The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
In this bundle you will find 8 form time resources which contain over 60 different form activities/resources.
This includes literacy and numeracy tasks, mindset and attitudes sessions as well learning to learn sessions, sessions on organisational skills and designing your own school as well as sessions on what makes a great learner.
Specifically this bundle includes:
A ‘what makes a great learner?’ which explores growth mindset and how to learn at your best
20 SPag activity tasks which can be used in form time
A successful school session exploring what makes a great school and expectations of learners
A form time numeracy challenge which includes 8 weeks of numeracy content
A pastoral form time booklet with 34 different form time tasks
A 20 page literacy booklet which can be used in form time
Sessions on learning to learn including a focus on memory and organisation
12 weekly spelling tests
a growth mindset form time
content for 10 literacy based sessions for form time including spelling tests
Perfect for form times!
Please make sure you follow me on
This is a massive bundle of resources for a Head or Head of House.
This is bundle 1 of 2.
Bundle 2 can be found:
Please note: these are different bundles and contain different resources. This means you can buy both bundles for a complete or can buy which ever of the two is best suited for your needs.
This first bundle includes:
7 form time sessions including on growth mindset, organisational skills, creating your own school, what a successful school and great learners might look like
2 literacy/numeracy tasks/challenges for form time and 1 30 page literacy booklet
8 assemblies ready to use assemblies on: charity, rumours and gossiping, random acts of kindness, raising aspiration, the danger of violence in schools, LGBT, technology awarness, confidence and self esteem
2 PDFs ‘40 Ideas for Heads of Year’ on attendance, rewards, behaviour, leading your team and working with external partners
Remember: you can find bundle 2 here:
This is the MASSIVE form tutor bundle.
It includes loads resources (a total of 50+ activities) to help you manage form time and to reduce planning and workload.
It contains a range of resources which a great range of of form time foci!
1 x what makes a great learner? form time session
1 x 12 weekly spelling tests
20 x SPaG activities
1 x session on choices and consequencs
1 x christmas for time activities booklet
1 x numeracy maths course
1 x weekly rota for form time
1 x giant christmas quiz
1 x end of year/term giant quiz
1 x growth mindset psession
1 x pastoral form time activity booklet (KS3)
1 x learning to learn session
1 x new beginning and positive thinking session
1 x organisational skills session
1 x library/reading skills form time
1 x success lesson - setting expectations
10 x form time postcards to send home to your tutees!
3 x little inspiration cards to issue to you form for inspiration!
English Subject Department Calendar Key Dates | UK 2025
This resource contains a list of key dates which English staff or a Head of Department may want to note for teaching
This resource includes:
a 3 page PDF split into months and dates along with a brief suggestion for what to do on the date/week/month
a PDF containing recommended texts linking to each of the days/weeks/months on the calendar - links by theme
Note: this is not necessarily exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!