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River form survey
A data collection sheet which allows students to record various dimensions of a river as well as its gradient and velocity.

Levels of Independence in the NEA
A simple graph which can explain to students undertaking the NEA in which sections they should be working independently and where they might be able to collaborate.

Personal Safety in Fieldwork
A quick guide for students about to undertake fieldwork, highlighting some of the key ways they can keep themselves and others safe.

Design the perfect field research
A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their NEA.
Students are asked to design their perfect, no-limits fieldwork research for their NEA. Once teachers then give the parameters for the fieldwork, such as location and timescale, students then scale their ideas to work logistically. This activity encourages students to think big and take greater ownership with their research, improving their motivation to be independent.

Lorenz Curves
A student guide to Lorenz Curves - what they are, how they could be used in geographical research and how to calculate them. The worksheet includes a step-by-step guide and worked example.

What does an independent researcher look like?
A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their Geography NEA.
Students are asked to select appropriate descriptions of what an independent researcher is like - highlighting the kind of good practice they should emulate.

Independent Research Diary
A worksheet designed to support students in becoming more independent as they start and complete their NEA.
Students are asked to complete the diary in the form of a table, recording their thoughts, any positive and negative feedback, and providing a structure to the research process.

Increasing Engagement with People and Places in Fieldwork
A guide listing a range of techniques teachers can use to try to get their students to engagement more with their fieldwork site. These cover the time before, during and after the fieldwork has taken place.

Nearest Neighbour Index
A guide showing students a range of ways to use this statistical test as well as a step-by-step guide for its completion through a fully-worked geographical example.

Responsible Conduct in Fieldwork
With students increasingly having to consider the ethical and moral impacts of their fieldwork, this guide highlights some of the key areas they should think about while they plan and carry out their fieldwork.

How to complete a methodology table
A guide to help students scaffold the write up of their data collection phase following geography fieldwork. The guide includes key tips as well as common pitfalls to avoid.

Urban regeneration fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out urban regeneration fieldwork with their students.

Sustainability fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out sustainability fieldwork with their students.

River morphology fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out river morphology fieldwork with their students.

Beach morphology fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out beach morphology fieldwork with their students.

Rural service inequality fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out rural service inequality fieldwork with their students.

Upland area fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out upland areas fieldwork with their students.

Retail and services fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out retail and services fieldwork with their students.