I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This product relates to schedule timetable cards. It contains two types of headings ‘Timetable’ and ‘Schedule’.
Updated with clipart images of clocks and card in a .png file which will allow you to resize and layer the clocks into your documents, and also clipart images of subjects which you can just insert on the subject cards if you do not wish to cut out and laminate the pictures.
There are 48 pictures to choose from - just print, laminate and cut out and place alongside the subject/activity with blu tack or velcro.
Teacher’s Notes
-List of words on PowerPoint - allowing you to insert your own text and pictures
-List of words on PDF - just print and laminate.
-56 ready-made cards with clocks in pdf
-Blank cards with just clocks printed on it - you insert the text
-Extra blank cards for your use
Clipart images of clocks and card in .png file so you can resize and layer in your documents.
Clipart of subject images.
List of headings on cards:
• Timetable
• Schedule
• Literacy
• Reading
• Guided Reading
• Silent Reading
• Writing
• Phonics
• Spelling
• English
• Maths
• Numeracy
• Revision
• Test
• Exam
• Carpet time
• Science
• History
• Geography
• Story Time
• Drama
• Assembly
• Music
• Singing
• Games
• P.E.
• Dance
• R.E.
• Art
• Design
• Technology
• D & T
• Art and Design
• Computing
• Gym
• Handwriting
• Pack up
• Show and Tell
• Free Time
• Golden Time
• Tidy up
• Choosing Time
• Library
• Circle Time
• Citizenship
• Lunchtime
• Dinnertime
• Play Time
• Break
• Snack
• Home Time
• Cooking
• Baking
• Morning Register
• Afternoon Register
• Brain Gym
• S.T.E.M.
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You may be interested in multipurpose editable labels: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/editable-labels-cards-classroom-management-12049542
These worksheets are also part of the 27 worksheets contained in the link below and part of the telling the time bundle.
If you just want this type of product, then this is what it covers:
First part of the product
Complete activities A to J: Each section shows three analogue clocks and a digital time displayed above. Students tick the box below the clock that matches that time. (5 worksheets)
Second part of the product - Answering questions
For each set of activities A to J there are a variety of questions relating to the first part of the product. Under each section there are 2 to 5 questions which include elapsed time, true/false statements, writing times analogue and digital times.
(4 worksheets)
Answer sheets included.
This resource relates to St. David’s Day celebrated on 1 March.
An editable presentation on the facts of Saint David/Saint David’s Day which can be used in assembly or as a lesson.
A Presentation (55 Slides) on facts about St. David and how the day is celebrated.
There are questions and answers throughout the presentation to involve the children.
Questions to recap on what they have learnt.
It is divided into sections:-
Background to St. David’s life
Connection between Wales and Argentina
Myths and legends - E.g. Why is St David seen with a dove on his shoulder standing on a small hill.
-A prayer (optional)
(3 pages)- Teacher’s notes on assembly referring to the slides.
Optional Follow-up worksheets:
Write and draw 4 things you can remember about St David
Flags of Wales : Children colour in the flag of Wales and the cross of St David (Answer key provided)
Puzzle pieces to put together then label the picture. (colour & b/w) (Welsh flag)
2 video links: You can click on the links in the Presentation.
Video 1 is a commentary by children on St David’s Day Preparation - Tour around St David’s City (4 mins 3)
Video 2 is a commentary by children on St David’s Day Parade and making a dragon. (3 mins 40)
Please see preview pane of some of the slides in the presentation.
Thank you for your interest:-)
This product is a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.
Ideal for children to practise matching quantity to numerals in figures and words.
Children match the number of hearts on the jigsaw piece to the number on the other piece.
There are various combinations of two piece puzzle to fit together.
The pieces are in plain white and red hearts.
Cut out the jigsaw pieces you want children to put together.
Plus there is a St Valentine Penguin puzzle to do.
PPT and PDF format in a folder - just print off.
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A St. Valentine-Themed resource but it can be used at anytime of the year.
Aimed at YR/YR1, SEND.
• 6 Lovebug Worksheets in colour (Also in b/w)
• 7 Hidden Hearts Worksheet
• 8 Hidden Roses Worksheet
• 1 Blank Lovebug worksheet for your use
• Number Track with/without hearts
• Number Line
Lovebug Worksheets
Students count the hearts on each side of the bug and then write in the missing numbers in the equation and solve. Some reception children in the second term would be able to solve the equations and do the hidden hearts and roses worksheets.
