
Fractions, Decimals & Percentages - Colour by Number Activity
This is a fun way for students to revise how to change between fractions, decimals and percentages using a famous artist (Fernand Leger) colouring sheet.
Students identify the solution to each question in one of the three answer boxes. They then find the question number on the colouring sheet and colour the section in the colour that corresponds to their answer.
Included in your purchase is a question sheet, answer sheet and colouring sheet. I print this as an A5 booklet (also included) so that students can then glue this into their notebooks.
Students can also mark their answers by comparing their colouring sheet to the original artwork. An engaging way for students to learn about fractions, decimals, percentages and art!

Expanding Brackets - Colour by Number Activity
This is a fun way for students to revise expanding expressions using a famous artist (Keith Haring) colouring sheet.
Students identify the solution to each question in one of the three answer boxes. They then find the question number on the colouring sheet and colour the section in the colour that corresponds to their answer.
Included in your purchase is ONE activity: a question sheet, answer sheet and colouring sheet. I print this as an A5 booklet (also included) so that students can then glue this into their notebooks.
Students can also mark their answers by comparing their colouring sheet to the original artwork. An engaging way for students to learn about algebra and art!

Percentage of an Amount - Pick, Flip, Check Activity
Kids will love this Pick, Flip & Check activity. They use a paper clip or clothes peg to clip the percentage of amounts that have the answer shown in the centre of the card. Then they flip the card over to check their answers!
A fun way for kids to practice finding percentages of an amount. Plus no marking for you! Included in your purchase are FOUR activities (as shown on cover image).
How to assemble:
- print on card*
- cut around the edge
- fold in half and glue the two halves together.
*or paper and then laminate once folded.
Looking for similar activities. Take a look at the following Pick Flip Check resources:
Prime, Square & Cube Numbers
Fraction of an Amount - FREE
Numbers BUNDLE
© 2016 Rosella’s room. All rights reserved. Purchase of this resource entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce limits copies for his or her classroom use only.

The Little Book of Fractions
Useful for any revision lesson on fractions. The little book of fractions summarises:
- how to simplify fractions
- how to find equivalent fractions
- how to convert from a mixed number to improper fraction
- how to convert from an improper fraction to a mixed number
- how to find a fraction of an amount
Students can make the little book themselves and then stick in their notebooks as a revision tool. For each topic, there is a step-by-step example and then questions for students to try.
Included in your purchase is a pdf template of the foldable and a pdf of instructions (including answers).

Simplifying Expressions and Expanding Brackets - Pick, Flip, Check
Kids will love this Pick, Flip & Check activity. They use a paper clip or clothes peg to clip the expressions that are equal to the answer in the centre of the card. Then they flip the card over to check their answers!
A fun way for kids to practice simplifying expressions and expanding brackets. Plus no marking for you! Included in your purchase are FOUR activities - two simplifying and two expanding brackets (as shown on cover image).
How to assemble:
- print on card*
- cut around the edge
- fold in half and glue the two halves together.
*or paper and then laminate once folded.
Looking for similar activities. Take a look at the following Pick Flip Check resources:
Prime, Square & Cube Numbers
Fraction of an Amount - FREE
Numbers BUNDLE
© 2016 Rosella’s room. All rights reserved. Purchase of this resource entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce limits copies for his or her classroom use only.

Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean - Analogy to a Criminal Trial
This is a student workbook that can supplement lessons on hypothesis tests for a population mean.
I teach the stages of hypothesis testing using analogies to a criminal trial. My students like this comparison; they are more engaged and it helps them to see the relevance of the different stages. Once students are confident with the terminology, we create our own courtroom in the classroom and role-play the stages of hypothesis testing with students acting as the jury, prosecution, judge and defence.
Contents of the workbook
1. A summary of the 5 stages of hypothesis testing
2. A detailed analogy to a criminal trial
3. One worked example
4. Space for students to complete their own examples.
5. Worksheets on:
a. the null and alternative hypothesis
b. type I and type II errors
c. checking assumptions
d. sampling distributions
e. the normal distribution
f. the t-distribution
g. interpreting p-values
Answers for worksheets provided in separate document. The preview file shows a selection of pages from the workbook.

Percentages Colour by Number Activity
This is a fun way for students to revise non-calculator percentage calculations using a famous artist (Keith Haring) colouring sheet.
Topics include:
- Finding a % of an amount
- Writing as a %
- Increase/decrease by a given %
Students identify the solution to each question in one of the three answer boxes. They then find the question number on the colouring sheet and colour the section in the colour that corresponds to their answer.
Included in your purchase is a question sheet, answer sheet and colouring sheet. I print this as an A5 booklet (also included) so that students can then glue this into their notebooks.
Students can also mark their answers by comparing their colouring sheet to the original artwork. An engaging way for students to learn about percentages and art!

