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Angles, percentages and golf

Angles, percentages and golf

This task uses pupils ability to measure angles using a protractor,. quote as a bearing and calculate the percentage power of their chosen golf club to complete 9 hole course.\nPupils will also have to calculate a scale factor and use this in their drawings and calculations.
Linear functions and free kicks

Linear functions and free kicks

Lesson on plotting and describing linear functions. Game at the end to try and score goals using and describing linear functions. All printouts included at the end of the powerpoint.
Four Operations Starter

Four Operations Starter

<p>Brain trainer found in The Times over several weeks using the four operations. suitable for a starter.</p><p>Other topics covered: Numbers</p>
Graphs & Freekicks

Graphs & Freekicks

Plotting linear graphs using a birds eye view of a football pitch. Pupils work out the linear function to score a goal (hopefully)
Fruit Drink Challenge

Fruit Drink Challenge

Students are challenged to design a fruit drink, specifying the fruits and keeping the cost down. This is a very involved lesson/activity, best suited as an independent project.