These differentiated sets of worksheets are written to meet the objectives for Year 6 Number. Each of the six topics on negative number is split into three levels, indicated on the worksheets by 1, 2 or 3 stars. There are 3 versions of each worksheet. There are 54 worksheets in all, plus answer sheets.
The material could be used in several ways:
* work through all the levels with the whole class
* use the levels to target varying abilities within the class
* use extra versions of tasks to set as follow-up homework
* where pupils are inclined to copy, use different versions of worksheets to ensure independent working
* extra versions of tasks can be set as assessment at the end of a unit
Learning objectives are given at the beginning of each sheet.
A simple ‘thumbs up’ style of self-assessment is printed at the bottom of each task.
Sheets of focussed marking comments for printing onto small Avery labels. 65 labels per sheet - 20+ each of positive and next stop comments. For pain free marking of technical aspects of writing at KS3 and upper KS2.
This resource provides enough material for a week or more. At the end of the unit, pupils should have a good knowledge of the text, and the more able should know it by heart.
It consists of a copy of the spell from the witches’ scene from Act IV of Macbeth with a glossary, a comprehension exercise with suggested mark scheme, a poetry analysis exercise, and a group activity where pupils are challenged to stage the scene.
The outcome could make a worthwhile and entertaining contribution to a class or whole school assembly.
Five folders each containing 3 worksheets to support teaching of German greetings. The sixth item is a presentation linking to the online resources on which the worksheets are based (this file is available separately as a free resource, but is included here for convenience).
5 topic folders each containing 12 worksheets: 3 each of crosswords, multiple choice, word searches and matching activities. A word list for home study is included in each folder. Answer sheets supplied.
Over 80 starter activities, each taking about 20 minutes. Topics cover punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, dictionary skills and free writing. For upper KS2 and KS3. PDF presentation for the interactive board.
A zip-file containing 3 differentiated sets of worksheets. The task is to find mean, mode, median and range. 2 help sheets provided. Calculators will be needed to calculate the mean, which is not usually a whole number. Suitable for Y6 and over.
A 15 slide presentation in both PowerPoint and PDF format which could be used either for an assembly or for an introduction to a lesson or project on Louis Braille. It is accompanied by a comprehension exercise with 10 questions (20 marks) along with a mark scheme. Content and language appropriate for upper KS2 and above.
Inside the zip file there are 4 folders, each containing 10 worksheets plus answers. The worksheets are all different, but all at the same level. They provide daily speed practice for children working on their number bonds to 10. The exercises should be timed, and pupils should be encouraged to set themselves targets which they write in the space provided. Folders 2-4 provide an introduction to the mental processes needed for subtraction.
The questions follow the following format:
Folder 1: 2+7=?
Folder 2: 2+?=9
Folder 3: ?+7=9
Folder 4: Random
Five folders each containing 10 worksheets for practising spellings from the Y3/4 statutory list of words. Activity types: Look say cover write check, crossword-type grid, alphabetical order, missing vowels, word search. Answer sheets provided. Also included are two versions of the word list: one in alphabetical order and the other randomised. Each worksheet is based on 20 words taken from the main list. Good for homework or classroom spelling activity sessions.
For more resources, please take a look at my shop:
A one hour lesson on reading, writing and comparing numbers using inequality signs. Resource includes a lesson plan, PowerPoint for delivering the lesson input, and five differentiated folders each containing 5 worksheets with answers.
Three sets of worksheets. The first is intended as an introduction: pupils have to round whole numbers: first of all to tens, then hundreds and thousands. The other two sets become progressively more difficult and involve decimals. Answers are supplied on separate sheets.
The presentation contains karaoke-style scrolling text with sound , plus two slides showing how ‘avoir’ is used to talk about age and about animals. These slides have optional sound to assist with pronunciation of the text.).
The song is good for learning as a two or four part round (see teacher notes). A copy of the printed music is included, indicating entry point of each group of singers.
There are two fill-the-gap worksheets for follow up written work - one on age and the other on animals. The task in each is to complete a sentence by supplying the correct form of ‘avoir’.
This is one of a series of PowerPoint presentations designed to get students analysing and talking about the work of well-known artists, and then creating their own artwork inspired by the art they have studied. Each presentation should be sufficient for a project lasting several lessons. The presentations contain the following:
brief biographical text
links to online resources
questions to focus looking at artworks
activity based on an aspect of the artist’s work (not a copying exercise)
evaluation of project
Artists in this series: Camille Pissarro, Jean Cocteau, Amedeo Modigliani, James McNeill Whistler, Marc Chagall, Gustav Klimt, David Hockney,
NB Copyright restrictions have made it necessary to rely on online material for images of artists’ work. If links cease to work, please contact me and I will do my best to put things right!
The resource addresses the Y6 NC requirement to use ‘the perfect form of verbs to mark relationships of time and cause’. It is a challenging unit of work, and would be appropriate for KS3 as well as KS2. Originally, it was written as a single lesson, but given the scope of the vocabulary and concepts covered, It is probably better to extend it over two sessions.
The colourful presentation has teacher-operated conceal/reveal animation, and ends with a paired pupil exercise to be completed in the first lesson and reviewed in the second one. There is a KWL (know/wonder/learnt) chart to encourage self-assessment by pupils and give teachers insight into achievements and difficulties. The unit ends with a pupil worksheet at two levels to allow for differentiation. Weaker pupils can be set just exercise A, where the auxiliary verb and past participle appear consecutively in the sentence, and more able ones can be set the additional challenge of exercise B, where the auxiliary and past participle are split by other elements (eg adverbs, negatives) in almost all sentences.
Two of the slides have been saved in png format so that they can be printed out for classroom display.
For KS2 or KS3. An upbeat melody to a song with several verses incorporating key vocabulary for buying fruit and d veg at the market. Several files are included: the music score, lyrics, mp3 file, two pages of colour picture cards for games or speaking activities, and a questionnaire grid for whole class speaking activity.
A classroom poster with a simple chart showing how three present tenses have corresponding past tenses. Plus worksheets for pupil practice. Good for either KS2 or KS3. Answers included.
This is a collection of worksheets supporting the teaching of 4 compound tenses: present perfect, past perfect, present progressive/continuous, past progressive/continuous. They address the difficulty presented by participles that do not form part of a compound verb (e.g.ten the sound of running water; a broken window), and also that of identifying a compound verb when it is split by other elements (eg I have only just arrived).
There are ten worksheets in all - two worksheets and two answer sheets in each of the five folders.
A large collection of differentiated worksheets written to cover national curriculum objectives for Year 6 on number and place value. Topics covered include place value, comparing, ordering and rounding numbers up to 10 000 000; negative numbers; using formal written methods to solve calculations.