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RuthRebekah's Shop

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(based on 130 reviews)

Teacher of English to 11-16 year olds at an outstanding school. A keen creative writer with a popular blog and some published pieces of original literature. Resources cover a wide range of topics and texts and are created to the highest possible standard to ensure maximum progression and challenge. Each lesson features a well-designed PowerPoint presentation and all accompanying resources.




Teacher of English to 11-16 year olds at an outstanding school. A keen creative writer with a popular blog and some published pieces of original literature. Resources cover a wide range of topics and texts and are created to the highest possible standard to ensure maximum progression and challenge. Each lesson features a well-designed PowerPoint presentation and all accompanying resources.
Lord of the Flies - Foreshadowing

Lord of the Flies - Foreshadowing

A simple and chunked lesson which encourages lower ability pupils to explore language at word level through a series of activities based around the device of foreshadowing. A scaffolded worksheet, extract and modelled example are all included to support pupils' learning.
The Landlady

The Landlady

A simple and chunked lesson to introduce lower ability pupils to the Roald Dahl classic The Landlady. Pupils explore key words in a settler word search before demonstrating their existing knowledge and ability to extract information about the author himself. Depending upon ability pupil are challenged to read a brief extract from the text independently but this could of course be changed to paired, group or a whole class reading if more support is required. Following this, pupils engage in a quiz based upon the extract to introduce an element of competition and encourage them to select and retrieve appropriate information before developing their confidence with quotation retrieval. Where possible, extra challenges have been built in to further stretch more able pupils.
Oliver Twist Pickpocketing Scene

Oliver Twist Pickpocketing Scene

An independent lesson where pupils work in small teams to select and retrieve appropriate information from the pick-pocketing scene from chapter 10 of Oliver Twist. Pupils then use this information to create a newspaper report about the incident. All resources included!
Big Write - Myths and Legends

Big Write - Myths and Legends

This session was delivered over a three hour period to prospective year 6 students along with high ability year 7 students. This allowed new pupils to engage with their older peers and get an understanding of life at high school in a fun and interactive way. Pupils are introduced to one another through some simple but effective ice-breaker tasks before exploring a myth or legend from a specific culture allowing excellent links to SMSC to be made. Pupils then work together to delve into language and higher level vocabulary before creating their very own myth or legend. The resources and accompanying workbook are included! This could easily be broken down into 3/4 lessons to be delivered in the classroom and may prove an excellent starting point for pupils who are engaging with a myths and legends scheme.
End of year quiz

End of year quiz

A fun and engaging end of year quiz! There are seven different rounds including one with an English twist. All the correct answers are included in the notes for the teacher's reference.
Oliver Twist Chapter One - Oliver's Birth

Oliver Twist Chapter One - Oliver's Birth

Pupils are introduced to the circumstances surrounding Oliver's birth and the tragic death of his mother. Pupils work on a settling activity which challenges them to unjumble the words of characters/key items related to the text. Following this, pupils read the accompanying extract with a particular focus on one of the three central characters within this scene; Oliver's mother, the nurse and the surgeon. Students are then challenged to create an internal monologue for their assigned character. All resources included!
Oliver Twist Chapter Two - The Workhouse

Oliver Twist Chapter Two - The Workhouse

A lesson which focuses on Oliver's early experiences in the workhouse and in particular on the famous scene where he asks for more gruel. Pupils work on recalling persuasive devices by using an interactive game on the whiteboard before reading this key scene. Students are then challenged to imagine they are one of Oliver's peers and must try their very best to persuade Oliver to ask the daring question of the beadle. A handy peer-assessment plenary also helps to save on teacher feedback and marking!
Oliver Twist Characters

Oliver Twist Characters

An introduction to the main characters of Oliver Twist, this lesson focuses on pupils' ability to work effectively in groups while also demonstrating their speaking and listening skills. Pupils recap on prior knowledge of the text and characters by completing a short true or false settling activity. They then get into groups and read through their character description before editing this to include some lies. When feeding back to the whole class each group must first read the original version of their character description before reading the edited version. The rest of the class demonstrate their listening skills by holding up the 'You Lie' card whenever they spot a change in the narrative.
Short Story - Christmas Themed

