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How to calculate the age of a tree
A simple field guide that walks students through the steps needed to roughly work out the age of a tree.
How to calculate the cross sectional area of a river channel
A field guide supporting students to both measure and then calculate the cross sectional area of a river using graph paper.
How to measure the angle of a slope
A field guide that walks students through measuring the angle of a slope using a clinometer and ranging poles.
How to measure the turbidity of water
A field guide that walks students through the idea of turbidity and how it can be measured in lakes and rivers.
How to calculate the carbon content of trees
A field guide that walks students through the calculations needed to work out the rough carbon content of a variety of tree species.
Data Collection Recording Sheets for Geography Fieldwork
A compendium of 44 of the most common data recording sheets used in geography fieldwork. Easy to copy and use multiple times with students in the field and covering a wide variety of topics that suit all secondary key stages.
Secondary Data Sources
A list of sources of secondary data sources that can help students as they undertake independent investigations.
House Price Survey
A data collection sheet designed to allow students to analyse the prices of various homes they may find as part of primary or secondary data collection.
Retail Quality Survey
A data collection sheet designed to allow students to analyse the quality of different retail spaces according to specific criteria.
Industrial Potential Survey
A data collection sheet designed to allow students to collect data on how likely it is that industry might develop in a place or how likely industry will prosper in a place.
Security Survey
A data collection sheet designed to allow students to collect data on features of urban design that aid or hinder security and crime.
Urban Accessibility Survey
A survey designed to allow students to collect data on how easy it is to navigate and use an urban space when one has limited mobility or a disability.
The language of geography statistics
A working glossary for students to use as they think about and write up their independent investigation.
Designing a data collection phase
A series of key questions students should ask themselves before they begin designing the data collection phase of an investigation.
Data Analysis Discussion Framework
A framework which encourages students to explore a wide range of ideas in relation to their data analysis.
Indexing and coding an interview transcript
A guide for students who are starting to analyse data gained through stakeholder interviews during fieldwork.
Building Condition Survey
A data collection sheet for students to use in the field when surveying buildings of varying quality.
Thinking Through Different Research Frameworks
A writing grid to help students think about the different frameworks for geographical enquiry they could use to investigate a topic.
Creating Data Collection Layers in ArcGIS
A step by step guide to show students how to set up ArcGIS layers into which they can collect fieldwork data on devices in the field.
Krumbein phi Scale
A guide to the classification of different sediments according to the Krumbein phi scale.