 and Post16 Law.Edit shopAdd a resource
RDent17Product Differentiation and the Design Mix(0)Product differentiation including the design mix. Can cover two lessons. Starter task, differentiated main task, mini tasks and plenary.
RDent17Murder UK Law(0)activities including interesting statistics upto date as of June 2021, actus reus, mens rea and tasks. Plenaries and targets included.
RDent17Trade Unions(0)Detailed presentation to cover 2 lessons, includes ACAS, industrial action - all tasks on presentation no need to print resources :)
RDent17GCSE Business 9-1 Technology and Promotion(0)Includes apps, viral advertising, social media, targeted advertising, emails and newsletters with tasks, reviews and up to date examples
RDent17GCSE Business 9-1 Promotional Methods(0)Sponsorship, Publicity, Product Trials and Special offerx.
RDent17Family Law Divorce, Dissolution and Annulment (Unit 4 Applied law)(0)Covers grounds and bars on/for divorce, dissolution and annulment with 4 full lessons - I stretched this to 6 lessons - activities, application to cases, assessments and challenges etc.
RDent17Product Trial and Repeat Purchase (0)Full resource included presentation, lesson plan, differentiated tasks.
RDent17Applied Law Unit 1 - Civil Courts and Appeals(0)Covers court hierarchy, appeals, civil offences with activities etc
RDent17GCSE Business - Place - Retailing/E-Tailing(0)Includes tasks, reviews, examples and starter activities
RDent17Applied Law Unit 1 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)(0)Whole lesson, should take around 3 lessons including plenty of tasks which are differentiated