7 Hidden Hearts Worksheets
These worksheets entail subtraction methods, either counting up to work out the answer or counting back.
Students can use the number track/line to help them. E.g. If there are 6 hearts and 2 are hidden, students can count up from 2 to get to 6 or use the 6 – 2 method.
Students can use their fingers or mental arithmetic strategies.
8 Hidden Roses Worksheets
These worksheets are similar to the hidden hearts worksheet except that the roses are hidden in the middle of the glyphs.
Thank you for your interest:-)
This product relates to telling the time on analogue and digital clocks.
• 2 Blank clocks showing 5 mins interval - Students can use these to refer to when working on their activities.
• 2 Worksheets – Showing o’clock times to convert to digital times
• 8 Worksheets – Different digital clock times which students read and then draw hands on analogue clocks to show correct times.
• 8 Worksheets – Different analogue clock times which students convert to the correct digital times for each clock.
More challenging
• 5 Worksheets - a digital time is shown and 3 analogue clocks of which one of the clocks shows the correct time. Students tick the correct time shown. The activity is labelled A to J. In addition there are:
•4 worksheets with questions A to J - students answer related questions on this activity (Answer sheet Included).
The last set of worksheets are for the more able students as there are extra questions related to the activities.
If you just want the multiple choice activity A to J and related questions, see link below:
Thank you for your interest.
This bundle contains resources relating to consonant digraphs:
ch, sh, th, ck, ng, ph and wh
PowerPoint Presentations
Listening activities
Sorting activities
Lesson Plans
Reading and writing
Consonant Digraphs worksheets and reading comprehension
Consonant Digraphs Clip Cards/Task Cards
Please see individual descriptions for each product.
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This resource is on the hundred square and the 1-120 square/grid. Students gain practice in moving up and down in tens and matching tens and ones/units grids to the numbers on the hundred square. Referring to the hundred square to complete word problem questions.
If you are looking for some hundred square activities, then resource is ideal for use in lessons, review and homework.
Answer Keys included.
• Worksheet 1 – (2 pages) - Students complete the hundred square from 1 to 100. After completing it, there are 11 questions to answer.
• Worksheet 2 – (2 pages) - Students fill in the partially completed hundred square. After completing it, there are 7 activities to do. Three of the activities include students shading in every two jumps for counting in two, every five jumps for counting in fives and every ten jumps for counting in tens.
• Hundred Square -Tens/Ones Activities (A to E)
Students work out what each tens and ones grid represent and write the number in the circle and then shade in the number on the hundred square. The first example has been done.
• 2x Cut/Paste missing numbers puzzle on a hundred square.
Students will see that there are missing extracts of grids from the hundred square. They cut out the grids and glue them in the correct spaces on the hundred square.
• Missing numbers on a hundred square.
Students will see parts of a hundred square which they complete with the missing numbers.
• 10 More than/Less than Word Problems.
Students read the 8 word problems and use the grid to help them work out the answers.
• A Set of 9-piece puzzle that make up the 1-120 Grid for students to cut out and glue together into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper.
Please see preview pane for examples of product.
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This is a St Patrick’s Day theme product which contains five different maths activities.
Optional preparation: You can cut out the puzzle pieces and have children assemble them or get the children to cut out the sheets of puzzle pieces and they can assemble and glue onto a separate sheet of paper or into their workbooks.
• Differentiated puzzle pieces for children to match up numbers 1 to 10 and 11 to 20. The puzzles are in colour and b/w.
Pictures on the puzzles are gold coins with a shamrock and lucky horseshoes.
• Worksheet - Match up numbered gold coins with a picture of a shamrock in the centre by drawing lines to the correct tens frame or twenty frame (double tens frame).
• Worksheet - Count the number of coins and draw a line to the correct tens frame or twenty frames (double tens frame)
• Block Bar Chart worksheet in colour/b&w with 2 differentiated question sheets (with Answer Sheet):
Worksheet 1 with 8 questions
Worksheet 2 with 11 questions
• Cut and glue picture pattern worksheet (with Answer Sheet) – Children cut out the next picture(s) in the sequence.
Pictures: leprechaun, green hat, Irish harp and shamrock.
• Children can make up their own picture patterns with the pictures using the worksheets provided.
