I am a primary school teacher with a knack for teaching to the multiple intelligences, particularly the visual learner. My resources are inspired by my experience of teaching different students with unique ways of learning. I love the magic of helping them to make connections in learning. The grades 3-5 are mostly what I cater to, however, I also have some great resources for grades 1 and 2.
I am a primary school teacher with a knack for teaching to the multiple intelligences, particularly the visual learner. My resources are inspired by my experience of teaching different students with unique ways of learning. I love the magic of helping them to make connections in learning. The grades 3-5 are mostly what I cater to, however, I also have some great resources for grades 1 and 2.
These Food Chain Puzzles can be used to practice making food chains with organisms in a garden habitat. This is a Spring themed Food Chain puzzle. The cards are perfect for group work and stations. Each puzzle card has an organism name and picture on it. Each of the first five pages has three puzzles and each of these puzzles has a producer (plant or plant part), a primary consumer, and a secondary consumer. The sixth page has more consumer organisms that can be spliced in to make longer food chains. After the cards are cut apart for the students, the page six puzzle cards can be mixed and matched with them. 15 Puzzles. 6 Pages. Grades 2-4.
The producers (plants or plant parts), in this set include: grass, leaf, bush, seeds, nectar from flowers, and fruit. The consumer organisms in this set are: caterpillar, bird, grasshopper, lizard, snake, bee, dragonfly, aphid, ladybug, rabbit, eagle, chicken, man, rat, owl, cow, fly, frog, rat, cat, sheep, toad, butterfly, and goat.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
This set of Editable Classroom Labels (ovals with polka dot trim) are for you to label everything in your classroom. Label your library bins, stations, containers, drawers, cabinets, shelves, books, mail boxes, student trays and more. This file contains rectangular labels in two sizes: 4 per page and 6 per page. There is a whole page of black and white polka dots and other whole pages of other single colours (white, grey, pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, green, and brown), as well as other pages with a variety of multi-color rainbow theme dots, and Fall theme polka dots. They are to be printed on 8.5 x 11 (letter) sized paper. Just click in the text boxes and type your own personalized labels. This is a PowerPoint file. Please make sure that you have Microsoft PowerPoint (not PowerPoint viewer).
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Gender Noun Animals Memory Game for matching the masculine animals names to their feminine counterparts. This game can be added to any nouns unit for naming animals or to your animal or farm animal units. It consists of 18 pairs of animals. This set can also be made into a flip book, the instructions for that are included. The animals in this set are the masculine and feminine forms of cat, cattle, chicken, deer, dog, donkey, duck, elephant, fox, goat, goose, horse, lion, pig, rabbit, tiger sheep, and whale.
This set includes 15 words (each on its own card). Each emotion word has a matching picture right on the word card. The following words are found in this set: angry, anxious, bored, confident, disappointed, frightened, embarrassed, happy, hurt, interested, jealous, sad, satisfied, surprised, and thoughtful. These are great for letting students play with and use if they are having a hard time identifying how they feel in certain situations. Each page has three word cards and they are to be printed on 8.5 x 11 (letter) sized paper. Grades 1-3.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Rapunzel Retelling Worksheets with picture writing prompts. This mini-book is for your students to retell the traditional story of Rapunzel. It is for grades 2-4 and makes a great addition to any fairy tales unit.
Instructions for the teacher:
Just print out either the colour or black and white version and make copies of each page. Then guillotine them across the middle. That’s it. The instructions on page two are for your students to be able to do the rest for themselves. I kept it as simple as possible for them to easily make their own mini-book story retelling.
Pages 2-10: Mini-book pages for the story of Rapunzel.
Pages 9-11: Longer sheets for older students who may not need the picture prompts.
Pages: 12-22: Black and White versions of everything above.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
These are printable ruler templates in both cm ruler templates and inch ruler templates. The inch rulers come in sets of half inch, quarter inch, one eighth inch, and one sixteenth inch increments. The metric rulers are available in mm and cm increments. Each page has five rulers and they are to be printed on 8.5 x 14 (legal) sized paper. Printing tip: To make sure that they print to scale, always select 'Print actual size' in the printing window. Once they are laminated you can use them over and over again. 14 Pages.
(c) Nyla's Crafty Teaching 2013
Food chains and food web terms are referenced in this 'I Have... Who Has...?' game which is a great tool for memorizing the meaning of these terms. The terms here are producer, herbivore, photosynthesis, carnivore, consumer, predator, prey, organism, omnivore, decomposer, scavenger, micro-organism, fungus, habitat, energy, food chain and food web. This is recommended for small groups for reinforcement. 17 Cards. 5 Pages. For Grades 3-5.
Spring is here and the flowers need to get sorted. It’s time match them up into the affix baskets that are labelled with the prefix or suffix that matches the root word on each flower. 14 Pages. For grades 3-5.
This set contains:
8 prefix basket labels and 8 suffix basket labels.
6 flowers for you to print then cut out (each in colour and black and white).
32 root word cards for prefixes to print and cut out then stick each word onto a different flower.
32 root word cards for suffixes to print and cut out then stick each word onto a different flower.
The prefixes featured for each bowl are un, dis, in, im, re, pre, ir, and mis. The suffixes are able, ible, ful, less, ly, ment, ness, and en.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Cinderella the fairy tale Retelling Worksheets with picture writing prompts. This mini-book is for your students to retell the traditional story of Cinderella. It is for grades 2-4 and makes a great addition to any fairy tales unit.
Instructions for the teacher:
Just print out either the colour or black and white version and make copies of each page. Then guillotine them across the middle. That’s it. The instructions on page two are for your students to be able to do the rest for themselves. I kept it as simple as possible for them to easily make their own mini-book story retelling.
Pages 2-10: Mini-book pages for the story of Cinderella.
Pages 11-13: Longer sheets for older students who may not need the picture prompts.
Pages: 14-25: Black and White versions of everything above.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
This illustrated word wall set is perfect for helping your students to remember the spelling and meanings of the key food chain and food web terms: habitat, organism, producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, consumer, food chain, food web, scavenger, decomposer, predator, prey, energy, and photosynthesis. 6 Pages. For Grades 3-5. Three word wall cards per page.
Measurement task Cards! Use these measurement task cards to introduce the cm and mm. The set includes a free tutorial about measuring with a ruler. There are a total of 24 task cards with pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length or height of the object to be expressed in cm. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks to complete each statement. Also included is a printing guide and printable rulers. The game 'Scoot' can be played with these as well.
I used British spellings for the terms 'centimetre' and 'millimetre'.
14 Pages. For grades 3-5.
These are five lesson plans for the writing process using descriptive writing. This engaging unit takes students through the stages of writing from start to finish, by developing and refining their own ideas into a well published final product. Descriptive Writing is a means of expressing one's environment through the perceptions of his senses. Sight, smell, touch, sound and taste, are used to vividly describe the environment so that the author can transport the reader into his environment. It is compulsory that a child is taught the necessary skills to develop a good descriptive story structure, which will improve their writing skills across the curriculum as well as develop their self-esteem and promote literacy.
Fulfils requirements for:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
The Ugly Duckling - Story Retelling Worksheets - with picture writing prompts. This mini-book is for your students to retell the traditional story of The Ugly Duckling. It is for grades 2-4 and makes a great addition to any folk tales unit.
Instructions for the teacher:
Just print out either the colour or black and white version and make copies of each page. Then guillotine them across the middle. That’s it. The instructions on page two are for your students to be able to do the rest for themselves. I kept it as simple as possible for them to easily make their own mini-book story retelling.
Pages 2-9: Mini-book pages for the story of The Ugly Duckling.
Pages 10-12: Longer sheets for older students who may not need the picture prompts.
Pages: 13-23: Black and White version.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
The Three Little Pigs - Story Retelling Worksheets - with picture writing prompts. This mini-book is for your students to retell the traditional story of The Three Little Pigs. It is for grades 2-4 and makes a great addition to any folk tales unit.
