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RoJM Teaching Resources

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I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Alphabet: Lower Case Letters Formation Trace and Recognition

Alphabet: Lower Case Letters Formation Trace and Recognition

I have uploaded two sets of lower case letters a to z to be printed onto card paper and laminate. A lovely addition to your Alphabet/Phonic station. Aimed at EYFS/Year 1, EFL/ESL students Children practise moulding dough on top of the letters with dough/ plasticine. Children practise writing inside the letters with different colour drywipe pens. Print out as many times as you like - children can draw pictures beginning with the name of the letters. Opportunity to use as a teaching resource showing children how to form lower case letters. Hope this is useful. For forming capital letters see free resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-capital-letters-formation-and-recognition-11692819
 Phonics and Consonant Digraphs & Vowel graphemes on PowerPoint, worksheets/activities

Phonics and Consonant Digraphs & Vowel graphemes on PowerPoint, worksheets/activities

This phonic resource comprises a PowerPoint Presentation on: Consonant digraphs - ch, sh, th,ng Vowel digraphs/trigraphs: - ai, ee, igh, oa; -oo (long/short), ar, or; - ur, ow, oi, er - ear, air, ure - Combinations of digraphs- e.g. chair, torch, coach - Answers in pdf. Reading Sentences - Wordsearches with answers - There is a reading text on PowerPoint for whole class reading activity. - True or false questions on PowerPoint relating to the text. - Drawing pictures to go with simple sentences. - Reading text and choosing the correct word to insert in the sentence. - Missing graphemes and jumbled words activities. - Reading captions and sentences. - Blank handwriting sheet - img031.pdf All resources can be adapted. Visit my shop - you may be interested in: Onset and Rime - 21 sets https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/phonics-onset-and-rime-word-families-rhyme-powerpoint-presentations-activities-and-worksheets-11182862 Making Plurals https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/spellings-writing-singular-nouns-into-plural-nouns-and-vice-versa-presentations-and-worksheets-11177496
Digraph  flashcards - wh   ph    sh    ch   th  ng   and ck

Digraph flashcards - wh ph sh ch th ng and ck

Time-saving flashcards for phonic work. The digraph being learnt is highlighted in red. The writing is in print and joined up. Foundation/Keystage 1, SEN and ESL/EAL pupils. Just print and laminate these large digraph picture cards. Browse round my store, you may be interested in the following: Revision of digraphs sh ch th ng ck ph and wh Digraphs Ph and Wh
Onset and Rime Presentation, Activities, Worksheet, Teacher Notes - Reception Class/KS1

Onset and Rime Presentation, Activities, Worksheet, Teacher Notes - Reception Class/KS1

This resource relates to onset and rime word families. Aimed at: Reception Class/KS1, SEN and ESL/EFL Students. <strong>Product Content:</strong> Onset and Rime PowerPoint Presentation with animation Recording worksheet Hexagon shape card – laminate and cut out Onset card divided into three sections for onset and rime activities - laminate This presentation is an introduction to onset and rime presented in a way that children understand the concept and consolidate their knowledge by carrying out practical activities and recording their work on a worksheet or into their workbooks. I find this resource very useful, especially in smaller group settings. There are so many onset and rime word families. I have used the easier ones in the presentation. To make this resource flexible and ‘hands-on’, I have made an onset card which you can laminate. Once I laminated the card, I dabbed the letters with a dry erase pen on the onsets I wanted children to use to make onset and rime families. So there is an opportunity to differentiate the tasks. I have also made a hexagon shape rime card. Just laminate and write the rime you want the children to use together with the Onset Card. You can differentiate the activities by choosing the rimes you want the more advance groups to use and easier rimes for the groups that find blending onset and rime challenging. Dabbing the onsets you want some children to use with the rimes makes it easier for them to build word families. Hope you enjoy using this resource. Thank you for your interest:-)
Alphabet Match and Write Initial Uppercase and Lowercase letters to Pictures

Alphabet Match and Write Initial Uppercase and Lowercase letters to Pictures

I have uploaded a resource to support children’s learning of the alphabet. Children draw a line from each picture to the correct beginning letter name. There are two sets which you can laminate for use with drywipe pens or you use as worksheets. Two different lower case 'k’s are used. Full pack link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-activities-matching-pictures-to-upper-and-lower-case-letters-incs-trace-over-dots-11697982 Hope you find it useful.
Phonics Word search - at and -un family

