Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology.
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Child Development, Health and Social Care, Sociology.
Please leave a review if you purchase a resource :D if you have any issues or requests :D
BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 2: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES AND VALUES New Spec 2022
This bundle provides you with all everything needed to deliver Component 3.
As this unit is predominantly synoptic, lessons focus on retrieval of knowledge from Component 1 & Component 2.
All lessons begin with a “Do Now” Retrieval grid. Lessons focus on exam questions, with WAGOLLS/WABOLLS and mark schemes provided.
Added March 2024- A Pre-exam Booster input session. This can be used to guide students before the exam, or extended and used as a revision session
Please review if you download.
Other bundles can be found here:
Component 1:
Component 2:
Complete bundle for delivery of lessons and a practice run through of a Component 2 PSA
This bundle includes:
All lessons to deliver content input for Task 1-5
A guided walking talking mock, that provides students with instructions and writing frames for the Component 2 PSA
Including moderated student work for this PSA (As part of a trust moderation process, in which myself and other staff members are moderators for BTEC)
An editable student feedback grid.
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Other Resources can be found here
Component 1:
Component 3:
BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 2: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES AND VALUES New Spec 2022
Learning Aim A: Health Conditions- Arthritis. 1x 90 minute lesson
Please review if you purchase
Task 1 and Task 2 Bundle:
BTEC National Level 3 Health and Social Care- Unit 7 Safe Practice in Health and Social Care
Many thanks to those of you who purchased this unit, and reviewed it so highly. I decided to refresh it and update it. Included in this resource:
Coursework Guidance Booklet with details on all tasks and how to complete them.
7x 100 minute lessons (many of which are double lessons due to video clips/documentaries that are included)
Everything is in ppt/word and therefore editable to suit teacher style. This was planned for a non-specialist to deliver, so should be easy to use for all teachers, cover etc.
Please review if you download.
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1- Human Lifespan Development- Task 1.
On reflection after the first sitting of the PSA, I have decided to teach Component 1 a little different for 2023-2024. Rather than teaching lifestages, I have opted to teach PIES, like the textbook. This has saved me curriculum time, and will allow me to do a mock of each task as I go.
9x60 minute lessons, plus a mock of task 1 with a marking sheet
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3a:
Task 3b:
BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 3: Health & Wellbeing. External Examined Unit. New Spec 2022
All lessons in this examined unit focus on retrieval from Component 1 & Component 2, with a lot of exam question practice.
A1 Factors affecting health and wellbeing
1x60 minute lesson looking at Lifestyle factors, this includes, smoking, underweight, overweight, substance abuse, alcohol and smoking
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 1- Human Lifespan Development- Task 3a
These lessons are for the input of of Task 3, looking at life events that impact development.
Lesson 1: Health and Wellbeing
Lesson 2: Relationship changes
Lesson 3: Life Circumstance.
Lesson 4: Mock 3a PSA, with a teacher feedback highlighting sheet.
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3a:
Task 3b:
BTEC National Level 3 Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care.
A3 document that maps all exam content since 2017. Useful revision tool to support students.
Complete bundle for delivery of lessons and a practice run through of a Component 1 PSA
This bundle includes:
All lessons to deliver content input for Task 1-3b
A guided walking talking mock, that provides students with instructions and writing frames for the Component 1 PSA
An editable student feedback grid.
BTEC Health and Social Care Level 3. Unit 5- Meeting Individual care and support needs.
Complete coursework guidance booklet. Suitable for all learners. Includes the case studies and tasks for the complete unit.
Literacy prompts and model answers are also included
Word document so completely editable.
Please review if you download.
Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years
New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare)
A complete bundle of lesson resources to deliver Year 1 of the new NCFE/Cache Child Development course.
Each Content Area has lessons that are differentiated, homework tasks and a scheme of work. All lessons are completely editable.
There is also a mock NEA walk through in Content Area 9, which includes teacher feedback, student booklet and a tracker to monitor student results. This can then be reused in the real assessment in Year 2.
Please leave feedback if you purchase :D
BTEC National Level 3 Health and Social Care. Coursework Guidance booklet for Unit 11 Psychological Perspectives
Complete booklet to support completion of the Unit 11 Coursework. Includes model answers, literacy banks and guidance of what to include in each task.
Word document so editable.
If you download, please review.
A bundle of resources to teach about the different types of research methods using in Health and Social Care. Suitable for Level 2 and Level 3 content (planned for Unit 4 of L3, but easy to differentiate for Level 2).
Learning Aim B:
Included in this bundle is everything needed to teach Learning Aim B of the exam specification.Lessons have varied activities, including exam practice with modelled answers, independent research tasks and comprehension style questions.
This bundle also includes an exam mapping sheet with all previous exam question content, plotted on a table.
It’s worth noting my lessons are planned for 100 minutes of content, so they may need to be edited if your lessons are shorter.
Please review if you download.
Learning Aim A:
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care- Component 2- Services and Values.
Lessons in this bundle cover Spec points A1 and A2. This includes a mock PSA of task 1 and task 2.
13x lessons aimed at 60 minutes + 2 hours of mock PSA, with a teacher marking grid for each task.
Task 3 Bundle:
BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care- Component 3.
This will be used as my pre-exam booster, before the exam. I have approx 30 minutes. This could be extended as a revision session, if you print the Sample paper, and then use the slides to guide students through the answers.
I use this by guiding students through the question, using mini whiteboards they bullet point the content they would include, and I show them a model answer.
Please review if you purchase.
Level 1/2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care in the Early Years
New for teaching in September 2022 (NCFE/CACHE Childcare)
Included in this bundle is everything needed to deliver Content Area 5: Legislation
This has taken me SO long to plan, and is the first content area to use a work booklet. If you download PLEASE review. There are 10 lessons here, if you deliver it as planned.
Legislation lesson takes 3 lessons as one is input, followed by 1 lesson of researching in groups and creating a presentation, with the third lesson ebing their presentations.
Equality and Inclusion uses 2 long clips. 1 is 20 minutes long, the other is 60 minutes. These can be taken out if you need to save time.
Safeguarding is 2 lessons as I will be inviting in someone from the school safeguarding team, to speak about their role with the students.
10x lessons
2x homework tasks
1x End of Content Area assessment (exam questions taken from sample)
1x scheme of work
A display that gives book, film, TV Programme, App and Social media account recommendations for students to watch/read/follow/download to enrich their learning experience as a Health and Social Care Student. Suitable for KS4 and KS5 students.
Display I have put together to jump on the “Thank you NHS” material that is out there at the minute. Includes some basic facts and statistics about the NHS as well.
Please take the time to review- it is free!
BTEC Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 2: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES AND VALUES New Spec 2022
LAB Skills and Attributes
1x 60 minute lesson looking at skills and attributes
Task 1 & 2
Task 3:
Task 4&5: