20 questions from the 2-6 times tables with sound effects and answer slides with a 2 minute question slide ideal for starter activity or mental maths test.
20 random questions on multiplying by 1000 with answers slide. All slides have sound effects A 2 minute timed Handout for starter activity or mental math test.
2 times tables tests, based primarily on the 2 times table, but including questions from other times tables as well. Presented on a two minute timer, these activities are ideal as a starter, plenary or mental Maths test. Another free to use resource from 12xtables.co.uk
2 sets of decimal fractions to put in ascending and descending order. Answer slide included. A 2min tmed activity; ideal for a starter activity; mental math test or wrap up.
2 sets of decimal fractions to put in ascending and descending order. Answer slide included. A 2 min timed activity, ideal for a starter activity, mental math test or wrap up.
Ordering sets of whole numbers from 0 to 100 in ascending and descending order. A 2 min timed worksheet, ideal for starter activity, mental math test or plenary.
Ordering sets of whole numbers from 0 to 999 in ascending and descending order. A 2 min timed handout, ideal for starter activity, mental math test or wrap-up.
Ordering sets of whole numbers from 0 to 999 in ascending and descending order. A 2min timed handout, ideal for starter activity, mental math test or wrap up
Ordering sets of whole numbers from -20 to 50in ascending and descending order. A 2min timed worksheet, ideal for starter activity, mental maths test or plenary