Phonics Word search - at and -un family

Word family - at and - un - fat, hat, cat, rat, fun, bun, sun, run. This simple phonic word search can be used as an extension activity for early finishers. You can enlarge the sheet and lay out letters for children to place on top of the words they find. You may be interested in my onset and rime resource. https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/phonics-onset-and-rime-word-families-rhyme-powerpoint-presentations-activities-and-worksheets-11182862 Thank you for visiting my shop!:)
CVC Words Medial Vowel 'a' Jigsaw Puzzles Activities, Teacher Notes

CVC Words Medial Vowel 'a' Jigsaw Puzzles Activities, Teacher Notes

Aimed at: EYFS/Year 1 and children who are still finding blending and segmenting CVC words challenging. Content: Black and white puzzles with and without pictures for children to make CVC words. They can cut out the pieces and glue into their workbook or on separate sheet of paper. When they have made the word they trace inside the letters with different colour pencil. Green puzzles - best to laminate and cut out. Children can practise putting the pieces together and then write the word on their whiteboards. You may be interested in: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-cvc-word-families-making-words-puzzles-cut-stick-activities-rhyming-lesson-eyfs-ks1-11869596
Alphabet Capital Letters Upper Case Formation Trace and Recognition

Alphabet Capital Letters Upper Case Formation Trace and Recognition

I have uploaded two sets of upper case/capital letters A to Z to be printed onto card paper and laminate. A lovely addition to your Alphabet/Phonic station. Aimed at EYFS/Year 1, EFL/ESL students Children practise moulding dough on top of the letters with dough/ plasticine. Children practise writing inside the letters with different colour drywipe pens. Print out as many times as you like - children can draw pictures beginning with the name of the letters. Opportunity to use as a teaching resource showing children how to form capital letters. Hope this is useful. For forming lower case letters, please see: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-lower-case-letters-formation-and-recognition-11705504
Alphabet Letters and Shapes Worksheets Cut and Paste Alphabet Playdough Mats

Alphabet Letters and Shapes Worksheets Cut and Paste Alphabet Playdough Mats

This is a free sample of upper and lowercase A, B and C letters only with 2D and 3D shapes. A, B and C alphabet playdough mats for modelling letter shapes. The mats show pictures in colour and b&w. The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and US letter size 8.5 x 11". Fun learning activity colouring in shapes and background of letters and making letter shapes. Content: Lowercase letters a b c with 2D shapes Uppercase letters A B C with 2D shapes Lowercase letters a b c with 3D shapes Uppercase letters A B C with 3D shapes Alphabet playdough mats A, B & C Alphabet playdough mats with pictures labelled Please click on link for full product description. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-2d-and-3d-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-activities-bundle-12149969 Thank you for your interest.
St Valentine Reading Comprehension Passage Emergent Early Readers YR KS1

St Valentine Reading Comprehension Passage Emergent Early Readers YR KS1

This is a reading comprehension for early readers relating to Valentine’s Day. The text contains high frequency words and decodable words. There are 4 questions and a sheet of general questions for the teacher/educator. Ideal for guided reading and for more able early readers who are confident in decoding words and know some of their high frequency words. Detailed Teacher’s Notes included. The teacher’s reading comprehension sheet is in colour and the duplicate sheet is in black and white for the children to follow with their fingers what the teacher is reading. As a whole group activity or individual work, children answer the questions. The general question sheet is for teachers to ask questions and for children to say the answers aloud. **Learning Aim: ** Listening and speaking activity relating to the passage. Can children follow words with their finger? Can they find the evidence in the story? Can they rhyme words? Can they find certains words in the text? Can they count the full stops and then say how many sentences? There are a couple of sheets duplicated to take into account of US spelling, e.g. mum/mom. Thank you for visiting my store:) You may be interested in my other Valentine resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-valentines-addition-subtraction-counting-matching-patterns-sequences-and-data-handling-bundle-11828425
All About Me Questions in Hexagonal Shapes Back To School

All About Me Questions in Hexagonal Shapes Back To School

In this All About Me resource the questions are set in hexagonal tiles for students to complete. There are 3 types of activities. Content: Teacher Notes Worksheet 1 - 6 tiles with questions and children draw a picture of themselves in the middle. (UK and US spelling). Worksheet 2(Easier) (x4) - These worksheets consist of 3 questions on each page with red borders and children answer the questions inside hexagons with blue borders. The last tile always requires children to draw a picture of: themselves, a toy, what they are good at, an animal they would like to be. Worksheet 3 - Children trace over the sentences and finish them off in their own words. Lastly, they draw a picture in each of the three hexagons. Worksheet 4 - Children trace over a set of different sentences and finish off in their own words. Lastly, they draw a picture in each of the three hexagons. Please see preview pane. Thank you for visiting my shop.
Editable Labels/Cards,  Classroom management

