We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for learning or revising natural disasters. It’s a great way to have students review their vocabulary of the topic and not even realise that they are learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes a complete cootie catcher where they need to figure out the definition, another where they need to figure out the natural disaster, and another where they must complete the definitions themselves before playing.
There is a black and white copy of each sheet included.
**Vocabulary included:
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
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This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for learning or revising earthquakes. It’s a great way to have students review their vocabulary of the topic and not even realise that they are learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes a complete cootie catcher where they need to figure out the definition, another where they need to figure out the natural disaster, and another where they must complete the definitions themselves before playing.
There is a black and white copy of each sheet included.
Vocabulary included:**
Plate Boundary
Seismic Wave
Richter Scale
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
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This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for learning or revising hurricanes. It’s a great way to have students review their vocabulary of the topic and not even realise that they are learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes a complete cootie catcher where they need to figure out the definition, another where they need to figure out the natural disaster, and another where they must complete the definitions themselves before playing.
There is a black and white copy of each sheet included.
Vocabulary included:
Eye Wall
High Pressure
Low Pressure
Storm Surge
The Eye
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
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This global warming reading comprehension is the perfect addition to your humans and the environment topic. This is a basic text that goes through what global warming is, what impacts global warming, and why they it is an important issue that we need to be aware of. Once they’ve read the passage they will use the text to complete the comprehension questions.
This no-prep close reading activity is perfect for both remote learning and classroom work.
Reading passage
Differentiated Comprehension Questions
Answer key
This resource is perfect for both distance and classroom learning.
Check out our ‘Sea-Level Rise Reading Comprehension’.
Check out our ‘Solar Energy Reading Comprehension’.
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This foldable activity consists of 2 cootie catchers (or fortune tellers) for learning or revising the water cycle key terms. The children must try to figure out which part of the water cycle is being described. It’s a great way to have students review their knowledge and not even realise that they’re learning! They’ll be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack contains two Cootie Catchers, each with a second copy included if you would like your students to write their own definitions for each key term themselves. There are visuals included to meet different learning styles.
Key Terms included:
- Water Cycle
- Condensation
- Transpiration
- Groundwater
- Cloud
- Evaporation
- Surface Runoff
- Water Vapor
- Precipitation
- Humidity
- Dew Point
- Perspiration
Folding and playing directions are also included.
Have fun!
Check out our other science cootie catchers:
The Rock Cycle
Plant Structure
Differentiated worksheets where students look at the causes and effects of pollution as part of your Humans and the Environment topic. The first worksheet is a cut and stick activity where students must cut out the causes and effects, pair them up, and then stick them into the correct column. For the second worksheet students are given either the cause of effect, them must complete the other column in the table.
These sheets are a great way to get students to think carefully about what the causes of different types of pollutions and the negative effect it can have on both us, animals, and the world around us.
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This natural disaster student booklet is a great project for students to carry out research on hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes, creating a page for each with space for a diagram or picture along with a front and back cover page. There is also a blank template so your students can add another natural disaster if they have finished. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity project if you’re looking at natural disasters.
This pack comes in both colour and black and white.
To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together.
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These activities are intended to get students thinking about what we do that can damage the environment as well as what we can do to help the environment and live more sustainably. There are three differentiated worksheets in this pack that are perfect for your ‘Humans and the Environment’ topic.
**Sheet 1: **This is a cut and stick activity where students will look at a group of pictures and decide which are bad and which are good for the environment.
**Sheet 2: **Students will look at pictures, decided if they are good or bad for the environment and write down their reasoning.
**Sheet 3: **Students will think about their day-to-day lives, considering what they do that may be damaging to the environment and what they do that may help the environment.
There are black and white copies of all the worksheets included is this pack.
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This renewable energy student research booklet is a great project for students to carry out research and record facts on renewable energy solutions. They’ll create a page for each type where they must provide information, positives and negatives with space for a picture along with a front and back cover page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re doing a sustainability topic.
This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template.
To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together.
Animals included:
Solar Energy
Wind Turbines
Hydro Power
Thermal Power
Nuclear Power
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This forms of pollution student booklet for is a great project for students to carry out research on air, water, soil, light, noise, and plastic pollution, creating a page for each with space for a diagram or picture along with a front and back cover page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re looking at types of pollution.
**This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template.
To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together.
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This continents student research booklet is a great project for students to carry out research on all 7 continents (Asia, Africa, Antartica, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America), creating a page for each where they’ll research the population, size, number of countries as well as some fun facts. There’s also space for a picture at the top of beach continent page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re looking at continents
This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template.
To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together.
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This activity is a cootie catcher (or fortune teller) for pollution as part of your ‘Humans And The Environment’ topic. It’s a great lesson starter, filler, or activity that will easily get your learning some scary facts about pollution without them even realising that they’re learning! They will be engaged and excited with this addictive activity (as I am sure you will be too!).
This pack includes both complete cootie catchers with all the answers filled in, as well as blank cootie catchers where the students must find the answer before playing the game.