Short Story - Christmas Themed

An original short story which explores Christmas in another culture and era is explored in these lessons which focus on both reading and writing skills. The text itself features lots of descriptive devices and higher level vocabulary to challenge learners. Accompanying lessons see pupils employ a wide range of skills to explore different aspects of the text and could definitely be extended beyond the one lesson format they are currently in if needed!
Oliver Twist Chapter Two - Meeting the Parish Board

Oliver Twist Chapter Two - Meeting the Parish Board

A complete lesson that builds on pupils' ability to compare and contrast characters. A fun and engaging starter that initiates the 'spot the difference' theme of the lesson is followed by analysis of an image depicting Oliver and the parish board. Later the pupils read the accompanying extract and work on demonstrating their ability to select and retrieve key quotations. Students then complete an extended reflection which encourages them to delve into layers of meaning.
Break Out Oliver!

Break Out Oliver!

This lesson sets the scene with Oliver Twist being captured for pick pocketing and sent to Newgate prison - the pupils must work in teams to help solve 5 puzzles which lead to them being provided with cryptic clues. Each cryptic clue reveals the next number to the 5 digit code and will eventually release Oliver! Lots of great opportunities for building teamwork, developing speaking and listening and also helping to further inference and deduction skills too. All resources are included!
English Revision Aid

English Revision Aid

A handy double sided revision aid with some key subject terminology, examples of devices in action, different sentence types and higher level vocabulary.
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

An action packed creative writing lesson - which could easily be used across two lessons! All you need are some pegs and string to create the washing line and everything else is provided! Pupils are challenged to develop their use of higher level vocabulary, incorporation of language techniques and planning skills. A handy peer-assessment grid also helps to ease teacher marking!
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

A creative writing lesson which focuses on encouraging pupils to use a wide range of sentence openers and sentence types in order to address structure. Also included are three different creative writing tasks with differentiated levels of challenge for pupils to choose from. The lesson culminates in a peer-assessment which will help to lessen that marking workload!
Creative Writing

Creative Writing

A Harry Potter themed creative writing lesson focusing upon creating an effective description of setting. Pupils begin by exploring several descriptions of famous locations on Diagon Alley which they use to gather examples of how the five senses are used. Following this, pupils are challenged to create their own description of their chosen location on Diagon Alley before completing a peer-assessment which helps to reduce teacher marking! All resources are included and provide examples of shops, higher level vocabulary and examples of language devices in action to offer additional assistance and guidance.
Jane Eyre - Characters

Jane Eyre - Characters

A handy lesson that introduces pupils to the main characters of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. Including lots of vital information on a range of characters, pupils are challenged to select and retrieve key information from around the classroom before creating a more detailed Facebook profile for their chosen character. All resources included!
Jane Eyre Chapter Three

Jane Eyre Chapter Three

An engaging lesson which lets pupil lead their own learning! Pupils work in small groups to develop and hone their questioning skills through the use of a group challenge, a reading of chapter three of Jane Eyre and the composition of a range of questions using a handy adaptation of Bloom's Taxonomy. Lots of opportunity for group and whole class discussions in this lesson! All resources included!
Jane Eyre - Monsters

Jane Eyre - Monsters

This lesson explores the concept of monsters within Jane Eyre. Pupils work as a class to describe famous monstrous characters in a fun and interactive starter, following this, pupils consider Bertha Mason through paired work which sees them teach one another to consolidate their ideas. Plenty of engaging activities are included in this lesson with lots of opportunity for whole class discussion. All resources included!
Jane Eyre 'Red Room'

Jane Eyre 'Red Room'

Two lessons based around chapter two of Jane Eyre and the infamous 'red room'. Lesson one explores the author's use of language and sees pupils develop their vocabulary, explore connotations of words and compose an analytical response. Lesson two focuses upon developing pupils' creative writing skills by setting a number of challenges for pupils to explore within their writing. Both lessons also make use of peer-assessment to help ease that marking workload! All resources included!
Jane Eyre Chapter One

Jane Eyre Chapter One

An interactive and engaging lesson to introduce pupils to the first chapter of Jane Eyre. An edited version of the text allows pupils to independently explore key issues raised in this section of the text along with literary features employed by Bronte. The lesson opens with an active group challenge entailing pupils to match the correct book cover to the famous opening line. Following this pupils complete a shared reading of the edited text in small groups with each section clearly marked and including a question requiring a detailed response. Two built in mini-pitstops allow the teacher to circulate and target specific pupils/groups while ensuring all pupils are making effective progress. All resources included!