Editable Labels/Cards, Classroom management

This product is in PowerPoint and PDF format. It has a multipurpose use and comes in plain white and 7 other colours. Optional: Print off on card paper and laminate. The cards are designed with handwriting lines, single writing line and blank white background. Suggest uses: It can be used as name tags Practising letters and numbers Use to group tables by using the colour border of the cards. Very handy if you have a cover teacher and he/she does not know where certain students sit. You can tell the cover teacher what colour cards to use. You can print off the PDF format and write in your text; or Use PowerPoint to type in your text into the blank space - Use Insert Text Box. I hope you find this product useful and thank you for your interest.
Alphabet Letters lower case and 3D Shapes Worksheets/Activities Cut and Paste

Alphabet Letters lower case and 3D Shapes Worksheets/Activities Cut and Paste

This resource contains a set of 26 lower case letters with 3D shapes in black and white. If you are teaching or have taught letters and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11". Just print off :-) Suggested Uses: Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter. Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbooks. You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in. After colouring in the letter, children can list the 3D shapes they see and the more able can put them into abc order. Some children may be able to draw 3D objects beginning with that letter, e.g. ‘b’ bun, ball, balloon. 3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron. Hope you find this resource useful. You may be interested in the free sample. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-12150086 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Alphabet Letters Upper Case and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities

Alphabet Letters Upper Case and 3D Shapes Link Worksheets Cut and Paste Activities

This resource contains a set of 26 upper case letters with 3D shapes in black and white. If you are teaching or have taught letters and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11". Just print off :) Suggested Uses: Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter. Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbooks. You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in. Extension: After colouring in the letter, children can list the 3D shapes they see and the more able can put them into ABC order. Some children may be able to draw 3D objects beginning with that letter. 3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron. Hope you find this resource useful. You may be interested in the free sample. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-12150086 Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
CVC Phonics Word Work Worksheets Mittens Winter

CVC Phonics Word Work Worksheets Mittens Winter

This product contains a set of phonics worksheets relating to mixed CVC words and pictures with a winter mittens theme. There are a variety of worksheets which you can give to all abilities to work on. You can differentiate by outcome. These worksheets are great for reviewing CVC words. Content: Worksheets A to E: Match CVC Word to Picture (x2) Worksheets A and B: Read, Trace Write CVC Words and Pictures Worksheets A and B: Cut and Paste CVC Pictures to match words. Please see preview pane. Worksheets sizes: A4 and US Size Thank you for visiting my store.:)
Alphabet Puzzle Shaped Letters Uppercase Lowercase Pictures Sentences Worksheets

Alphabet Puzzle Shaped Letters Uppercase Lowercase Pictures Sentences Worksheets

This resource relates to the alphabet Aa to Zz. The uppercase and lowercase are puzzle-shaped for students to colour in together with pictures beginning with the letters. On each worksheet students read the sentence that include the word and then trace over the sentence. The final task is to colour in 3 pictures that begin with the letter. These print and go worksheets are ideal as extra for early finishers, homework or use to assess your learners on each letter of the alphabet. Colour the puzzle letters. Trace the words for the pictures. Colour in the picture. Read the simple sentence. Trace the simple sentence. Colour in three pictures in the grid that begin with the letter. There are 3 pictures for each letter Aa to Zz: ant, apple, arrow, banana, bike, button, cactus, cage, castle, dog, domino, door, egg, elephant, envelope, feather, fish, fork, gate, guitar, gum, hand, hook, house, igloo, ill, ink, jar, jacket, jellyfish, kettle, key, kite, ladder, lamp, leg, medal, megaphone, mouse, narwhal, needle, nose, octopus, onion, origami, peas, pencil, piano, queen, quill, quilt, rabbit, rainbow, ring, scissors, snake, sock, table, teeth, tent, upside down, umbrella, under, van, vase, visor, watch, windmill, window, x-ray fish, x-ray of girl, xylophone, yoga, yogurt, yo-yo, zip, zero and zoo. Please see preview pane. You may be interested in the US Version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12803324 Thank you for visiting my shop:)
Alphabet Puzzle Shape Letters Uppercase Lowercase Pictures Sentences Worksheets US

