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The MFL Teacher is the ‘one-stop shop’ for teachers of Modern Foreign Languages. Whether you are looking for advice, a quick idea or quality ready-to-use resources, you will find it with The MFL Teacher. Please visit our website for more information, including our blog and our Bright Ideas!




The MFL Teacher is the ‘one-stop shop’ for teachers of Modern Foreign Languages. Whether you are looking for advice, a quick idea or quality ready-to-use resources, you will find it with The MFL Teacher. Please visit our website for more information, including our blog and our Bright Ideas!
German - Places in town

German - Places in town

When you click on the slide, the picture very slowly reveals. Pupils could then, with the vocab in front of them, race to be the first to name the place. The final slide is a game of our famous 'Donate or Steal'. In teams (blue & red), pupils answer a question and choose a square from the opponents’ grid. Their opponents then get that score. They are allowed to steal one score only from their opponents throughout the game. An ‘X’ is a wipeout and wipes the opponents’ score.
French - Board game - Talk about where you live

French - Board game - Talk about where you live

Perfect practice for GCSE students and their speaking skills. A simple but effective board game, using counters and dice, practising talking about where you live. At different places on the board, students must, for example, talk about advantages and disadvantages, say where they would like to live in the future, etc.
Reading Challenge template

Reading Challenge template

One of my personal favourites! Have a reading text in the box. In 2 teams, pupils choose a word to find in the text. The pupils don’t know what each word is worth. Click on the word they have chosen when they have correctly identified it in the text and their score will be revealed. The winning team is the team with the highest score once all words have been found in the text. 3 slides with different scores.
Sentence Auction - template

Sentence Auction - template

You must buy sentences at every shop. Each sentence costs 1€. Each sentence is worth a different amount of winnings. Draw your Euros into your winning column. If you run out of Euros in your bank, you can use your winnings to buy sentences. The winners have the most Euros. Full instructions in the notes section of the PPT.
Sentence Race - template

Sentence Race - template

Groups of 3 or 4. Choose a pupil at random to choose a number. Click on the number (on your computer) to reveal a word. All pupils have 30 seconds to write a sentence using that word. The most impressive (and correct) sentence wins a point for their team.
The time in German

The time in German

Introducing the time in German. Starts with a reminder of the time in English, then introduces it in German and ends with mini whiteboard practice.
French - Daily routine & time class dominoes

French - Daily routine & time class dominoes

This is a really fun activity to do with a whole class! If they have the phrase that's just been said in one language, they stand up and say it in the opposite language. They then say the second phrase they have on their card. By the end of the activity, everyone in the class should have said a phrase in French about daily routine and time. Full instructions are on the bottom of the document.
French - Future tense celebrities running dictation

French - Future tense celebrities running dictation

The pictures and phrases are placed around the room (several copies). Pupils work in groups of 3 or 4. Each person has 30 seconds to go up to the pictures and memorise as much information as possible without speaking. They return to their group and relay as much as possible. Pupils take it in turns to do the same. Each person has 2 chances to do this.
French - Tenses Battleships

French - Tenses Battleships

A Battleships-style game to practise the present tense of regular and irregular verbs, as well as the perfect tense of common verbs, using both 'avoir' and 'être'. The verbs used as examples are: écouter finir vendre faire aller être
Wipeout - numbers 20 to 99

Wipeout - numbers 20 to 99

In two teams, pupils choose a number in English from the board and say it in the target language. If it’s correct, click on the number to reveal the random score underneath.
French - Transcription pairwork template

French - Transcription pairwork template

Use this template to practise transcription work in pairs. There is a sheet for person A and one for person B. Type the 2 different texts into the relevant boxes (they must be 2 different texts). Pupils then take it in turns to read their text to their partner, who must then write what they hear in the empty box. After they have both finished, they then compare their written text to the original on their partner's sheet and tally any errors made.
French - Weather introduction

French - Weather introduction

Use this PPT to introduce the weather in French. To start, the weather is shown on a map of France. It is worth looking at the patterns of language used here (il y a / il). The patterns are colour-coded. Then the vocab is formally introduced. Following this, pupils must identify the weather in French as it whizzes past.
Bronze, Silver, Gold Translation template (whole class)

Bronze, Silver, Gold Translation template (whole class)

Use this resource for working with translation of phrases. Before seeing a text, take phrases from it to be translated. Pupils work on their own and before each slide is shown, decide whether they will do gold, silver or bronze. Marks are awarded for each. You will obviously need to make the phrases progressively more difficult to translate, to be able to award points. When pupils have translated their chosen phrase, they swap with a partner to have it marked. You show the answers after a given amount of time. Use the green pens to peer mark. Who has the highest score?
French - Memorisation lesson

French - Memorisation lesson

Use this PPT to practise pupils’ memory skills. There are 10 random words that appear at timed intervals that they must try to remember without taking notes, then activities to follow. At the end, using the vocab, pupils play noughts and crosses in teams.