How to calculate the carbon content of trees
A field guide that walks students through the calculations needed to work out the rough carbon content of a variety of tree species.
How to calculate the age of a tree
A simple field guide that walks students through the steps needed to roughly work out the age of a tree.
Discourse Analysis Framework
A worksheet designed to guide students through an analysis of different forms of discourse (through a series of questions about the source).
House Price Survey
A data collection sheet designed to allow students to analyse the prices of various homes they may find as part of primary or secondary data collection.
Indexing and coding an interview transcript
A guide for students who are starting to analyse data gained through stakeholder interviews during fieldwork.
Soil Analysis Recording Sheet
A data collection sheet that helps students to calculate moisture and organic content of a soil sample.
Fieldsketch template
A template that students can use to complete a field sketch whilst carrying out fieldwork. includes space to annotate using a key and important locational information.
Identifying the age of a building
A guide for students to use in the field to help them identify the age of buildings.
Building Age Survey
A data collection sheet which supports students in the recording of geographical data based around the age of buildings in different areas.
Graffiti Survey
A data collection sheet which supports students in the recording of geographical data based around graffiti.
Employment Survey
A data collection sheet designed to help students interview business owners about their employees.
Traffic Survey
A data collection sheet that helps students collect traffic data by category and direction of movement.
Retail Survey
A data collection sheet which helps students to compare different retail stores in a number of different economic categories.
Coastal Sediment Survey
A data collection sheet for students to record the size, shape and type of sediment found in a coastal area.
Carbon Content Survey (Flora)
A data collection sheet designed to help students to record the differences in carbon content between different stands of trees.
Vegetation Survey
A data collection sheet designed to help students record data on vegetation types, frequency of observation and height along a transect.
River Bedload Survey
A data collection sheet to help students record the size and shape of pieces of river bedload as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Mass movement survey
A data collection sheet to help students investigate coastal mass movement as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.
Soil Texture Triangle
A triangular graph that helps students to identify different soil types by knowing their constituent parts (following a soil sedimentation enquiry).
Beach profile survey
A data collection sheet for the recording of gradients along different sections of a beach. It includes graph paper for students to draw their beach profile alongside the data.