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You may be interested in this St Patrick’s Day Bundle which contains 3 separate products on assembly/lesson, myths and legends and additional St Patrick’s worksheets:
Free resource for puzzle numbers 1 to 5:
This Advent resource contains a reading comprehension on Worksheet A with 5 questions for the children to answer on Worksheet B.
Worksheet C is grammar and word work on the text. A dictionary is optional if some children find the word work challenging.
Large Advent word search for vocabulary building and associated task. When all the words are found in the grid, there is a separate worksheet for the children to put the words into alphabetical order.
Answers included.
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These are worksheets and information cards relate to Advent and Christmas.
• Gap filling activity (2 pages) with Answer Sheets
• Differentiated cut and paste activity
• Information cards to go with cut and paste activity
• Colouring sheet for students to colour in the candles with the correct colours
Gap filling activity (2 pages) with Answer Sheets
Students read the very short texts - 2 on each worksheet and use the words from the word box to complete the sentences.
Differentiated cut and paste activity with Answer Sheet
Students cut out the description for each candle and glue next to the correct candle.
One page of cut and paste sheet has a picture of the candles.
Also included are a set of 5 information cards which you can laminate and place on students’ table to help them complete the cut and paste activity.
Colouring Sheet
This sheet contains Advent candles which you can give to students to colour in using the information cards to colour the Advent candles correctly. The information cards borders are in colour and b/w.
Thank you for your interest.
I have now grouped all the mixed bag math resources containing a variety of math topics.
The individual products have been updated within the bundle.
PowerPoint Presentations - includes demontrations and whole class activities
Flexible Lesson Plans - Oral/Mental starters, main lesson and recap sessions
Differentiated worksheets
Cut/paste activities
Flash cards and templates
You can teach the lessons in any order, use as review for topics or if you are using a cover/substitute teacher, you can just hand s/he the lesson plan and start teaching.
Please read fuller descriptions for each product.
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If a new product is added, you can just download the product at no extra cost within this bundle.
This product contains a bundle of products relating to inside and outside church features and objects and words relating to church services.
PowerPoint Presentation Lessons
Lesson Plans
Cut and Paste Activities
Write the room - Children move around the classroom to complete their activity sheets
Word Searches
Differentiated puzzle activities
Vocabulary Card/Flash Cards
Word Wall Cards with facts about church features
Please see individual product for more detailed descriptions.
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This resource contains a set of 26 lower case letters with 2D shapes.
Alphabet playdough mats for each letter with a picture beginning with the letter sound.
If you are teaching or have taught letters and 2D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper.
The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11".
Suggested Uses:
Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter.
Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbook.
You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in.
Extension: After colouring in the letter, children can list the shapes they see and the more able can put them into abc order.
Laminate the alphabet mats for children to use playdough to model the letters.
2D Shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, star, heart, crescent, pentagon and trapezium or trapezoid.
Hope you find this resource useful.
You may be interested in the free sample which only has lower and upper case letters A B & C.
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This resource relates to the church and its features and contains mini fact word cards to display and can also be used as flash cards. A lovely addition to my Visiting a Place of Worship.
In addition to the word cards, there are worksheet activities.
Teacher’s Notes - Describes activities in detail.
2x sets of 35 word wall cards which you can laminate for durability and display on your classroom wall. They can also be used as flash cards to increase students’ vocabulary.
2x Write the room activity worksheets and corresponding number tiles. The church objects on the worksheets are numbered 1 to 8.
Preparation: You will need 8 of the word wall cards to place around the classroom. Ensure the numbers on the cards match the numbered pictures on the worksheets.
Write the Room Worksheet 1
Font 2. Cross 3. Bible 4. Chalice
Write the Room Worksheet 2
5. Pews 6. Church 7. Ciborium 8. Pulpit
There are number tiles 1 to 8 which you can laminate.
2x Match and Stick Activity Sheets – There are 8 pictures and words to match up and stick on the worksheets provided. There are extra word tiles for bread – unleavened bread, wafer and host.
Use blu tack/double-side tape and place the numbers on the word card.
Students move around the classroom with their worksheet and match the number on their worksheet to the number on the word wall card. So, next to number 5, the student will write ‘Pews’ on their worksheet.
Tick and sort worksheet activity with extension for more able students.
