I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes.
I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science
I have a PA Professional Certi
I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes.
I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science
I have a PA Professional Certi
This crossword puzzle on the electromagnetic spectrum is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Electromagnetic Spectrum
♦ Frequency
♦ Gamma Rays
♦ Infrared Light
♦ Microwaves
♦ Radio Waves
♦ Ultraviolet Light
♦ Visible Light
♦ Wavelength
♦ X Rays
This crossword puzzle on the physical properties of matter is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Buoyancy
♦ Color
♦ Conductivity
♦ Density
♦ Ductility
♦ Magnetism
♦ Malleability
♦ Mass
♦ Solubility
♦ Solubility
♦ Temperature
♦ Viscosity
♦ Volume
This word search on verbs also doubles as a coloring sheet!. The solution to the puzzle is included.
Terms Included:
♦ Carry
♦ Catch
♦ Cut
♦ Dance
♦ Eat
♦ Hide
♦ Paint
♦ Pay
♦ Play
♦ Talk
♦ Think
♦ Write
This maze is a great way for students to practice their skills with electron configurations. Problems include elements with atomic numbers up to 96 (Cm).
Rock Cycle: This word search also doubles as a coloring book!. The advantage to this is that students can actually see the concept behind the term they are attempting to find. The solution to the puzzle is included.
Rock Cycle Word Search/ Coloring Book Vocabulary Terms:
♦ Igneous Rock
♦ Lava
♦ Metamorphic Rock
♦ Mineral
♦ Sediment
♦ Sedimentary Rock
♦ Sediment Layers
♦ Subduction Zone
♦ Volcanic Fissure
♦ Volcano
♦ Water Erosion
♦ Wind Erosion
Thank you to Monster Wrangler Mike, Teaching in the Tongass and The Painted Crow who provided the images
Natural Resources: This natural resources word search allows students to actually see the concept behind the word that they are searching for! Included within this product is a black & white version as well as the solution to the puzzle.
Natural Resources Vocabulary Terms:
♦ Coal
♦ Earth
♦ Fossil Fuels
♦ Geothermal Energy
♦ Hydroelectric Dam
♦ Metal
♦ Natural Gas
♦ Nuclear Energy
♦ Oil
♦ Soil
♦ Solar Energy
♦ Sunlight
♦ Timber
♦ Water
♦ Wind Energy
This crossword puzzle on the states of matter is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Atom
♦ Chemical Change
♦ Compound
♦ Condensation
♦ Element
♦ Evaporation
♦ Gas
♦ Liquid
♦ Mass
♦ Matter
♦ Melting
♦ Mixture
♦ Molecule
♦ Physical Change
♦ Solid
♦ Volume
Telling Time: This telling time maze is a fun way for students to have fun well practicing telling time!
Students start the game in the upper left corner and correctly identify the time of each clock in order to advance to the next clock until they reach the finish line!
*** Enjoy this Lesson? Do a search for my other Cootie Catchers: ***
♦ Grades 1-3:
Balancing Equations
Estimating Sums
Expanded Form
Fact Families
Greater Than Less Than
Long Division
Missing Addends
Multiplication Word Problems
Number Bonds Word Problems
Skip Counting
Telling Time
♦ Grades 3-5:
Balancing Equations
Comparing Decimals
Elapsed Time
Expanded Form
Fact Families
Factors & Multiples
Fractions on a Number Line
Greater Than Less Than
Greatest Common Factors
Least Common Multiple
Long Division
Mean, Median, Mode, & Range
Metric Measurement
Mixed Numbers
Number Patterns
Order of Operations
Place Value
Prime & Composite Numbers
Prime Factorization
Properties of Mult.
Word Problems
♦ Grades 6-8:
Customary Measurements
Fractions: Add & Sub, Decimals, & Percents
Fractions: Equivalent & Reducing Fractions
Greater Than Less Than
Improper Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Operations with Fractions
Rational Numbers
Simple Interest
♦ Geometry:
3D Shapes
Angle Pair Relationships
Area of a Circle & Composite Figures
Circumference of a Circle
Missing Angles
Pythagorean Theorem
Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms
Volume & Surface Area of Cylinders
Volume of Cones, Rectangular Prisms, & Triangular Prisms
♦ Algebra:
Absolute Value
Combining Like Terms
Distributive Property
Evaluating Expressions
Linear Equations
Quadratic Equations
Scientific Notation
Simplifying Expressions
System of Equations
Two Step & Multi Step Equations
Writing Expressions
This math maze is a great way for students to practice their skills with surface area and volume of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones. The solution is included.
This math maze is a great way for students to practice their skills with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers. The solution is included.
This crossword puzzle on magnets and magnetism is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Attract
♦ Compass
♦ Electromagnet
♦ Iron
♦ Magnet
♦ Magnetic Field
♦ Permanent Magnet
♦ Pole
♦ Repel
♦ Temporary Magnet
This word search on the digestive system includes the following vocabulary terms. The solution to the puzzle is included.
♦ Esophagus
♦ Gallbladder
♦ Large Intestine
♦ Liver
♦ Mouth
♦ Pancreas
♦ Rectum
♦ Small Intestine
♦ Stomach
This word search is a great way for students to practice compound words. The solution to the puzzle is included.
Terms Included:
♦ Butterfly
♦ Fireman
♦ Football
♦ Horseshoe
♦ Jellyfish
♦ Mailbox
♦ Pancake
♦ Skateboard
♦ Sunflower
This word search is a great way to review the many famous inventors and their inventions throughout history. The solution to the puzzle is included.
Terms Included:
♦ Johannes Gutenberg: Printing Press
♦ Wright Brothers: Airplane
♦ Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone
♦ Thomas Edison: Phonograph
♦ Alfred Nobel: Dynamite
♦ Karl Benz: Automobile
♦ Eli Whitney: Cotton Gin
♦ Guglielmo Marconi: Radio
♦ Nikola Tesla: AC Electric Motor
This maze is a great way for students to practice their skills with simplifying radicals using square roots and cube roots. The solution to the puzzle is included.
This crossword puzzle on elements compounds and mixtures is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Compound
♦ Element
♦ Heterogeneous
♦ Homogeneous
♦ Matter
♦ Mixture
♦ Molecule
♦ Pure Substance
♦ Solute
♦ Solvent
♦ Suspension
This crossword puzzle on photosynthesis is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Autotroph
♦ Calvin Cycle
♦ Carbon Dioxide
♦ Chlorophyll
♦ Chloroplast
♦ Glucose
♦ Light Reactions
♦ Oxygen
♦ Photosynthesis
♦ Stoma
♦ Water
This crossword puzzle on the nervous system is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following:
1. Blank Version without word bank
2. Blank Version with word bank
3. Answer Key
Vocabulary Words:
♦ Axon
♦ Brain
♦ Brainstem
♦ Cerebellum
♦ Cerebrum
♦ Dendrites
♦ Myelin Sheath
♦ Nerve
♦ Neuron
♦ Spinal Cord
♦ Synapse
♦ Synaptic Terminal