Instructions for the teacher:
Just print out either the colour or black and white version and make copies of each page. Then guillotine them across the middle. That’s it. The instructions on page two are for your students to be able to do the rest for themselves. I kept it as simple as possible for them to easily make their own mini-book story retelling.
Pages 2-8: Mini-book pages for the story of The Three Little Pigs.
Pages 9-11: Longer sheets for older students who may not need the picture prompts.
Pages: 12-21: Black and White versions of everything above.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Sleeping Beauty - Story Retelling Worksheets - with picture writing prompts. This mini-book is for your students to retell the traditional story of Sleeping Beauty. It is for grades 2-4 and makes a great addition to any fairy tales unit.
Instructions for the teacher:
Just print out either the colour or black and white version and make copies of each page. Then guillotine them across the middle. That’s it. The instructions on page two are for your students to be able to do the rest for themselves. I kept it as simple as possible for them to easily make their own mini-book story retelling.
Pages 2-10: Mini-book pages for the story of Sleeping Beauty.
Pages 11-13: Longer sheets for older students who may not need the picture prompts.
Pages: 14-24: Black and White versions of everything above.
Use these measurement task cards to introduce the inch using printable inchworm rulers. The set includes a tutorial about measuring with an inchworm ruler. There are a total of 6 task cards, each with two pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length, height or width of the object to be expressed in inches. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks on the card to complete each statement. A worksheet and answer key are also included to be used with the cards.
These task cards include:
2 tutorial cards
12 objects to be measured in inches only
1 Worksheet
2 Answer Key Cards
Printable Inchworm Rulers
A printing guide
9 pages.
3D Shape illustrated word wall. The solids included are: cube, cuboid / rectangular prism, sphere, cone, cylinder, triangular pyramid, square based pyramid, triangular prism, solid, 3D shape, face, edge, and vertex. It also has illustrations and real world pictures of each shape on each word card. A large ‘definition of a 3D shape’ sentence strip is also included for you to place just above your word wall in your classroom. Each page has three word cards and they are to be printed on 8.5 x 14 (landscape legal) sized paper. 7 Pages. For Grades 2 to 5.
(c) Nyla's Crafty Teaching 2014
Measurement Task Cards for Inches! Use these measurement task cards to introduce the inch. The set includes a tutorial about measuring with an inch ruler. There are a total of 12 task cards, each with two pictures of everyday objects and a brief statement about the length, height or width of the object to be expressed in inches. Your students can measure each object directly from the card because they are drawn to scale, and fill in the blanks to complete each statement. They can also fill out their answers on the record sheet. The game 'Scoot' can be played with these as well.
These task cards include:
- 2 tutorial cards
- 12 object to be measured in inches only
- 6 objects to be measured in half inch increments – for third grade students
- 6 objects to be measured in quarter inch increments – for third grade students
- 2 student recording sheets
- Answer keys
*Printing tip* To make sure that they print to scale, always select 'Print actual size' in the printing window.
13 pages.
These are worksheets and activities for St. Patrick’s day that you can do with your class. All of the worksheets are no-prep to save you time. It is most ideal for Grades 2-4. It has many literacy activities that teach about the St. Patrick’s day history and customs. This booklet encourages lots of writing and presents it in a fun way. It also includes a math board game for division facts for the numbers 2 to 5. Answer key pages are also included.
St. Patrick’s Day Writing Pages
Countdown to St. Patrick’s Day
Making Words Worksheet Pages
St. Patrick’s Day Bracelets
Math Board Game for Division Facts with cards and directions
St. Patrick’s Day Word Search and Answer key
St. Patrick’s Day Alphabetical Order Sort with Answer Key
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword Puzzle with Answer Key
20 Pages
Nyla's Crafty Teaching
Celebrate Easter Time by making Easter Math Clocks. These clocks have numbered Easter eggs as hours and a chick on the hour hand and the minute hand. They also have a panel at the base for showing digital time to mach the analog time. Hour strips ranging from 1 to 12 and minute strips ranging from 00 to 59 are included for analog to digital matching.
Nyla's Crafty Teaching