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The Bus Stop method powerpoint
A powerpoint showing the bus stop method for division. Ideal for KS2 and KS3 students.
7 Percentage Quizzes
A collection of multiple choice percentage quizzes; has multipliers; reverse percentage; percentage increase and decrease; converting fractions and decimals to percentages; and finding percentages mentally.
Negative Numbers / Directed numbers PowerPoint
A little animation showing how to try to teach adding and subtracting negative numbers, some questions at the end.
Angles in Regular Polygons Powerpoint
KS3 interactive powerpoint on angles in regular polygons with questions at the end with answers. Hope you find it useful.
Transformation Shuffle
An acitivity where pupils have to randomly select cards telling them the transformations that they have to do. Once they have transformed their shape their partner has to try to figue out what cards they had.
Ratio Test
A test on ratio and direct proportion.
Ordering Fractions Cards - Maziarz Mapped
A few different activities with ordering fractions cards. One has 3 questions to order but can be mixed to create new question, one has a set of 18 cards to order by finding LCM, read notes on slides for more information. Hope you find them useful
Find the mistake: mixed numbrs/top heavy fractions
10 questions where some are done incorrectly. Students have to try to spot the wrong ones. The answers are at the end with a link so you can go back to the questions to talk about what has gone wrong.
KS3 Designing A Zoo Word Task
An APP / BLP sort of lesson where students are asked to design a zoo, they need to take make sure that animals have enough space and have to design the shape of the enclosures. Involves area and perimeter as animals which make the most money need bigger enclosures but the fencing costs money so they need to try to reduce area to perimeter ratio.
All you need is a few sheets of squared paper for each group to degin their zoo on (3 or 4 should be plenty) and then they compete to make the best looking zoo which makes the most money.
Maths KS3: Direct and Indirect Proportion starter
A grid showing variables, the students have to work out which are related, e.g. time spent revising and mark on test are related. Going through students answers i tend to use one colour to match up direct relationships and another to match up indirect and ask them to think about what the red relationships have in common and what the blue relationships have in common. Will this relationship be blue or red?
Multiplying Decimals Matching cards
Does what it says on the tin, match multiplying decimal questions to the answers.
10 number starters -- Maziarz Mapped
10 starters to use or adapt, each one is a slide of numbers and students need to find primes, squares or factors and then an animation will show which ones are correct. Maybe a nice settler as doesn't take much explanation once it's up.
Prime Factor decomposition; HCF and LCM PowerPoint
Powerpoint showing prime factor decomposition and how to use this to find GCF and LCM,
Mega Circles PowerPoint (20 circle lessons)
Here is a collection of circles powerpoints, not just questions but examples and instruction. Includes answers. Covers what is pi, area and circumference, sectors, segments, perimeters, compound shapes, volume of cylinders, cones and spheres, equation of a circle, simultaneous equations, circle theories, pretty much all circle stuff i could think off. Includes a bit of rounding practise.
Algebraic Equations/Worksheets
Algebra: substituting, multiplying brackets, y=mx+b, slope, solving equations, collecting like terms, writing expressions.
Hope you find them useful.
KS3 Math Dividing by Decimals Powerpoint
A KS3 powerpoint showing how to divide by decimals with some questions at the end.
3d Coordinates animation
A powerpoint trying to show students how to find 3d coordinates by watching a point moving across, up and out. Some questions at the end finding the coordinates of spots in the middle of a face on a cube. Good for a starter for the topic.
Expanding Brackets handout
An expanding brackets handout with a starter on multiplying negative numbers and collecting like terms.
Reading bar charts handout
A simple handout with three bar charts and questions about them. Couple of mixed quetions as a starter and a puzzle at the end.
KS3 - Volume of Prisms PowerPoint
A KS3 powerpoint showing how to find the volume of prism with questions at the end. Hope you find it useful.