I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets.
Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12.
All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!
I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets.
Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12.
All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!
This resource is 4 pages long and it includes 7 cut-out cards to play hangman. Depending on your student's level you can use hangman cards of 4 letter words (easy) up to 10 letter words (difficult). These worksheets have an inviting and motivating design and all the instructions are written in Spanish.
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This is a 3-pages-long summary template. It includes a list of adjectives divided by body parts as well as adjectives related to character and physical appearance that students can use to describe a person. This is of great help when teaching vocabulary on physical appearance and character or teaching students how to describe a person.
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This resource is ideal to practice conversation and vocabulary related to the last summer experiences in Spanish. The resource includes 3 worksheets (see pics for further details) and is intended for pre.intermediate to intermediate levels. You can use it on the first day of class as an introduction or welcoming activity.
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This PDF resource includes 3 templates for students to follow instructions and draw the parts of the body of a skeleton, a spider and a bat by throwing a dice. Simple and easy to review parts of the body and at the same time do a Content and Language Integrated Learning activity for Halloween!
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This resource is a classic in foreign language teaching, Alibi game (la coartada perfecta) in which students have to act as criminals and police people. It is intended for pre-intermediate up to upper-intermediate students and it is a fun way to review the past tenses in Spanish.
This material includes cut-out instructions for both criminals and police with clear instructions on what they have to agree on.
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This resource is only one page long and includes a ready to cut-out and laminate clock for students to learn how to tell the time in Spanish in a fun and simple way. It has an attractive and motivating design. I've included an image (JPG format) and a worksheet (PDF format) for you to download.
This worksheet includes 3 activities to practice Spanish conversation around the topic teenage rebellion (AS topic). The activities are:
- brainstorming for ideas around adolescence and youth
- comment on a series of questions related to the student's personal experience as a teenager
- role play activity
The file is 2 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish.
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This is a 3 pages long bingo card game for children learning the alphabet in Spanish. It includes a set of 12 bingo cut-out cards and instructions for teachers.
Since it is aimed at children, you will find this game has a fun and motivating design for young learners.
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This file is a 4-pages long activity. It includes a Spanish defintion-game called Pasapalabra on the topic sports. It works as follows: It can be played in pairs, in groups or with the whole class. It consists of reading aloud definitions for different sports by saying the letter each sport starts with. The students have to guess the sport the definition refers to. You can use an ABC spinning wheel to make the game even more real.
This game is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way.
The worksheets have an appealing and inviting design. All instructions are written in Spanish. Answer Key is included.
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Visit my TES shop, SPANISH MIX & MATCH, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
This resource is ideal for students who are going to visit Madrid and Toledo or want to know more about some of Madrid's and Toledo's main cultural attractions. My students have used this booklet in a school trip and completed the activities while they were visiting the cities.
The booklet is 15 pages long and it includes various exercises on:
- 3 paintings of El Museo del Prado : Las Meninas, El Jardín de las Delicias and Los Fusilamientos de Moncloa.
- La Plaza Mayor de Madrid
- La Sinagoga del tránsito (Toledo)
- El Museo Sefardí (Toledo)
- La Catedral de Toledo
- the famous painting by El Greco: El entierro del Señor Orgaz
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This resource includes 3 dynamics for students to get to know each other better. It is especially useful at the beginning of the course, when students have to introduce themselves to other classmates. These worksheets have an attractive, motivating design and engage students in conversation from minute one. They can also be used when we want students to compare their likes/dislikes, talk about their favourite things or describe themselves to others in conversation classes. These dynamics are a fun a inviting way to make a good start.
The three dynamics are:
- De donde soy?
- Mi fotografía
- Mi pasaporte español
All three worksheets are ready to be printed and used in class. Have fun!
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This resource includes three report templates to help Spanish students organize information and present it in a structured format. These templates are perfect to help students prepare for an oral presentation on a book they have read, a restaurant they have visited or a film they have watched.
My resource includes templates for:
- a restaurant report
- a film report
- a book report
The worksheets have an attractive and motivating design and will engage students in conversation. All the instructions are written in Spanish.
