The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
In this booklet, you will find:
3 christmas wordsearchs of increasing difficulty
4 detailed Christmas colouring sheets
13 worded numeracy questions
12 Christmas brainteasers
In total, 32 form time questions and activities for the lead up to Christmas!
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In this bundle you will find different resources to help you monitor and improve attendance.
This is a comprehensive attendance bundle which contains many of the resources any Head of Year would need to track and improve attendance.
A tracking and intervention spreadsheet - this conditionally formatted spreadsheet allows you to track your year group attendance weekly and allows you to track your interventions also.
Attendance interview template - this is a template for used in a school attendance panel or similar meeting and is helpful to identify any concerns as well as formalise the process of monitoring attendance
6 week monitoring card - this is a card which can be printed and handed to students, or stuck into homework diaries etc, this is designed to be completed weekly with attendance and can be used to monitor the 6 week improvement period of students below thresholds of your choice (90/95 etc).
Attendance improvement plan - this an example improvement plan for heads of year to use when trying to target attendance. It provides strategies and priorities for focus - much like a year group improvement plan, but just so attendance.
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In this document you will find an attendance action plan. This includes split the year group into waves and plan actions for each wave of poor attendance.
It includes the actions that should be taken from 100% attendance-90% and includes priorities to be completed by a pastoral leader. It also includes a comment about monitoring and how attendance should be monitored alongside this plan.
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In this resource you will find an adaptable 6 week monitoring card for students who attendance is below 95%-96% depending on the school.
The card includes space for tutors or pastoral staff to write the attendance each week, space for a school target, an image explaining great attendance and a space for a review at the end of the 6 weeks. This is designed to be used by students to improve attendance and allow for documentation of monitoring. Used with success previously.
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This bundle includes 5 assemblies centred around kindness, anti bullying and supporting others.
The assemblies included are:
anti bullying assembly
charity awareness assembly
random acts of kindness assembly
a rumours and gossiping assembly
confidence and self esteem assembly
These are perfect for anti bullying week or use spaced throughout the year.
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This is an assembly focused on anti-bullying. It covers a variety of topics including:
a link to a starter video from Pixar which begins to explore the treatment of those different to ourselves
defines bullying
exploration of words closely linked to the definition and those which are most powerful linked to bullying
exploration of the different types of bullying and what they look like
exploration how bullying makes people feel and the impact on others
an activity used in the assembly to encourage students to recognise how bullying may feel
provides the case study of Felix Alexander - who took his own life after being bullied, including a video interview with his mum Lucy - a very powerful video.
facts about bullying
how we can stop bullying
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In this resource, I detail a guide to analysing data as a pastoral leader.
This is perfect for practice for an interview setting as data analyse if often given as an in tray excerise or great as CPD/support for a new head of year/head of house etc.
This resource is 4 detailed pages including:
a list of key terms often used in data analysis and their definitions - perfect for those new to data
a step by step guide to analysing data including what sub-groups to explore, what questions to ask of the data, what gaps to look for - especially from a pastoral perspective
a list of suggested actions for an action plan from a pastoral perspective
plenty of top tips on how to approach this task in an interview or in a new pastoral appointment
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In this bundle you will find 8 form time resources which contain over 60 different form activities/resources.
This includes literacy and numeracy tasks, mindset and attitudes sessions as well learning to learn sessions, sessions on organisational skills and designing your own school as well as sessions on what makes a great learner.
Specifically this bundle includes:
A ‘what makes a great learner?’ which explores growth mindset and how to learn at your best
20 SPag activity tasks which can be used in form time
A successful school session exploring what makes a great school and expectations of learners
A form time numeracy challenge which includes 8 weeks of numeracy content
A pastoral form time booklet with 34 different form time tasks
A 20 page literacy booklet which can be used in form time
Sessions on learning to learn including a focus on memory and organisation
12 weekly spelling tests
a growth mindset form time
content for 10 literacy based sessions for form time including spelling tests
Perfect for form times!
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This resource is a 15 question who wants to be a millionaire style quiz for technical terms in English. Ranging from language techniques through to poetry, dialect, genre, personal opinion and synonyms.
Checks knowledge of a wide range of English terminology.
Perfect for end of the year or end of half term.
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This resource includes approximately 3 lessons on the Ballad of Charlotte Dymond.
The lessons cover:
understanding the poem, comprehension and making predictions
an investigation style resource where students have to piece together what happened
quotation quest task
a link to a Cornwall article which discusses Dymond’s death.
exploration of narrative structure
storyboarding task to check understanding and discussion points around tension
a poem quiz
exploration of audience reaction to the poem
a transformation lesson; transforming into a film poster (this has links to media) including looking at font use and analysing example posters
This resource also includes a copy of the poem, a copy of resources in the powerpoint and a 15 question quiz on the poem also.
