Maths weekly plan and resources
Day 1- estimation to work out calculations
Day 2 – using the inverse to solve calculations
Day 3- double and halving
Day 4 – two step word problems using multiplication and division facts (2 5 and 10)
4 sessions for indoor P.E on gymnastics aimed at year 2 . Can also be used in year 1.
4 sessions for outdoor P.E aimed at year 2 - topic - Fundamentals - Games
Maths find the missing number
Working at greater Depth .. interim framework - year 2 - solve more complex missing number problems (e.g. 14 + • – 3 = 17; 14 + Δ = 15 + 27)
Working at - recognise the inverse relationships between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and work out
missing number problems (e.g. Δ − 14 = 28)
Working towards - use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 (e.g. 18 = 9 + ?; 15 = 6 + ?)
Assessment and Targets for Year 2 including Interim Framework
Targets inform planning and assessment
Entire curriculum is taught if all the targets have been addressed