There are 8 pictures of which 4 of the pictures relate to Christianity. Students tick and colour the pictures that relate to Christianity.
For extension:
The pictures that do not belong to Christianity, students could say or write what religion they pictures relate to. (Answer Sheet included)
Please see Preview Pane.
There are also blank word cards on PowerPoint if you wish to insert more church features.
UK/US Spelling for one of the worksheets and 6 of the word cards.
List of words with photos:
Stained-glass window
The Cross
The Crucifix
Hassock or Kneeler
The Eucharist
Votive candle
Church collection
Hymn book
Hymn board
Confessional box
Sprinkler and Aspergillum
Bell tower/Belfry
Church spire
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You may be interested in related resource: Visiting a Church
This product contains word searches, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles and colouring sheet for students to do if they have finished their work early or you wish to consolidate vocabulary relating to the church.
Teacher Notes on the activities
1x Word Search with Solution (lowercase letters)
1x Word Search with Solution (uppercase letters)
1x Word Search 2 with objects as clues (Solution included)
2 Differentiated Crosswords (with Solution)
2x Differentiated Scrambled Words Word Search (with Solution)
1x Colouring Sheet – Two stained glass windows
3x Differentiated Stained Glass Window Jigsaw Activity with Solution
Stained Glass Window Jigsaw Puzzle
This is a 9-piece jigsaw puzzle activity in which students cut out the pieces and arrange them on the worksheet before sticking down.
It is also differentiated - there is a sheet with two puzzle pieces stuck down for students to complete the rest of the puzzle with the remaining 7 pieces.
Please see my example sheet.
Hope your students have fun!
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Suitable for US
This resource contains a set of 26 uppercase letters containing 2D shapes.
Alphabet mats for each letter with pictures beginning with the letter sound.
If you are teaching or have taught uppercase letters and 2D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper.
The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11".
Suggested Uses:
Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter.
Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbook.
You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in.
Extension: after colouring in the letter, children can list the shapes they see and the more able can put them into ABC order.
Laminate the upper case alphabet mats for children to use playdough to model the letters.
2D Shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, star, heart, crescent, pentagon and trapezium or trapezoid.
Hope you find this resource useful.
You may be interested in the free sample.
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This resource contains a set of 26 lower case letters with 3D shapes in black and white.
If you are teaching or have taught letters and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper.
The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11".
Just print off :-)
Suggested Uses:
Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter.
Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbooks.
You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in.
After colouring in the letter, children can list the 3D shapes they see and the more able can put them into abc order.
Some children may be able to draw 3D objects beginning with that letter, e.g. ‘b’ bun, ball, balloon.
3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron.
Hope you find this resource useful.
You may be interested in the free sample.
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This resource contains a set of 26 upper case letters with 3D shapes in black and white.
If you are teaching or have taught letters and 3D shapes, here are some extra resources for your pupils to colour in and/or cut out and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper.
The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and 8.5 x 11".
Just print off :)
Suggested Uses:
Children colour in the shapes and the background and then they can draw things beginning with that letter.
Children colour in the shapes only and then cut around the letter and stick into their workbooks.
You could cut out the letter and stick into their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper with handwriting guidelines for children to practise writing the letter and then colour in.
Extension: After colouring in the letter, children can list the 3D shapes they see and the more able can put them into ABC order.
Some children may be able to draw 3D objects beginning with that letter.
3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron.
Hope you find this resource useful.
You may be interested in the free sample.
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This bundle contains lower and upper case letters of the alphabet and numbers 0 to 10 with 2D and 3D shapes inside the letters and numbers for children to colour in and/or cut out and glue into workbooks.
Also included are alphabet cards (colour/b&w) which you can laminate. Children use playdough to model the letter shapes.
There are two sizes of worksheets: standard A4 size and US Letter size 8.5 x 11".
Additional: Clipart numbers 0 to 10 (transparent and white)
The worksheets are useful for:
extra activities for early finishers
reinforce letters of the alphabet
reinforce numbers 0 to 10
reinforce 2D shapes knowledge
reinforce 3D shapes knowledge
Students will enjoy colouring the shapes.
2D Shapes: square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, diamond, star, heart, crescent, pentagon and trapezium/trapezoid.
3D Shapes: cube, rectangular prism/cuboid, cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, square-based pyramid, triangular prism, cone and tetrahedron.
Please see individual product description.
You may be interested in the free sample.
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