Folding instructions
1 x Complete Cootie Catcher Quiz
1 x Cootie Catcher Quiz With Blank Answers
Have fun!
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This types of landforms student booklet is a great project for students to carry out research on canyons, coasts, deserts, hills, islands, mountains, plains, plateaus, oceans, rivers, valleys, and volcanos, creating a page for each with space for a diagram or picture along with a front and back cover page. It’s perfect as a personal project or extension activity if you’re looking at different landforms.
This pack comes in both color and black and white as well as a blank template.
To create the booklet, cut each A4 page in half, hole punch the top corner, and use some string or treasury tags to hold them together.
**Vocabulary included:
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16 visual Rock Cycle Vocabulary Cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this exciting topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid.
- 16 X Key Vocab Cards
- Display Title
- 2 X Blank Cards (for the children to create their own)
Vocabulary Included
- Metamorphic Rock
- Igneous Rock
- Sedimentary Rock
- Weathering
- Deposition
- Rock Cycle
- Sediment
- Rock
- Magma
- Lava
- Extrusive Rocks
- Intrusive Rocks
- Acid Rain
- Fossils
- Earth’s Crust
- Earth’s Mantle
These Earth Day Activities are perfect for Earth Day. It contains 6 fun no-prep activities that get students thinking about the importance of caring for our planet on this important day.
Everyday is Earth Day - Students consider what they can do to protect our planet.
Earth Day Mini Book
Earth Day Fill The Gap
Earth Day Word Scramble
Earth Day Reflection
Earth Day - What you can do to protect the earth.
You may also love our other Earth Day activities:
- Earth Day Word Search
- Earth Day Reading Comprehension
- Earth Day Quiz
Please don’t forget to rate this resource to let us know what you think.
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This video comprehension takes a look at water pollution and the impacts it has on the environment. Your students will watch a video where they will learn about what the water pollution is, what causes it, the environmental impact, as well as what we can do to help stop water pollution.
This pack contains 3 levels of differentiation as well as an extension activity where they will carry out further research to find 5 interesting facts about water pollution.
What is video comprehension?
Our video comprehension series is designed to facilitate the learning of those students who find reading tricky. It allows them to access the same level of learning without the need to read large amounts of information as they will watch a video on the topic rather than reading large amounts of text. We have found it especially helpful with our SEN students.
Each set is differentiated three times. With the first level of differentiation requiring them to simply circle the correct answers.
These worksheets work best if each student has their own device as they can re-watch parts of the video to find the correct answers. However if you don’t have one device per students or pair we have done this with great success by having the video on repeat on the board / tv at the front of the classroom.
These activities are also perfect for home and distance learning.
We are constantly expanding our range of video comprehension worksheets so be sure to check back frequently for new resources.
Check out our other video comprehension packs:
- Compost
- Ozone Depletion
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This cloud diary is a fantastic way to introduce students to weather forecasting as well as getting them outside and observing the changes in the weather each day. Briefly explain how clouds are formed, linking it to the water cycle.
Tell your students that they will go outside each day and see what clouds they can spot (using the cloud ID sheet) and record their results in the table. You could talk about the kind of weather we would expect to see with each of the different cloud types. They may start to make their own predictions about the weather.
Before you get the students to do their diary, it’s worth looking at the weather forecast to try and choose a period with varied weather. This resource contains 2 activity sheets, a cloud ID sheet, as well as some evaluation questions.
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18 visual types of pollution vocabulary cards that are perfect for your topic word wall complete with a title. They are a great way to help your children learn the key terms needed for this relevant and engaging topic. We have found them especially helpful for children with English as an additional language or spelling difficulties. Each card contains the key word, definition, and visual aid.
18 X Key Vocabulary Cards
Display Title
2 X Blank Cards (for the children to create their own)
**Vocabulary Included
Acid Rain
Air Pollution
Chemical Pollution
Fossil Fuels
Greenhouse Effect
Light Pollution
Natural Resources
Noise Pollution
Non-Renewable Resources
Renewable Resources
Thermal Pollution
Toxic Pollution
Water Pollution
Check out our other Word Walls:
- Animal Adaptations
- Forces and Motion
- The Rock Cycle
- States of Matter
- Types of Energy
- Weather & The Water Cycle
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A highly visual and interactive 40 slide PowerPoint and quiz on global warming as part of your science or geography unit. The PPT focuses the issues facing our planet caused by greenhouse gases, looking at how it’s damaging nature as well as what we can do to help and be more sustainable. It’s perfect for introducing this topic or as a quick lesson recap.
Slides 1 – 4: What is global warming?
Slides 5 – 8: The causes
Slides 9 – 16: The problems
Slides 17 – 20: What we can do to help
Slides 21 – 26: Facts
Slides 27 – 39: Quiz
Slide 40: Activity Ideas
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This pack contains 14 fact cards all about ocean plastics and the problems it’s having on animals and the environment. They’re great to be used as a display or research cards if you’re looking at plastic pollution or sustainability.
We love using fact cards for starter or plenary activities where you give each student a fact card. They must learn and remember the fact before going off, pairing up, and teaching each other the fact they learned.
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