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Back to School Year 6 Summer Term Maths Literacy

Back to School Year 6 Summer Term Maths Literacy

Nice compilation to get you through the tricky Summer term. Compilation from several schools I taught at. Plenty of material. sample: TTYP what is an autobiography? Come back together and discuss. Repeat for biography. Which would be written in first person and which would be written in third? Who is the audience and what is the purpose of both text types? Activity One Show ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’ on the board. What do these mean? Talk about how autobiographies can contain both because the subject is writing their own life story. Activity One Give groups a copy of the John Lennon biography section and the section of ‘Boy’ by Roald Dahl (both from essential non-fiction anthology). Each group to divide a large piece of paper in half and create a features list for both text types. Read the 2008 Long writing task and discuss how we would tackle this. Your task is to write a biography of Pip’s life, Including information about his inventions. Success Criteria: I have revised the features of biography and autobiography. I have started to think about how I might tackle tomorrow’s writing task.
Back to School Autumn Term Year 5 Full Planning Worksheets

Back to School Autumn Term Year 5 Full Planning Worksheets

Some terrific planning. The last I did before retirement. It covers the whole of the Autumn term for year 5. It concentrates on Maths and English. But loads extra on the arts and humanities and pe. Sample planning To apply understanding of the structure of a Greek Myth to identify separate parts of a myth I can order key events in a quest I can identify how the events in a quest are separated by the writer, referring to the structure/content of the text I can identify key language features of Greek Myth Texts Starter Read “The 12 Labours of Heracles” to the children (58-66, The Orchard Book of Greek Myths). Recap features of quest – ask chn to identify these • A quest is a journey towards a goal, which usually requires great effort by the hero/heroine. • They need to overcome many obstacles, and it usually involves a lot of travel. • The hero normally tries to obtain something or someone through the quest, and then take this home. The object can be something new (golden fleece), something to fulfill a lack in their life, or to return something that was stolen from the hero or from someone with the power to send them on the quest. • If someone dispatches the hero on a quest, the reason may be false -Hero sent on a difficult quest in hope that they die, or in order to remove them from the scene for a time. • Tale usually ends with the dispatcher being unmasked and punished. • There may be a twist at the end of the tale, to punish any misdeeds of the hero/heroine, or because one of the Gods is displeased by the successful conclusion of the quest. MAIN ACTIVITY (Resources; boxed table) Split chn into groups and give them a Greek Myth text. Ask chn to box up text: Chn can draw/write about important places and events on the quest, and should quote words that show the passing of time. CT to model boxing up method for 1st event in “Heracles” text and identify how scene was set, by the writer. This activity requires children to identify details for the following sections, for EACH event on the quest: EVENT 1 • Setting • Obstacle (Elements of danger/safety at setting/ on the journey) • Any words used to show time has passed • Overcoming obstacle
50000 Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths

50000 Fractions Questions Worksheets KS2 Mathematics Maths

50000 Fraction Questions on 100 worksheets. 50000 questions on fractions. Great for: teachers parents tutors supply teachers All answers provided. Loads of different tasks involving fractions: e.g. adding taking away multiplication simplifying etc 100 worksheets with 500 questions each.
Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition and Subtraction 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition and Subtraction 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

100 puzzles plus answers. Great for reinforcing maths. Across-Downs is a fun activity that reinforces addition and subtraction skills. The object of the exercise set is to find the answer for each row and column, then use those answers to calculate the final answer in the lower right-hand corner of the puzzle. This set tests addition and subtraction.
Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Telling the Time

Teaching Resources 100 worksheets Time Passages KS2 Telling the Time

I have designed 100 worksheets on time passages for primary school children. They have to draw the time hands on the clocks on the sheets. What time will it be? - There are two clocks . The first clock shows a time, the second clock is blank. A question like "What time will it be in 2 hr and 20 min?" appears below the clocks. The student draws the answer on the second clock. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Back to School Year 3 Planning Literacy plus Maths R.E. History P.E. Geography

Spread out over the three terms, some nice lesson planning, worksheets, powerpoints. It concentrates on Literacy but there is far more. Numeracy, linked to the Abacus system, is useful even if you do noit have abacus. Just condense and adapt them You get a chunk of Science RE PE Soda activities Geography I’ve also included some nice year 2 stuff that you can use. The zip file has the lot. I’ve included a few examples in the ordinary download. Sample : Introduction Recap idea of creating atmosphere in setting: happy, calm, peaceful, angry, afraid, busy etc. Read ‘Mousehole Cat’ extract. S&L Children discuss with response partner first impressions about the setting and the atmosphere. Which senses have been used in the description? Activity Create list of settings the children are most familiar with in their own lives:home, school, playground, seaside, countryside, park etc. Teacher model writing powerful descriptive sentence. Make changes, improve, edit etc. Word/Sentence Activities (see groups)Use IWB store ideas. Can children classify word types: nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. YEAR 3 LITERACY LESSON PLAN TUESDAY Whole Class Shared Learning Introduction Read opening extract ‘The Mousehole Cat’. Ask the children if they think the atmosphere is calm, threatening, angry or peaceful. Display the text and highlight the words and phrases that give a) a threatening feeling and b) a calm feeling, using different colours. Activity Children work with a partner and plan a short mime of this scene from The Mousehole Cat. One child takes the role of The Great Storm Cat and the other the role of Mowzer. Show characters’ feelings through mime. Explain going to change atmosphere to a calm one. How? The Great Storm Cat is a metaphor for the wind. Explain term and revise simile also. Model own sentence, discuss effect and technique. Word/Sentence Activities Challenge children to find words for the Dustbin and Wow areas from the text. Guided and Independent Activities Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Independent Group to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with a partner and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. Teacher to start After Activity Decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down. Work with group and discuss an event. It might be something Charlie sees happening, or does himself. AR (TA) Support Group After Activity As a group decide on a problem for Charlie to solve, and write it down.
Year 5 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

Year 5 Year's Planning Maths English Humanities subjects Especially R.E.

A big value set of planning. For year 5. Loads of material here. Planning, worksheets, powerpoints etc Give your planning a real boost. Excellent for filling in gaps in the curriculum and making your Sundays easier. Concentrates on Maths and English, but plenty of other subjects, especially R.E. in there. The zip contains loads of files. I’ve included a FEW in the general upload to give you and idea of the planning.
Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

Maths Puzzles Across Down Addition 100 Puzzles Plus Answers

100 puzzles plus answers. Great for reinforcing maths. Across-Downs is a fun activity that reinforces addition and subtraction skills. The object of the exercise set is to find the answer for each row and column, then use those answers to calculate the final answer in the lower right-hand corner of the puzzle. This set tests addition.
100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking

100 Sudoku Puzzles Plus Answers Easy level Maths Logic Fun Critical Thinking

100 Sudoku puzzles plus answers. Sudoku is a popular and fun puzzle that can be used with math classes to reinforce logic and problem-solving skills. Each puzzle grid contains 81 cells, divided into 9 blocks made up of 9 cells. The grids are presented with only some cells filled with numbers. To solve the puzzle, each block must contain the numbers 1 through 9. In each block, each number can only appear once in a column, row or block. Then across all blocks, within the larger puzzle, each 9 cell column and 9 cell row can have a number appear just once. Easy refers to the number of cells already filled in.