In this bundle you will find 6 literacy resources which contain the following:
a 20 lesson literacy intervention/booster scheme powerpoint, covering all major literacy skills - reading and writing
20 SPaG starter tasks - perfect for using to start catch up or literacy sessions
a 30 page literacy booklet for Y7
a 20 page literacy booklet Y8-9
5 reading skill lessons focusing on reading tasks which can be used with reading/library books
12 library lesson/reading lesson starters focused on reading skills and linked with with plot, character etc.
18 spelling tests based on KS2 key spellings
A baseline reading and writing assessment using GCSE reading and writing skills
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This resource contains 5 individual full lessons for use in a library lesson or reading lesson. These could also easily be split into 10 sessions for form time sessions or for lessons which contain half reading, half skills focus. They could also be used for booster reading session, catch up or intervention sessions.
The powerpoint also contains 12 reading starters/library lessons tasks and 5 spelling tests for homework.
The 5-10 sessions include coverage of the following:
Why reading is important and the journeys reading can take us on.
The complexities of English, facts about the English language and how it can be confusing and homophones
Skimming skills including an extract from Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter
Scanning and retrieval skills including a non-fiction extract and an extract from The Hunger Games.
This is then followed by the 12 reading/library activities/starters which can be used in lessons. For example:
'Reading Task
What is an apostrophe?
Why do we use apostrophes?
(2 reasons- Can you give examples?)
Look at the apostrophes in a section of your text. Write down each word which has an apostrophe, and explain why it is there.’
These cover the following:
dictionary use
inference from reading book characters
simile/personification/metaphor etc.
first person use
character problems
cartoon strips for comprehension
title analysis
t-shirt for your main character task
new front cover task
This bundle includes 10 resources which are designed to support to professional development and improvement of Heads of Year and/or Pastoral Leaders.
My e-booklet 40 Ideas for Heads of Year on rewards and behaviour and attendance
My 2nd e-booklet on 40 Ideas on Leading Your Team and Working Across School
3 sets of professional development courses which can be taken for free
A PDF guide on how to analyse data
A PDF guide on how to support high ability learners as HOY
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This resource was created for KS4 students - specifically those getting ready for mocks or final exams.
The session focuses on challenging myths and misconceptions about revision. Each task centres around dispelling different myths and references a paralymic sportsman to encourage students to reflect on the myths they use to tell themselves they can’t revise effectively.
This resource also looks at ‘the curve of forgetting’ and the importance of staged revision. It also explores revision environment, challenges the perception that students don’t need to plan revision, and the ideas of ‘highlighting notes’ counting as revision. Finally, it asks students to review their learning and create a plan for how to ‘target’ their revision. It also has an extension task to create a success criteria for revising.
This powerpoint also comes with a learning mat which can be used in the sessions. Perfect for an isolated lessons on revision.
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This resource is a bright and colourful weekly desk planner . It has space for planning for each working day of the week - Monday-Friday. It has space for an ‘urgent’ and ‘non-urgent’ to do list as well as space for a list of things to remember. Finally, it has space for ‘doodles’ and any notes you may want to add yourself.
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In this bundle you will find almost 100 questions which you may be asked on an SLT interview.
This includes a range of follow up questions and covers a broad range of areas for questioning!
No answers included.
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This is a smaller bundle of pastoral interview resources which contains many resources useful for interview but not all.
You can also find my two other bundles here:
Pastoral Leader Interview Bundle:
Ultimate Pastoral Leader Interview Bundle:
a) 3 sets of questions you may be asked on a pastoral interview - over 50 questions for practicing interview answers.
b) You will also find guidance on a prioritisation task - a task which frequently comes up at Head of Year interviews as an in tray excercise.
c) You can also find an overview of the general roles and responsibilites of a Head of Year/Head of House - with details about the jobs and tasks you’ll be expected to complete when in post.
d) You will also find two parts of my series ‘5 Big Pastoral Questions’. This is guidance on how to answer 10 questions which come up in interview in detail.
e) A document which provides an overview of the key abbreviations linked to a pastoral role.
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This lesson centres on autumn as inspiration for a piece of creative/descriptive writing - specifically this lesson focuses on a high level sensory vocabulary.
It is a complete stand alone lesson, designed to be visually appealing and help immerse students in writing creatively about autumn.
The lesson also comes with a learning mat to take students through the lesson which should be printed on A3 paper.
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This lesson explores dual narratives using an extract from Jaws - this lesson includes discussion about the benefits of using a dual narrative.
It then requires students to write their own dual narrative using a new image and then peer assess.
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This lesson is a stand alone lesson about dialogue and how to use dialogue effectively. It includes some ‘golden rules of dialogue’ and the chance for students to create some dialogue using an image for inspiration. Students then used the golden rules of dialogue to peer assess.
This lesson includes 1 x powerpoint, 1 worksheet for students to edit, 1 worksheet with a list of interesting dialogue tags on.
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