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GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 7- Gunderson et al 2013

GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 7- Gunderson et al 2013

This is lesson 7 of a series of lessons on the developmet topic. This lesson focuses on the key study by Gunderson et al 2013 - the power of praise. This powerpoint consists of 20 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet which is available in my shop. Included: articulate psychological problems starter, this acts as a retrieval practice task. recap activity- ‘what’s the key term?’, students should be able to work out the key terms being described- these are from the development topic. discussion task- introducing students to start thinking about the significance of praise. explanations of the types of praise- person and process. match up task- students are encouraged to decide whether a statement is referring to person or process praise- assessment activity. 6 slides discussing the background to the study, aims, procedure, results and conclusions. student task- draw the study. strengths and weaknesses of the study. 2 mark exam question practice, question and mark scheme on the powerpoint. review and reflect plenary activity
GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

This is lesson 6 of the series of development unit lessons. This lesson focuses on Dweck’s mindset theory. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. The powerpoint consists of 16 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. explanation of the background of the theory what is fixed and growth mindset? a short video to explain this, students are encouraged to write the definitions to key concepts whilst watching the clip. - answers included. mindset quiz. Students have to answer a series of questions to work out their mindset- quiz included on a separate document. two slides explaining the key points of the mindset theory, key terms used and explained. activity- 2 mark exam style question. Students have to apply their knowledge of fixed and growth mindsets to specific scenarios. poster task- extension activity included. application task- scenario and question on the power point. Challenge question included. fill in the blanks activity outlining experimental evidence. strengths and weaknesses of mindset theory. Students need to work out which ones are strengths and which are weaknesses. May wish to use the textbook to offer support. key question- students to answer in their booklet or exercise book. Assessing their understanding of the lesson’s content. plenary- mini quiz. Students have to allocate a key term to a key statement.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 5- Piaget & Inhelder

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 5- Piaget & Inhelder

This is lesson 5 of the development topic. This lesson goes alongside the development booklet also available in my shop. This lesson focuses on the key study ‘Piaget & Inhelder (1959)’- three mountains task. The powerpoint has a total of 18 slides and is designed to fill an 90 minute lesson. ***Included: *** a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. discussion task- students are asked to apply Piaget’s ideas to a scenario (included in the powerpoint). 7 slides giving details on, the background to the study, aims, procedures. results and conclusions. a short video clip outlining the three moutains task. Students are asked to answer 2 key questions whilst watching the clip. progress check- quick quiz. students are asked 10 questions which will assess their knowledge of the details of the study. Answers also included on the powerpoint. two slides evaluating the study- strengths and weaknesses. student task- focusing on evaluation of the study. The worksheet is included in the workbook, however a screenshot is on the powerpoint, students should fill in this sheet to complete the task. Students may wish to use the textbook to help them. However, all key information is included on the powerpoint. Exam question practice with self assessment. Students are asked to answer a 4 mark exam style question, the mark scheme is also included on the powerpoint.
GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

GCSE psychology- development, Lesson 4- Piaget's theory of cognitive development

This is lesson 4 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and the development of intelligence. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. This powerpoint has a total of 11 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. a slide outlining the key words being used in the lesson with their definitions. Piaget’s explanation of understanding the world, referring to key concepts such as ‘adaptation’. an explanation of schemas, including two video clips showing how schemas are formed. student task- a fill in the blanks activity. This outlines piaget’s theory. student task- this task requires page 8 of the edexcel psychology gcse textbook. The task involves students writing, explaining and drawing ilustrations to help them understand key concepts used in Piaget’s theory. (The table is included in the booklet, a screen shot is on the power point) key question - student assessment. The question is included on the powerpoint, along with the answer, students should self mark this afterwards. strengths and weaknesses of Piaget’s theory. Students are giving the different explanations and they have to decide whether they are strengths or weaknesses. They should do this using colour coding. All instructions are on the power point. Extension question included. plenary- students should try to work out the key terms on the powerpoint.
GCSE psychology- development- lesson 3. Piaget's stages of development in education.

GCSE psychology- development- lesson 3. Piaget's stages of development in education.

This is lesson 3 of a series of lessons covering the development topic. This lesson focuses on linking Piaget’s stages of development to education. There is also emphasis on the research method observations in this lesson. The powerpoint consists of a total of 10 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is also available in my shop. Included: a starter activity based on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. recap- what are Piaget’s four stages of development? three slides explaining how Piaget’s developmental stages have been applied to classroom practices. student task- fill in the blanks activity, students should be able to do this based on what has just been explained. A screen shot of this worksheet is included on the powerpoint, but the actual activity is within the booklet. link to research methods- explanations of different types of observation as well as their strengths and weaknesses. student task- testing Piaget’s stages. Students are encourages to design a task which will test Piaget’s stages, detailed instructions are included on the powerpoint along with a short video clip which gives students an example. Plenary- scrabble game, students should try to come up with the highest scoring key term from the lesson.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 2- Piaget stages of development

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 2- Piaget stages of development

This is lesson 2 of a series of lessons on the development topic. This lesson focuses on Piaget’s stages of development. The powerpoint consists of a total of 17 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This lesson goes alongside the workbook which is also available in my shop. ***Included: *** a starter activity on the psychological problems topic. This acts as a retrieval practice task. a true or false recap activity- this assesses students understanding of the areas and functions on the brain as taught in lesson 1. explanations of how students learn- Piaget’s four stages of development, with diagrams. explanations of the key features of each of his four stages a short video clip demonstrating Piaget’s conservation task. a progress check half way through the lesson- question and answer task. application tasks for students to complete- scenarios and questions included on the power point. ‘playing Piaget’ activity. This requires students to decide and explain how a child in a particular stage of development would respond in the 2 situations. - worksheet included. plenary- review of what students have learnt. This includes a short video clip which should aid students to answer the key question ‘what does this tell us about child development?’.
GCSE psychology- development, lesson 1- early brain development.

GCSE psychology- development, lesson 1- early brain development.

This is lesson one of a series of lessons within the development topic. This is an introductory lesson and focuses on early brain development. This lesson goes alongside the workbook which is available on my shop. The power point consists of a total of 16 slides. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. It includes: a starter activity based on the psychological problems unit- this acts as a retrieval practice task. a short video clip outlining the different areas of the brain, whilst students watch this clip they should make note of key definitions (instructions on the pp slide). explanations of the different areas of the brain and their functions- diagrams included. student task- ‘label the brain’ students should be able to do this using the information which has just been explained to them. Answers also included. explanation of neural connections and the reptilian brain. application task for students- scenario and question included on the powerpoint. plenary- progress pyramid, this requires students to reflect on what they have learnt from the lesson and to ask any questions they may have.
GCSE psychology- Development unit workbook.

GCSE psychology- Development unit workbook.

GCSE psycyology- Edexcel. This is a workbook which takes students through the whole of the development unit. This booklet goes alongside the lessons which are available in my shop. There is space in the workbook for students to complete activities which are instructed on the lesson powerpoints. This booklet has a total of 48 pages, it includes a check list for students to pin point any gaps in their knowledge, as well as two pages of key terms with their definitions. This booklet consists of a total of 9 lessons, including the issues and debates lesson (the development of morality). THIS BOOKLET IS NOT STAND ALONE- IT RELIES ON YOU HAVING THE LESSONS MADE WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ON MY SHOP.
Alevel sociology- cultural capital and education

Alevel sociology- cultural capital and education

This lesson is part of the education unit (AQA sociology). This lesson focuses on explaining the idea of cultural capital and how this links to educational achievement (external factors). The lesson consists of 12 slides and is aimed to fill a 100 minute lesson. The starter activity is a true or false task which assesses students understanding of cultural and material deprivation. The lesson goes on to explain what cultural capital is, referring to Bourdieu. This lesson also includes a cultural capital quiz for students to complete. All worksheets are included. The lesson finishes with a 20 mark exam style question, both the item and question are included on the powerpoint, the question assesses students understanding of internal and external factors affecting achievement in school. The powerpoint goes through possible ways to use the item along with things students could include in their answers.
Alevel sociology- green crime

Alevel sociology- green crime

This lesson focuses on Green crime part of the crime and deviance unit of the AQA specification. The power point consists of 8 slides and would fill a 80 minute lesson. The starter activity consists of a true or false task which assesses students previous knowledge on globalisation and crime. The lesson then goes on to give a definition of green crime, explain global risk society and the environment and types of criminology. One activity included in this lesson refers to primary and secondary crimes. Students are required to read about types of green crime and decide whether they are primary or secondary (worksheets are included with this lesson, along with the correct answers). The lesson then leads on to an independent research task whereby they should have access to the internet. The lesson finishes with a 4 mark exam style question.
ALevel Sociology- Situational crime prevention

ALevel Sociology- Situational crime prevention

This lesson focuses on Situational crime prevention. Unit 4 of the AQA sociology spec. The power point consists of 10 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. The starter activity is a retrieval practice task which assesses student’s understanding of the Functionalist view of crime and deviance. The lesson then goes on to explain what is meant by situational crime prevention, with reference to key terms and key sociologists as mentioned in the specification. For example; the idea of displacement, Felson (2002) explanation of crime prevention. Also explained in this lesson is the idea of environmental crime prevention. With reference to social and community crime prevention. In the middle of the lesson there is a true or false statement activity to assess students understanding. The lesson then moves on to discuss the idea of surveillance- this links to the panopticon and Foucault. The lesson finishes with a fill in the blanks activity explaining the panopticon. Worksheets are included with this lesson.
GCSE psychology- memory, issues and debates- holism and reductionism

GCSE psychology- memory, issues and debates- holism and reductionism

This is lesson 9 of the memory topic, the lesson focuses on issues and debates. For this topic, the focus is on Holism and Reductionism. This powerpoint consists of 16 slides and is designed to fill an 100 minute lesson. This lesson can be used alongside the memory booklet available in my shop. Or it can be purchased individually as the worksheet pages are also attached and included in this lesson. The starter of this lesson is based on the social influence topic, it acts as a retrieval practice task. By the end of this lesson all students will be able to explain and evaluate both reductionism and holism. The lesson then leads students to complete a 9 mark exam question- the question and mark scheme is included.
GCSE psychology- Lesson 8- Bartlett, War of the ghosts

GCSE psychology- Lesson 8- Bartlett, War of the ghosts

This is lesson 8 of the memory topic- topic 2. This lesson focuses on Bartlett’s War of the ghosts study. The powerpoint consists of 14 slides in total and is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. The lesson goes along with the memory booklet which is available in my shop. The starter activity is based on a recap of the social influence topic- this acts as a retrieval practice activity. The lesson goes through the war of the ghosts study- including the story. Students are then required to fill in a table evaluating the study. Students should then complete a 4 mark exam style question- this should then be peer marked. Both the question and mark scheme are included on the power point.
GCSE psychology- Lesson 7- Bartlett reconstructive memory

GCSE psychology- Lesson 7- Bartlett reconstructive memory

This is lesson 7 of the memory topic- topic 2. This lesson focuses on Bartlett’s theory of reconstructive memory. The powerpoint consists of 15 slides and is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. This lesson goes along with the memory booklet which is also available in my shop. The starter activity of this lesson is based around the social influence topic, it is a recap activity which acts as retrieval practice. By the end of this lesson all students will be able to explain Bartlett’s theory of reconstructive memory. This lesson refers to key terms such as ‘schemas’. Page 34 of the Pearson textbook is required for one activity. Activities in this lesson include students writing their own schemas and evaluating the theory. This lesson goes on to explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data- referring to studies already discussed in the course. - this links to the research methods unit.
GCSE psychology- Lesson 6- Peterson and Peterson 1959

GCSE psychology- Lesson 6- Peterson and Peterson 1959

This is lesson 6 of the memory topic- Topic 2. The lesson focuses on Peterson and peterson’s 1959 study. The power point consists of 22 slides and is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. This lesson goes along with the booklet which i have available on my shop. The starter activity is a recap of the social influence topic- it is a bingo activity, all definitions for the key terms are included in a separate document attached. The lesson goes on to explain Peterson and Peterson’s experiment, within the lesson students are required to complete a mini experiment. All instructions are on the power point. A detailed explanation of the study is included on a separate document attached, this lesson involves reading through this study with students. By the end of this lesson students will also be able to evaluate the study, referring to generalisability, reliability, ethics, applicability and validity. The plenary activity includes students completing a quick quiz on Peterson and Peterson’s experiment.
GCSE psychology- lesson 5- understanding amnesia.

GCSE psychology- lesson 5- understanding amnesia.

This is lesson 5 of the memory topic (topic 2). This lesson goes along with the booklet which i have included in my shop. This lesson focuses on ‘understanding amnesia’, including cases such as Henry Molaison. The power point consists of 11 slides in total. The lesson is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. The starter activity focuses on recapping the social influence topic, this acts as a retrieval practice activity. The lesson explains the difference between Anterograde and Retrograde amnesia, students are also required to complete a 2 mark exam question, mark scheme included (self-assessment). The lesson goes on to explain the case of Henry Molaison- including a video clip with questions for students to answer. One of the main activities of this lesson includes a nandos peri-meter task. Students choose the level of task they wish to complete. The plenary requires students to recap their knowledge of the short term and long term memory.
GCSE psychology- lesson 4- cases of amnesia.

GCSE psychology- lesson 4- cases of amnesia.

This is lesson 4 of the memory topic (topic 2) . The lesson focuses on cases of amnesia such as, Clive Wearing. There is a total of 10 slides but is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. The starter of this lesson focuses on recapping the social influence topic, this acts as a retrieval practice activity. The lesson also includes a progress tracker whereby students can check their progress at the start, middle and end of the lesson. This lesson explains what is meant by amnesia, and also describes what a case study is (including strengths and weaknesses)- this links to the research methods part of the course. This lesson includes a clip of the case of Clive Wearing with questions for students to answer.
GCSE psychology- memory. Evaluation of MSM

GCSE psychology- memory. Evaluation of MSM

This is lesson 3 of the memory topic (topic 2). This lesson goes along with the booklet which is also available in my shop. This lesson focuses on the evaluation of the multi store model. It has a total of 35 slides and it made to fill an 100 minute lesson. By the end of this lesson all students will be able to evaluate the MSM. The starter activity of this lesson is a recap of the social influence topic (a quiz on Milgram’s experiment) this acts as a retrieval practice activity. The plenary requires students to write down and think about what they have learnt from the lesson. Included is a work sheet which requires students to fill in the blanks, this covers all of the strengths and weaknesses student need to know. Students are required to complete a memory experiment during this lesson- this introduces students to the serial position effect.
GCSE psychology- lesson 2 memory. The multi-store model

GCSE psychology- lesson 2 memory. The multi-store model

This is lesson 2 of the memory topic (topic 2). This lesson is focused on the multi store model of memory. It contains a total of 19 slides, and is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. I would highly recommend using this lesson along with the booklet also included on my shop. The starter activity for this lesson is based on the social influence topic which acts as a retrieval practice activity. By the end of this lesson students will be able to explain and label the multi store model of memory. A short memory experiment is included in this lesson, which requires students to recall objects. The plenary for this lesson is a quick quiz on the lessons content.
GCSE psychology- Lesson 1 memory.

GCSE psychology- Lesson 1 memory.

This is the first lesson of the topic 2- Memory. The starter activity is based around the social influence topic as a retrieval practice activity. This lesson introduces students to the topic, and goes through the stages of information processing. Also included is a 10 minute video clip with questions for students to answer. This lesson goes along with the booklet which is also on my shop.