This resource can be used by students as an independent revision programme or used by teachers to deliver revision sessions in the weeks leading up to the Medicine exam. Pupils will gain factual knowledge of the course as well as a better understanding of the exam technique needed for each question type. Furthermore, each unit covers a good range of past exam questions together with knowledge organisers and writing frames (to support the less able).
The resource provides:
a) A summary of the key facts/knowledge you need for the Medicine Exam. It gives pupils a fresh start to re-learn the course, without the need to re-read class notes! Key knowledge has been organised in periods of history with common sub headings signposting the main themes that run throughout the course.
Roman Medicine
Medieval Medicine
Renaissance Medicine
1750 - 1900
1900 onwards
The KEY THEMES within each period include:
How the cause of illness was explained
How illness was prevented
How illness was treated
Care of the Sick
Training of Doctors
Public Health
b) My students use this resource initially to make high quality revision notes such as flash cards, mind maps, bullet point lists.
c) Sample exam questions are also provided at the end of each period/section and students can choose to answer at least one exam question in full under timed conditions.
d) Furthermore, each exam question is accompanied with a suggested writing frame and/or a graphic organiser, making the resource fully differentiated . My D/C/B students really benefited from this (as did some of my A grade target students who need to adopt a less narrative and more analytical approach to exam technique).
A worksheet to support the BBC Documentary 'Empire' -Jeremy Paxman - Ep4 - Playing the Game - Kitchener.
This sheet only supports the section from 29:00 on Kitchener's role in the conquest of Sudan and Omdurman
Paxman traces the growth of a peculiarly British type of hero - adventurer, gentleman, amateur, sportsman and decent chap and the British obsession with sport.
A worksheet to support the BBC Documentary 'Empire' -Jeremy Paxman - Ep4 - Playing the Game - General Gordon.
This sheet only supports the section from 20:00 on General Gordons role in the Sudan and the siege of Khartoum
Paxman traces the growth of a peculiarly British type of hero - adventurer, gentleman, amateur, sportsman and decent chap and the British obsession with sport.
BBC History File - Medicine Through Time - Ep.4 - War & Surgery Supporting Worksheet:
Suitable for the current Edexcel SHP Surgery Paper and new 9-1 History GCSE as lesson support, revision or flipped learning. Also appropriate for the legacy GCSE
Studying the US Law of Prohibition in the 1920's by comparing a ban on alcohol to the banning of tobacco in contemporary Britain.
See the Teacher Guidance film at:
What was Prohibition?
How did it affect the United States?
Know – What the term mass prohibition means
Understand – how prohibition affected the USA for both good and bad
Be able to – think about the role of law in a democracy and its purpose
Students will be introduced to the reasons for prohibition on smoking and then be asked to consider the consequences of such a law.
Once considered they can consider the impact of prohibition by watching: Homer versus the Eighteenth Amendment to consider the consequences of passing a prohibition on alcohol by studying its impact on all of the residents
Written to support the 1982 BBC Documentary: QED A Guide to Armageddon. The documentary studies the effects of a one megaton nuclear bomb being exploded over London
The sheet supports the film with a table to test its predictions using NUKEMAPS:
The resource is written in Publsiher and formatted to A4
Worksheets to support the BBC Documentary History File Episode
Suitable for the new 9-1 History GCSE as lesson support, revision or flipped learning. Also appropriate for the legacy GCSE
BBC History File - The Cold War - Supporting Worksheets
Worksheets to support the BBC Documentary History File Episodes:
Ep.1. The Hungarian Uprising
Ep.2. U2
Ep.4. The Cuban Missile Crisis
Ep.5. The Evil Empire
Written in Publisher and Pdf copies included
Please find a copy of Ep.1. Berlin as a free resource to download
Suitable for the new 9-1 History GCSE as lesson support, revision or flipped learning. Also appropriate for the legacy GCSE
Jeremy Paxman: Empire - Ep.2 - Making Ourselves at Home Worksheet to support the BBC Documentary.