Alphabet Puzzle Shape Letters Uppercase Lowercase Pictures Sentences Worksheets US

This resource relates to the alphabet Aa to Zz. The uppercase and lowercase are puzzle-shaped for students to color in together with pictures beginning with the letters. On each worksheet students read the sentence that include the word and then trace over the sentence. The final task is to color in 3 pictures that begin with the letter. These print and go worksheets are ideal as extra for early finishers, homework or use to assess your learners on each letter of the alphabet. Color the puzzle letters. Trace the words for the pictures. Color in the picture. Read the simple sentence. Trace the simple sentence. Color in three pictures in the grid that begin with the letter. There are 3 pictures for each letter Aa to Zz: ant, apple, arrow, banana, bike, button, cactus, cage, castle, dog, domino, door, egg, elephant, envelope, feather, fish, fork, gate, guitar, gum, hand, hook, house, igloo, ill, ink, jar, jacket, jellyfish, kettle, key, kite, ladder, lamp, leg, medal, megaphone, mouse, narwhal, needle, nose, octopus, onion, origami, peas, pencil, piano, queen, quill, quilt, rabbit, rainbow, ring, scissors, snake, sock, table, teeth, tent, upside down, umbrella, under, van, vase, visor, watch, windmill, window, x-ray fish, x-ray of girl, xylophone, yoga, yogurt, yo-yo, zip/zipper, zero and zoo. Please see preview pane. You may be interested in the UK Version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12803321 Thank you for visiting my store:)
Reading Comprehension: Story Text and Questions with Answers -Booklets 1 and 2.

Reading Comprehension: Story Text and Questions with Answers -Booklets 1 and 2.

This is a reading comprehension resource. The story is also presented on PowerPoint as an option to display the text. Ideal for end of term assessment. Useful as a task for children to be getting on with as an independent activity. Suitable for Reception (easy vocabulary) and KS1/Lower Grade KS2. The reading comprehension contains: Booklet 1 - 17 questions Booklet 2 - 14 questions Content: - Questions on the text. - Tick box statements - Multiple choice. - Inserting capital letters/full stops activity. - Dictionary work - the meaning of ‘stray’ used in the story - Rewrite in a different tense (verbs are highlighted) - six verbs are used in the short story. - Making Inferences based on the text. - Answering questions that require an explanation. Specimen answers provided. Learning Objectives: Develop pleasure in reading Answering and asking questions Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done File: pdf (Sassoon font) and Windows word format if you need to edit.
CVC Word Work Phonics Worksheet Activities Summer

CVC Word Work Phonics Worksheet Activities Summer

This is a summer-themed CVC word worksheet activity resource which you can incorporate into your main lesson or use as assessment, homework or give to early finishers. You can give the worksheets to all students and differentiate by outcome or allocate worksheets to different groups. Content: Sunshine Spell and Write Worksheets (x4) Missing Short Vowels Worksheet - A and B Match Picture to Word (x2) Write beginning and ending letters worksheet Students are required to sort jumbled letters in a grid to spell CVC words by looking at the pictures, read and match words to pictures, and add missing medial vowels. The beginning and endings letters worksheet contains 20 CVC pictures. Students should use their phonemic knowledge to add the missing consonants. I have included examples of the worksheets on how the activities should be completed. Please see preview screen. Thank you for visiting my shop:)
St Patricks Day Reading Comprehension Activities Puzzles Early Readers

St Patricks Day Reading Comprehension Activities Puzzles Early Readers

This resource relates to Saint Patrick’s Day. It is an easy reading comprehension for early readers with four questions and associated tasks - labelling, phonics, sight word search, writing initial letters, colouring and completing four sets of three-piece jigsaw puzzles. Ideal for early learners, English language learners, SEN students. Can be used for guided reading and the more able early readers can work on their own. Content: Saint Patrick’s Day reading with pictures Worksheet with 4 questions Labelling a leprechaun activity. This is differentiated in that one sheet is partly coloured in to be labelled. Literacy work associated with the reading text: Find words in the text and circle, write rhyming words for hat, pot and red It is a short text. Children are asked to count the full stops and write the number of sentences. Writing initial letters worksheet (differentiated) Complete jigsaw puzzles Thank you for visiting my shop:) Also appropriate for US.