Volume Graphic Organisers
A useful set of graphic organisers that covers the following topics:
- Explanation of a unit cube
- Calculating volume by counting unit cubes
- Identifying prisms
- Explanation of a cross-section
- Calculating volume of prisms using dimensions
- Calculating volume of cylinders
I print these as an A5 booklet and then students glue it into their notebooks. They can then use it for revision as a 'how to' guide.

Speed Distance Time Graphic Organiser
This graphic organiser shows how to convert between speed, distance and time using the sdt triangle. The first page explains the methods and the second page can be used by the student.
Looking for a real-world application? If so, take a look at the following resource:
Pythagoras Theorem & Tennis? A Real World Practical Application

Negative Numbers Card Game
A spin on the classic card game ‘SNAP!’, this fun activity will keep students engaged while practicing operations on negative numbers.
The resource includes 80 number cards (cards numbered from -10 to 10), 24 operation cards (adding, subtracting and multiplying) and instructions on how to play.

Algebraic Expressions Graphic Organiser
These graphic organisers support students learning to simplify, expand and factorise expressions. The graphic organisers give a step-by-step guide and examples to scaffold learning.
Looking for a real-world practical application of algebra? If so, take a look at our crime scene resources:
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Quadratic Equations
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Linear Regression
CSI Algebra - Writing & Using Formulae

Algebraic Expressions - Factorising Graphic Organiser
These graphic organisers support students learning to factorise expressions. The graphic organisers give a step-by-step guide and examples to scaffold learning.
The following graphic organisers are also available:
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Expanding Algebraic Expressions
Looking for a real-world practical application of algebra? If so, take a look at our crime scene resources:
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Quadratic Equations
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Linear Regression
CSI Algebra - Writing & Using Formulae

Pick, Flip, Check Numbers Bundle
Kids will love these Pick, Flip & Check activities. They use a paper clip or clothes peg to clip their answers to the question in the centre of the card. Then they flip the card over to check their answers!
A fun way for kids to practice factors, multiples, cube numbers, square numbers and prime numbers. Plus no marking for you!
How to assemble:
- print on card*
- cut around the edge
- fold in half and glue the two halves together.
*or paper and then laminate once folded.

The Little Book of Circle Theorems
This little book of circle theorems makes learning circle theorems a little more fun!!
It summarises six rules. For each rule, students can complete the missing words in the text and then provide an example in the space provided.
With your download you will get a pdf template of the foldable and a pdf of instructions (including answers).

The Little Book of Transformations
This little book of transformations summarises how to do a:
- reflection
- rotation
- translation
Examples are given for each type of transformation and there are questions for students to complete.
Included in your purchase is a pdf template of the foldable and instructions (including answers).
Here are other resources you may be interested in:
The Little Book of Fractions
The Little Book of Circle Theorems
The Little Book of Percentages

The Little Book of Percentages
This little book of percentages summarises:
- how to convert a percentage to a fraction and decimal
- how to find a percentage of an amount
- how to express numbers as a percentage
- how to calculate a percentage increase/decrease
- how to calculate a new amount after a percentage increase/decrease
Included in your purchase is a pdf template of the foldable, answers and a pdf of instructions (including photos of the foldable in use).
Here are other resources you may be interested in:
The Little Book of Fractions
The Little Book of Circle Theorems
The Little Book of Transformations

Algebraic Expressions - Expanding Graphic Organiser
These graphic organisers support students learning to expand expressions. The graphic organisers give a step-by-step guide and examples to scaffold learning.
The following graphic organisers are also available:
Factorising Algebraic Expressions
Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
Looking for a real-world practical application of algebra? If so, take a look at our crime scene resources:
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Quadratic Equations
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Linear Regression
CSI Algebra - Writing & Using Formulae

Algebraic Expressions - Simplifying Graphic Organiser
These graphic organisers support students learning to simplify expressions. The graphic organisers give a step-by-step guide and examples to scaffold learning.
The following graphic organisers are also available:
Factorising Algebraic Expressions
Expanding Algebraic Expressions
Looking for a real-world practical application of algebra? If so, take a look at our crime scene resources:
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Quadratic Equations
CSI Algebra - Using Formulae & Linear Regression
CSI Algebra - Writing & Using Formulae

Pythagoras Theorem & Tennis ?? A Real-World Practical Application
Could you return the serve of a professional tennis player?
Students investigate this question in a maths practical activity. Students use Pythagoras' theorem and speed, distance, time conversions to estimate the time it takes for a ball to travel across court. They then estimate their own reaction times using an online test.

Angles Memory Game
This matching pairs game is a great way for students to memorise angle rules. They can play against each other or by themselves against the clock.
There are 16 pairs of cards. Each pair, a phrase card and a picture card, describes a different angle rule.
Rules include angle types and angle properties of parallel lines, triangles and quadrilaterals.
Easy to set up. The cards are made by printing double sided onto paper or card and then cutting around the borders.