Jeremy Paxman traces the story of the greatest empire the world has ever known: the British Empire. He continues his personal account of Britain’s empire by looking at how traders, conquerors and settlers spread the British way of doing things around the world - in particular how they created a very British idea of home.
He begins in India, where early traders wore Indian costume and took Indian wives. Their descendants still cherish their mixed heritage. Victorian values put a stop to that as inter racial mixing became taboo.
This worksheet only support the first part of the documentary, covering the British role in India.
Written to support the teaching of the A level: Britain: Losing and Gaining and Empire - 1763-1914
The Birth of Empire - The East India Company Episode 2 Worksheet to support the BBC Documentary presented by Dan Snow. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Gaining and Losing an Empire -1763-1914
By 1800 the East India Company had grown from a tiny band of merchants into a colossal trading empire. But scandal and corruption in the 18th century had led to a curtailment of its powers by the British government. The state now controlled the company’s affairs in India and, throughout the 19th century, would chip away at its remaining powers and trading privileges.
The company was transformed from a trading enterprise into the rulers of India, and governed vast swathes of the subcontinent on behalf of the British Crown. Its territory expanded enormously and an empire was born.
As the company traded opium to a reluctant Chinese Empire, in India a dangerous chasm opened up between the British rulers and the Indian people. Alienated and disaffected, significant numbers of the company’s massive army of Indian soldiers finally revolted and the Company’s handling of the mutiny was its final undoing. In 1858 British India passed into Queen Victoria’s hands and the Raj was born.
Taught as a Year 9 lesson to study the views and opinions of the KKK in the USA as part of a study comparing democracies and dictatorships in the modern world. Students investigate the right and extent of freedom of speech in democratic society. It has additionally been used in both assemblies and Citizenship Lessons. Versions have also been adapted for KS4 and 5
Initially students are to complete the questionnaire on their own political views. This can be read or taught through the link to a video. Some of the questions have concern opinions of immigration, welfare, benefits, race and abortion.
Students are then shown a teacher led presentation on the views, tactics and methods of the KKK in the USA. As they make their notes the students are to consider the Q.:
'How much freedom of speech should be permitted in a democracy?'
When completed the teacher is to survey the opinions of the class based upon the initial questionnaire. Any question that gains the majority of the class will become a law. Any question whose outcome is actually affected by the number of students who chose not to hold an opinion can be used to stress the importance in a democracy to to have opinions.
The plenary twist lies in the fact that the initial 11 questions are based upon expressed views of the KKK and have had the USA replaced with the UK. To agree with the question therefore, is to support the views potentially of the KKK. How many laws that the KKK approve of would be passed by your class
Empire of the Seas - Worksheet to support the BBC Dan Snow Documentary Ep.1 Heart of Oak. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Gaining and Losing an Empire -1763-1914
Heart of Oak opens with a dramatic retelling of 16th and 17th-century history. Victory over the Armada proved a turning point in the nation's story as tiny, impoverished England was transformed into a seafaring nation, one whose future wealth and power lay on the oceans. The ruthless exploits of Elizabethan seafaring heroes like Francis Drake created a potent new sense of national identity that combined patriotism and Protestantism with private profiteering.
At sea and on land, Snow shows how the Navy became an indispensable tool of state, weaving the stories of characters like Drake, God's Republican warrior at sea Robert Blake, and Samuel Pepys, administrator par excellence, who laid the foundations for Britain's modern civil service.
With access to the modern Navy and reconstructed ships of the time, Snow recounts the Navy's metamorphosis from a rabble of West Country freebooters to possibly the most complex industrial enterprise on earth
Empire of the Seas - Worksheets to support the BBC Dan Snow Documentary Ep.2,3 & 4. Written to support the Edexcel A level: Gaining and Losing an Empire -1763-1914
Ep.1 is free to download
Ep2. - The Golden Ocean: In The Golden Ocean, Snow charts the period from 1690 to 1759 and reveals how England - soon to be Britain - and her Navy rose from the depths of military and economic disaster to achieve global supremacy.
