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Squelch1's Shop

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(based on 64 reviews)

I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y3 and Y4 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 3 and 4, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Y4 Living Things and their Habitats - Lesson 1, Grouping Living Things (Planning, PP, Resources)

Y4 Living Things and their Habitats - Lesson 1, Grouping Living Things (Planning, PP, Resources)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and Activity for grouping living things. The first in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'Living Things and Their Habitats,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning. We are learning to group living things. An interesting mastery starter, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning. Encourages children to consider what a living thing is. Opportunity for children to work in mixed ability groups to come up with their own ways to group living things and to be able to share this and reason their choices with the class. Develop's children's scientific explanations of how something is grouped as a plant or an animal. Lots of 'mastery' thinking required through the questions posed, for deepening and mastering learning. Interesting Minions related hook to engage all children in the follow up task. Choice of 3 differentiated follow up activities (all of which are provided as well as being explained on the PowerPoint) Opportunity for verbal peer feedback as a plenary (with prompt on the PowerPoint). All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y4 States of Matter - 7 lesson plans

Y4 States of Matter - 7 lesson plans

7 lesson plans for the Y4 states of matter science topic, covering: Comparing and classifying materials. Properties of solids, liquids and gases. Melting and freezing. Changing states. Reversible and irreversible materials. Condensation and evaporation. Water cycle. Clear teaching points and questions for extension. 3 differentiated activity ideas and ideas for experiments.
Reading Comprehension Pictures

Reading Comprehension Pictures

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills. Each image has at least two questions, particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These images are great to use a a starter to activity and really improve the comprehension skills of readers of ALL abilities. This pack is based around a flight/aeroplane theme. Pictures include military and commercial aircraft.
Reading comprehension pictures/questions

Reading comprehension pictures/questions

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills. Each image has at least two questions, particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These images are great to use a a starter to activity and really improve the comprehension skills of readers of ALL abilities. This pack is based around a topic for the Romans.
Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y5 and Y6 (2014 Curriculum)

Computing / ICT Assessment Targets Y5 and Y6 (2014 Curriculum)

Statements to help you with assessing children against the 2014 Computing Curriculum, or with setting targets. There are separate documents for years 5 and 6, which break down the learning and help to show progress between year groups. As the assessment grids help identify learning for children in each year group, they can also be used to guide planning, again to ensure progress between year groups.
Y4 States of Matter - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Lesson 5 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Y4 States of Matter - Reversible and Irreversible Changes - Lesson 5 (Resources, PP and Planning)

Lesson PowerPoint, planning and Activity The fifth in a series of lessons to develop children's knowledge about 'States of Matter,' for the 2014 primary curriculum. Links to coverage of the curriculum are explicit in the planning (for both States of Matter and Working Scientifically) We are learning to understand what is meant by an irreversible change. An interesting zoomed in image for the starter, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning. Recaps, revisits and builds on children's prior knowledge from previous lessons. Revisits reversible changes. Develop's children's scientific knowledge of irreversible changes and is relevant to children by giving examples from every day life. Two fun investigations for children to complete, whilst developing their understanding of irreversible changes. Equipment list for the investigations is provided in planning and on PowerPoint. Step by step modelling of the experiments are modeled on the PowerPoint. Further 'mastery' thinking required for deepening and mastering learning, through thought provoking questions etc. Activity is on the PowerPoint and requires photographs of the experiments to be taken during the lesson (for this reason, you may find it easier to complete this part of the lesson at a later time). All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Y6 E-Safety/Online Safety Scheme of Work

Y6 E-Safety/Online Safety Scheme of Work

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 6 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
Upper KS2 Online Safety Scheme of Work

Upper KS2 Online Safety Scheme of Work

Get your school ahead of the game with lessons in online safety. A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years five and six to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
E-Safety scheme of work for Y2

E-Safety scheme of work for Y2

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 2 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
KS1 E-Safety Scheme of Work

KS1 E-Safety Scheme of Work

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years one and two to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
E-Safety Scheme of Work for Y1

E-Safety Scheme of Work for Y1

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 1 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
Reading Comprehension Pictures and Questions (Brazil/Flight/Roman Topics)

Reading Comprehension Pictures and Questions (Brazil/Flight/Roman Topics)

Three sets of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills and discussion. Each image has two questions. These are particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These will give any ability of child to develop their comprehension skills. One set will link well with a Brazil/ South America theme and will also develop subject knowledge in this area. One set is for a topic on the Romans. One set is to link with a topic on flying and aeroplanes.
Reading Comprehension Picture/Question Sets (Flying and Roman Topics)

Reading Comprehension Picture/Question Sets (Flying and Roman Topics)

Two sets of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills and discussion. Each image has two questions. These are particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These will give any ability of child to develop their comprehension skills. One set links well with a topic on flying and aeroplanes. The other set is to link with a topic on the Romans.
Reading comprehension pictures and questions (Brazil and Flight topics)

Reading comprehension pictures and questions (Brazil and Flight topics)

Two sets of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills and discussion. Each image has two questions. These questions are particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These will give any ability of child to develop their comprehension skills. One set of pictures will link well with a Brazil/ South America theme and will also develop subject knowledge in this area. The other set of pictures will link well with a topic on flying and aeroplanes.
Reading Comprehension Pictures and Question (based on Brazil)

Reading Comprehension Pictures and Question (based on Brazil)

A series of 20 images to develop children's reading comprehension skills and discussion. Each image has two questions. These are particularly aimed at developing children's inference skills, justifying from using evidence in the pictures and broadening vocabulary. These will give any ability of child to develop their comprehension skills. The pictures will link well with a Brazil/ South America theme and will also develop subject knowledge in this area.
Lower Key Stage 2 E-Safety Scheme of Work

Lower Key Stage 2 E-Safety Scheme of Work

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years three and four to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
E-Safety Scheme of Work Years 1-4

E-Safety Scheme of Work Years 1-4

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in years one to four to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources/activities. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.
Y4 e-safety scheme of work

Y4 e-safety scheme of work

A comprehensive scheme of work for children in year 4 to follow. Clear teaching points, mastery questions and suggested resources. Links to 2014 Primary National Curriculum. 3 main areas of learning: e-awareness, online communication and searching the internet. Very clear and easy to plan from to help children progress in this area and stay safe on the internet at school and at home.