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This resource includes a compilation of 10 group dynamics and introduction games in Spanish. These are ideal for the first school days to make students introduce themselves in a fun and different way as well as create a motivating and relaxed atmosphere in class. The instructions on how to develop each group dynamic are included.
I decided to create this compilation in order to have different introduction activities for my groups and not have to repeat the same one year after year.
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This 6-pages long worksheet includes 6 sets of questions by topic. It can be used to review A-level topics orally and make sure students have enough practice before their oral exams. These worksheets can also be handed in, so that students know what questions they may be asked in their oral exams. The questions are for students who have an intermediate, upper-intermediate level of Spanish (B1-B2+, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
The questions listed in this bundle are related to the following topics:
- La moda y la importancia de la apariencia física
- Internet y las redes sociales
- La educación
- Las compras y el dinero
- Las relaciones familiares y el matrimonio
- Los medios de comunicación y el uso del móvil
If you are interested in more conversation questions like these, check out my Spanish Conversation Questions by Topic (Part 2).
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Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
This resource includes 16 role play cards with prompts ready to cut out and use in Spanish lessons for conversation practice. The cards are intended for pairwork and include instructions/tasks that the students must complete in order to develop a structured and organized conversation. Thanks to the prompts or ideas in each card, students know exactly what they need to discuss together.
The resource is also very useful to review general conversation topics and practice future, past and present tenses in Spanish. The file is 4 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish. It can also be used in TA's lessons to practice speaking skills.
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Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
This file is a 3-pages long worksheet which includes a Spanish defintion-game called Pasapalabra on the topic travelling and means of transport. It works as follows: It can be played in pairs, in groups or with the whole class. It consists of reading aloud definitions for different sports by saying the letter each sport starts with. The students have to guess the Travel word the definition refers to. You can use an ABC spinning wheel to make the game even more real.
This game is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way.
The worksheet has an appealing and inviting design and the instructions are written in Spanish.
atasco, billete, cinturon, despegar, estacion, facturar, garaje, helicoptero, itinerario, pasajero, parking, lancha, maletero, avion, señal, casco, pasaporte, equipaje, retraso, semaforo, tranvia, guia, vagon, wagon-lit, taxi, ferry, cruzar.
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This is a set of 7 oral stimulus card I have created for extra practice on different AS and A2 topics. The cards are very similar to AS and A2 oral examination stimulus cards and therefore, very useful to have some extra conversation practice on this topic before the final exam.
Each card is 1 page long and will find :
- an image and heading to illustrate the topic
- a general question on the topic
- two opposing statements on the topic in two different speech bubbles (for A2 cards)
- a set of 5 or 6 questions to answer on the topic (for AS cards)
- further questions to expand ideas and express opinion
Even though these cards are intented for students who are going to take AS or A2 examinations, they can also be used with intermediate and upper-intermediate students in order to practice conversation and hold a debate in class on the topics given.
If you download my resource you will find the following cards:
- Adictos a Internet (AS)
- Conflictos entre padres e hijos (AS)
- Cuanto mas peligroso, mas excitante (AS)
- ¿Es esto bello? (AS)
- Cuestion de disciplina (A2)
- El doblaje de peliculas (A2)
- La pena de muerte (A2)
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This resource is ideal to practice conversation in intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. It includes 60 conversational cards with different topics to debate on. It is recommendable to cut out and laminate the cards before using them in class.
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This file includes 16 prompt cards to cut out in order to practice topics such as:
description of student's school, neighbourhood, room in the house, family members, shopping habits, last book read, healthy habits, best present ever received, last holidays or student's favourite restaurant, among others.
These cards are ideal to make students organize their writing or oral tasks in a structured way since the cards always include ideas/prompts so that students know exactly what to write or speak about.
It is also very useful to review general conversation topics and practice future, past and present tenses in Spanish. The file is 4 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish.
It can also be used in TA's lessons to practice speaking skills.
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Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
This resource includes 5 different templates to play Scattergories in Spanish class. This game can be also played in pairs or in groups if we have a large class. It is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way as well as learn new words.
This resources includes a separate sheet with instructions in Spanish on how to play this game. I've used it several times in my lessons and it has always been a hit! I hope you enjoy it!
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