Ep.3 - High Tide: In the third programme in this epic four-part series on how the Navy has shaped modern Britain, Dan Snow sheds light on the evolution of Nelson’s Navy in the late 18th century. It was the most powerful maritime fighting force in the world, with highly trained crews and ambitious officers. He explores the national enterprise which supported it, and explains how the empire it helped create put Britain on the path to war with France.
Ep4. - Sea Change: In the last of this four-part series, historian Dan Snow explores the ups and downs of a climactic century in naval and British history.
Rapacious and ruthless, the 19th-century Navy used ‘gunboat diplomacy’ to push British interests further afield than ever before. It was control of the sea rather than her land empire that was the key to Britain’s growing wealth.
Scream: A History of Anaesthetics - Worksheet to support the documentary presented by Phill Hammond for the GCSE History Edexcel 9-1 specification.
The worksheet supports the content of the programme from the beginning up to c. 38 minutes covering the development of pain relief, from Nitrous Oxide, ether and Chlorform to the evolution of local anaesthetics and Curare
GCSE History Edexcel 9-1 Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39 Mark scheme and DIRT activity.
Editable generic template for Teacher or student Self/Peer assessment and DIRT template for feedback and reflection on the Edexcel 9-1 Paper 3 Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39 exam
Worksheet to support the BBC History File - Germany - Ep.3 The Master Race documentary. Comprehension and higher order questioning included. Designed to support both classroom and flipped learning opportunities as well as revision for the 9-1 GCSE
Designed for Year 7 students the lesson investigates the nature of warfare during the medieval era and Crusades. Students will study siege warfare through the recreation of the English siege of Caen in 1204, illustrating and labeling a siege through a literacy based activity based upon the novel ‘Harlequin’ by Bernard Cornwell. This activity can then be compared against the reality and students can plan to either attack or defend a castles. Links to video would then allow students to compare the changing nature of warfare between the medieval and Roman periods:
A Teacher Guidance video is available for this lesson:
This 10 week independent revision programme will:
a) Give you a summary of the key facts/knowledge you need for the Germany Exam . It gives you a fresh start to re-learn the course!
b) Help you make high quality revision notes by answering the questions for each topic in bold. You can make flash cards, mind maps, write bullet point lists but you MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. If you already have revision notes (which you should do, add any extra detail that is missing). Re-making notes will help you remember the information.
c) You must also answer one exam question in full under timed conditions.
d) After each task make sure you build up a list of relevant vocab and a timeline of key events.
Topics Covered
1. Weimar Republic 1918-23
2. Weimar Republic 1923 Year of Crisis: Hyperinflation, Munich Putsch
3. Part I: The Golden Years 1924-29
Part II: The Growth of the Nazi Party 1924-28
4. How did Hitler become Chancellor?
5. How did Hitler become Dictator?
6. How did the Nazis Keep Control?
7. Part I: How did Hitler control the Church
Part II: Who opposed the Nazis?
8. Part I: How did the lives of women change?
Part II: How did the Nazi control the Youth?
9.Economic Changes
10. Nazi Ideas about the Master Race
Battlefield Britain: The Armada - Worksheet to support the BBC Documentary.
Presented by father and son team, Dan and Peter Snow, this BBC series looks at the world of British Military history uncovering weapons tactics and personalities behind the battles. This episode examines the attempted Spanish invasion of England in 1588
Planned for Yr8/9 but relevant to both GCSE and A Level, the lesson serves as an introduction to the Cold War and how ideology played its part in the undeclared war. Students will use music, their own opinions, group work and prior learning to see how different people and cultures can interpret the sames things differently.
A Teacher Guidance Video to this resource can be found at: