Energy intake and expenditure.
covers Basel metabolic rate, Thermic effect of food, METs, energy, energy intake, expenditure and balance
powepoint (12 page)
video -uploaded
designed for OCR A Level PE
adapt for your learners
you can use a prompt sheet to differentiate the worksheet
Acute and Chronic Injuries - A Level PE
designed for OCR spec
video if you want to use it or set flipped homework
This is for the first section of Injury prevention and rehab. Powerpoint covers
types of chronic and acute injuries with examples. Treating injuries is not on this pp as that would be covered in the next lesson.
animate as you wish, add and take away as you wish
4 Powerpoints to cover the Diet and Nutrition section of the OCR A Level PE spec. She individual descriptions. Includes worksheet and questions within presentations.
Separate selling price £10
A power point presentation with embedded teaching and learning strategies/tasks for the components of fitness, GCSE PE. designed for AQA board but can be adapted.
Powerpoint presentation on Venous return for the cardiovascular system of A Level PE.
This is used to teach OCR spec but will apply to all other specs too.
GCSE PE worksheet and comprehensive mark scheme.
Engagement patterns - disability participation (see separate resource for gender and ethnic minorities).
10 Questions with answers ranging from 1 or 2 word answers into extended writing and memory techniques.
contains pictures and visual aids to get pupils thinking. 1 page of questions and 1.5 pages for mark scheme.
aimed at AQA spec but can be adapted.
use with a flipped learning powerpoint and this could make up a 1hr lesson.
Energy, diet, nutrition and hydration GCSE PE power point
made for AQA spec but easily adapted
10 animated slides with teaching and learning strategies
slide 8 can be used as a quiz or discussion or specific learning activity
A worksheet for GCSE PE, diet and nutrition
uses tasks to get pupils thinking and discussing topic and exam style questions.
answer/mark scheme is included.
a bonus 2nd worksheet is also included.
designed for AQA spec but can be adapted and is applicable to mot specs.
works great with a flipped learning homework/video
main worksheet will be an hours worth of work for most able
Section - Preparation and training methods, Intro to types of training and 30 page power point of Aerobic capacity, training, testing and adaptations.
includes basic VO2 max factors worksheet and challenge questions (cut and provide to more able)
includes past paper question and development of full mark answer
you can add included thinking hard tasks to suit class
can also be used as a flipped learning homework and then focus on extended writing and AO2, AO3 in class
designed for OCR A Level PE but applicable to all boards
this will save your hours of work
Flexibility training worksheet.
designed for OCR spec (sec 2.2) but applicable to other boards.
add or remove info from table to differentiate.
move onto 20 mark past paper question after this knowledge is secure.
Worksheet for GCSE PE engagement patterns - women in sport
worksheet with pictures to interpret and discuss, with further questions
mark scheme included
this worksheet aims to get pupils thinking and can be used with a flipped learning video. So pupils watch the video and learn basic information, then come to class and work through these tasks.
Worksheet with mixed difficulty questions and photo interpretation task.
The photo task works as a good starter, have it on the board as pupils enter the class.
designed for OCR spec (sec 2.2) but applicable to many.
Strength worksheet with questions and activities.
designed for OCR spec but applicable to most.
photo question is great for a starter activity, have on the board as pupils enter.
Challenge, differentiate and stretch!!
Worksheets for A Level PE, aerobic capacity, strength, flexibility.
well structured, fun, challenging, relevant worksheets.
designed for OCR A Level PE but applicable to most boards.
buy these 3 together and save money.
each worksheet is available individually.
Periodisation worksheet with past paper questions, predicted questions and activities.
designed for OCR spec but applicable to most.
set a flipped learning homework and use the worksheet in class.
There seem to be limited past paper questions on periodisation so I have written my own.
Designed for OCR A level PE but applicable to most boards.
Can be adapted for 20 mark A2 question.
includes question planning sheet and mark scheme
Powerpoint with 4 new questions on goal setting and SMART targets. 8 slides
2 x 6 mark questions on smart target settings with mark scheme
1 grid question of outcome and performance goals with examples
1 flexible thinking task
you can use an extension task to create your own question with a mark scheme
designed for AQA PE but applicable to most boards
good as a revision lesson or peer/self marked work or exit card lesson.
Commercialisation of sport work sheet, GCSE PE
aimed at AQA spec but applicable to all
Activity on media in sport
past paper questions and extension tasks.
I would either set a flipped learning homework or use a powerpoint to teach content and then use this worksheet to get pupils thinking.